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.More miserable than ever, Tenthag was compelled to look on as theNeesans delivered everything they owned for the visitors' inspection.Meantime, however, a suspicion began to gnaw at the back of his mind.BREAKING THE MOLD157At first he was too despondent to react; by degrees it overcame his depres-sion, and he roused himself enough to survey the close-clustered briqs andjunqs.They still bore their complement of old'uns and she'uns.But not a single oneamong the latter was in bud.file:///G|/rah/John%20Brunner%20-%20The%20Crucible%20of%20Time.txt (290 of557) [2/14/2004 12:25:08 AM]file:///G|/rah/John%20Brunner%20-%20The%20Crucible%20of%20Time.txtThe monstrosity of the deceit these nomads were perpetrating stabbed him tothe pith, and he almost made a leap for Flapper.But the she-guard was readyto spike him, and he was in no hurry to become an underwater banquet.He must match their deception without giving off a betraying odor, therefore.Would anger-stink cover up a lie?Well, by now experience had made him cynical enough to try.He and the guard were isolated near the briq's after end; the rest of herriders were gathered forward.He said softly, "What's your commander's name?"She hesitated; then, finding no reason to refuse the information, muttered,"He's called Sprapter.""And he is a good person to serve under?""He does well by us.He's clever.The proof's around you." Her tone was curt,but uneasy, as though she feared a trap.Tenthag saw nothing special about the accoutrements of the briqs andPage 181 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmljunqs--indeed, they could have been matched by any kyq from his youth, and thelatter would have been set about with useful gorborangs, as well--but now was no time to be patronizing.He said hastily, "And you are.?""Veetalya.""Do you believe it to be part of Sprapter's plan that I must parch to death?"Taken aback, she said, "You heard his order to me!"file:///G|/rah/John%20Brunner%20-%20The%20Crucible%20of%20Time.txt (291 of557) [2/14/2004 12:25:08 AM]file:///G|/rah/John%20Brunner%20-%20The%20Crucible%20of%20Time.txt"So I did.It made no mention of my being denied water.Oh, I know the Peopleof the Sea hate us couriers nowadays, but our lives have much in common, and Itake it that if Sprapter ordered you to guard me he'll expect to find me fitand well when he returns."Alongside the briq Flapper was growing restive, as always in salt water.Why had they not turned her loose, or stripped and killed her? Did Spraptercherish grandiose dreams of adding a porp to his little fleet? Or did he thinkshe might prove useful for trade purposes when they headed south in search ofthe secret they claimed to possess, but did not? Whatever the reason, it was astroke of luck.Tenthag said in his most wheedling tones, "Your drink-bladdersare bulging, aren't they? And if there's one thing a porp lacks, it's adequatedrink.A briq is far superior in that regard.YouPeople of the Sea know ancient tricks that we ought really to have studied,but of course, as you know, we tend to be arrogant.With a few exceptions,like myself for example.But isn't that a fault you too display?"She was nervously tightening her grip on the prong.With a reflex glance atthe drink-bladders, she said, "I don't know what you mean!""Oh, it's plain as sunlight! You're not in bud, although your folk possess thesecret of fertility, and I can only explain the fact by assuming that youangered Sprapter, and he refused to let you have a bud until you'd made amendsfor some offense you'd given.Well, if you give me drink, I'll speak up onyour behalf when he returns."158THE CRUCIBLE OF TIMEBy this time, as he had dared to hope, she was thoroughly confused.Providentially, a shout rose from the beach at the same moment.The distancewas too great for Tenthag to make out exactly what was being said, but a fairguess suggested that one of the Neesans had complainedfile:///G|/rah/John%20Brunner%20-%20The%20Crucible%20of%20Time.txt (292 of557) [2/14/2004 12:25:08 AM]file:///G|/rah/John%20Brunner%20-%20The%20Crucible%20of%20Time.txt about alltheir best possessions being taken, and one of the visitors had demanded whatprice was too high to pay for fertility.The same might be asked concerning freedom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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