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.I ve gone by this tree before, even when it s bled, and I never saw that.Or felt that.Two of us this time.Maybe that s what opened it up.He drank slowly.Not just two, he thought.He d walked this path with Fox and Gage.We two, hedecided.Something about being here with her.The deer was a sacrifice.I get that.Devoveo.He said it in Latin.Blood sacrifice.White witchery doesn t ascribe to that.Hehad to cross over the line, smear on some of the black to do what he felt he needed to do.Was it Dent?Or someone who came long before him?I don t know.Because she could see his color was eking back, her own heart rate settled.Do you see what camebefore?Bits, pieces, flashes.Not all of it.I generally come back a little sick.If I push for more, it s a hellof a lot worse.Let s not push then.Are you okay to go on?Yeah.Yeah.His stomach was still mildly uneasy, but the light-headedness had passed.We ll becoming to Hester s Pool soon.I know.I m going to tell you what it looks like before we get there.I m telling you I ve neverbeen there before, not in reality, but I ve seen it, and I stood there night before last.There are cattailsand wild grass.It s off the path, through some brush and thorny stuff.It was night, so the water lookedblack.Opaque.Its shape isn t quite round, not really oval.It s more of a fat crescent.There were a lot ofrocks.Some more like boulders, some no more than pebbles.She filled her pockets with them theylooked to be about hand-sized or smaller until her pockets were sagging with the weight.Her hair wascut short, like it d been hacked at, and her eyes looked mad.Her body didn t stay down, not according to reports.I ve read them, Quinn acknowledged.She was found floating in the pool, which came to bearher name, and because it was suicide, they buried her in unconsecrated ground.Records I ve dug up sofar don t indicate what happened to the infant daughter she left behind.Before replacing the pack, she took out a bag of trail mix.Opened it, offered.Cal shook his head.There s plenty of bark and twigs around if I get that desperate.This isn t bad.What did your mother pack for you that day?Ham-and-cheese sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, apple slices, celery and carrot sticks, oatmealcookies, lemonade.Remembering made him smile.Pop-Tarts, snack pack cereal for breakfast.Uppercase M Mom.Yeah, always has been.file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\Rar$EX03.813\Nora.3/3/2008 BloodBrothers Page 103 of 257How long do we date before I meet the parents?He considered.They want me to come for dinner some night soon if you want in.A home-cooked meal by Mom? I m there.How does she feel about all this?It s hard for them, all of this is hard.And they ve never let me down in my life.You re a lucky man, Cal.He broke trail, skirting the tangles of blackberry bushes, and following the more narrow and less-trod path.Lump moved on ahead, as if he understood where they were headed.The first glint of the poolbrought a chill down his spine.But then, it always did.Birds still called, and Lump more by accident than design, flushed a rabbit that ran across thepath and into another thicket.Sunlight streamed through the empty branches onto the leaf-carpetedground.And glinted dully on the brown water of Hester s Pool.It looks different during the day, Quinn noted.Not nearly as ominous.But I d have to be veryyoung and very hot to want to go splashing around in that.We were both.Fox went in first.We d snuck out here before to swim, but I d never much liked it.Who knew what was swimming under there? I always thought Hester s bony hand was going to grab myankle and pull me under.Then it did.Quinn s eyebrows shot up, and when he didn t continue, she sat on one of the rocks.I mlistening.Fox was messing with me.I was a better swimmer, but he was sneaky.Gage couldn t swim forcrap, but he was game.I thought it was Fox again, dunking me, but it was her.I saw her when I wentunder.Her hair wasn t short the way you saw her.I remember how her hair streamed out.She didn tlook like a ghost.She looked like a woman.Girl, he corrected.I realized when I got older she was justa girl.I couldn t get out fast enough, and I made Fox and Gage get out.They hadn t seen anything.But they believed you.That s what friends do.Did you ever go back in?Twice.But I never saw her again.Quinn gave Lump, who wasn t as particular as his master, a handful of trail mix.It s too damncold to try now, but come June, I d like to take a dip and see what happens.She munched some mix asshe looked around.It s a nice spot, considering.Primitive, but still picturesque.Seems like a greatplace for three boys to run a little wild.She cocked her head.So do you usually bring your women here on dates?You d be the first.file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\Rar$EX03.813\Nora.3/3/2008 BloodBrothers Page 104 of 257Really? Is that because they haven t been interested, or you haven t wanted to answer questionspertaining.Both.So I m breaking molds here, which is one of my favorite hobbies.Quinn stared out over thewater.She must ve been so sad, so horribly sad to believe there was no other way for her.Crazy s afactor, too, but I think she must ve been weighed down by sadness and despair before she weighedherself down with rocks.That s what I felt in the dream, and it s what I feel now, sitting here.Herhorrible, heavy sadness.Even more than the fear when it raped her.She shuddered, rose.Can we move on? It s too much, sitting here.It s too much.It would be worse, he thought.If she felt already, sensed or understood this already, it would beworse.He took her hand to lead her back to the path.Since, at least for the moment, it was wide enoughto walk abreast, he kept ahold of her hand.It almost seemed as if they were taking a simple walk in thewinter woods.Tell me something surprising about you.Something I d never guess.He cocked his head.Why would I tell you something about me you d never guess?It doesn t have to be some dark secret.She bumped her hip against his.Just somethingunexpected.I lettered in track and field.Quinn shook her head.Impressive, but not surprising.I might ve guessed that.You ve got a yardor so of leg.All right, all right.He thought it over.I grew a pumpkin that broke the county record forweight.The fattest pumpkin in the history of the county?It missed the state record by ounces.It got written up in the paper.Well, that is surprising.I was hoping for something a bit more salacious, but am forced to admit,I d never have guessed you held the county record for fattest pumpkin.How about you?I m afraid I ve never grown a pumpkin of any size or weight.Surprise me.I can walk on my hands.I d demonstrate, but the ground s not conducive to hand-walking.Comeon.You wouldn t have guessed that.You re right.I will, however, insist on a demo later.I, after all, have documentation of thefile://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\Rar$EX03.813\Nora.3/3/2008 BloodBrothers Page 105 of 257pumpkin.Fair enough.She kept up the chatter, light and silly enough to make him laugh [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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