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.He was half-way through hisanswer before he realized what he had done, and the room grew even colder.Hewas so used to being among people from whom his talent was no secret that hehad acquired many automatichabits such as that.The shock made him stumble in his reply, but he recoveredquickly enough to hide his alarm.The one glimpse inside Rudi's mind had made the idea of probing deeper stillmore tempting, but he told himself carefully :he's not my patient, not a professional colleague.I may have gone too faralready - no farther!He forced himself to concentrate on the conversation.Brian, whom he didn'tlike at all, was shaking off his harassed mood and returning to his oldcomfortable dogmas.'After all,' he was saying, 'people like Dr.Howson here are bound to be exceptions wherever you try to fit them in.I mean, they're like trying to predict the next atom due to disintegrate in achunk of uranium.You know one of them is going to pop, but you can't saywhich.Equally, you know that Dr.Howson has to fit in somewhere, but youcouldn't predict where without a lot of other data.'He droned on, while Howson's mind took hold of one short phrase and worried itover and over.'Dr.Howson has to fit in somewhere!'It was very much later when Clara sat down near him again.The room was farless crowded; some people had gone home, and others had apparently decided tocamp out on the stairs.'Oh, that Rudi!' she said in a tone Which mingled annoyance with tolerantlong-suffering.'He's out in the kitchen being miserable.You'd never think itto look at him, of course.He's giving imitations of the stuffed shirts on theuniversity staff, with props, and about half a dozen idiots are laughing athim.''If you wouldn't think it to look at him, how would you know?' saidHowson bluntly.Then a possibility occurred to him, and he caught himself.'I'm sorry.Presumably you know him very well.''If you think he's my - well, shall we be polite and say "intimate friend" ? -you're wrong,' Clara countered in a cool, slightly reproachful voice.'As amatter of fact, I hardly knew him except by sight until this thing of hisgrant being stopped came up a short while ago.'Page 84 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlShe paused, looking puzzled.'Come to think of it, I probably shouldn't beso.'Howson shared her puzzlement.He had jumped to the exact conclusion Clara hadjust disabused him of; even though it didn't fit quite all the facts, it wasthe most obvious explanation.But if that wasn't the truth, what the - ?Several people came out of the kitchen, laughing heartily, surroundingRudi and clapping him on the back.Howson scanned the dark, good-looking face.No, it betrayed no hint of the misery Clara claimed to detect.While his companions took their leave, reducing the number of survivors to amere dozen or so, Rudi helped himself from a handy bottle without seeming tocare much what was in it, and went back into the kitchen.Howson assumed hehad gone to rejoin somebody.He looked around the room, trying to ignore thegirl and the man n in the red sweater, who had progressed far beyondconversation as a means of showing their interest in each othe'You seem, as I said before,' Clara remarked as she came back to him afterseeing off the departing guests, 'to have -to be - a problem.Yes, I've made up my own mind on the point.What's worse, I've had to discardall the nice simple reasons to account for it.After all, you can't be toobadly handicapped if you're a doctor.Correct?'Her green eyes were very penetrating.Howson felt a prickle on his nape, andit had nothing to do with her reference to his deformity.With an attempt atlightness he said, 'Do you put all your guests through detailed interrogation?''Only the uninvited ones who intrigue me,' she said, unperturbed.'Like you,for instance.'Howson suspended his intention to answer for a few seconds.Apossibility had struck him which seemed on the face of it so unlikely that hewas literally afraid to formulate it even to himself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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