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.The man walks with hishead held high and his hands foldedtogether down in front of him. I do apologize for the waiter saccident, he says. Your wine and yourmeal if you have one tonight will be on thehouse. Oh, but that just won t do,Victor says stepping right up to the man. And I am offended that you would not offer to pay for the dress along with thedining.What kind of restaurant is this?Certainly one I will never come to again.Are you the owner of this&establishment?The man reaches out his hand forVictor to shake it but Victor declines. I am Willem Stephens, he says,withdrawing his hand. I run thisparticular restaurant. So then you re just themanager? Victor accuses.The waiter looks down at thefloor to avoid Victor s angry gaze. I asked for the owner, Victoradds.Willem Stephens nods. Yes,Marcus here did inform me of yourrequest, but I am afraid that is not possible this evening.Mr.Hamburg is not here.Fredrik stands up from the tablenow and all of our eyes avert to him.Hetakes one last sip of his wine. I apologize, Fredrik says toVictor,  but I should go. Then he looks atme briefly. I will meet you at your hotelin two hours.I don t offer him any secret looksor smiles, I just nod and turn back toVictor and the issue with my dress.Fredrik and Victor exchangequick farewells and then Fredrik leaves usat the table with the manager. On behalf of Mr.Hamburg,Willem Stephens says,  the dress will bepaid for in-full and you are welcome toenjoy a meal on the house.Victor s hand hits the tabletop and then suddenly a bouncer in a suit isstanding next to Willem Stephens as ifhe d appeared out of nowhere.The skinnywaiter uses this opportunity to move backseveral steps to put distance between himand the rest of us. Please, sir, Willem Stephenssays, gesturing one hand toward Victorand trying to diffuse the situation. Thereis no need for a scene.Would you like tospeak with me somewhere moreprivately?Victor steps right up to him,confidence and intolerance emanatingfrom every pore.Likewise the bouncersteps right up to Victor.Two seconds ofsilent tension passes between the two, butneither of them make a move.I knowVictor could easily take him and this is all part of the plan. I want the dress paid fortonight, Victor demands. Thirty-five-hundred dollars.Cash.And I ll thinkabout not suing you or Mr.Hamburg forthe dress and my girlfriend s emotionaldistress.I find that ridiculous, but at thesame time, I ve heard of people suing fordumber things and getting away with it.Willem Stephens nods. Verywell, he says. I will go and get yourfunds.If you ll excuse me.Victor s solid nod matches hisand then Willem Stephens walks away, thewaiter and the bouncer following closebehind.Once they make their way throughthe quietly watching tables, Victor turns tome and gestures for me to sit down with him. I loved this dress, I say withgritted teeth.With the same cloth napkin asbefore, Victor delicately dabs the fabricon my chest for show. Everything will beright once we leave here, he says.Thenhe kisses me on the forehead. I thinkyou ll like Fredrik.He has control. Hekisses me again a little lower between theeyes. He ll wait until we re finishedbefore he masturbates. How do you know this? Because I ve known him a longtime, he says.I can t believe I m even havingthis conversation.Or that every bit of it isa show.I don t understand why we reeven putting on a show at all with no one here to witness it.But what confounds meeven more than that is how easily I vebeen forgetting that it s a show at all.Either I m having way too much funplaying this dangerous game with Victor,or something is seriously wrong with me.Victor traces my eyebrow withthe pad of his thumb and I get completelylost in his eyes. What are you going to do tome? I ask coyly. You said I ve beengood.He lightly kisses the eyebrow hejust touched. Whatever I want to do withyou, he says in a calm, controlling voice.He brushes the other eyebrowwith the pad of his thumb and traces italong my jawline. I shut my eyes softly and breathehis scent in, savoring his closeness andtrying to force myself not to believe thetruth, that none of what he s saying to meis real.His lips brush against mine. Do you have a problem withthat, Izabel? No, I shudder the word out, myeyes still closed.But they pop open when WillemStephens makes his way back to our table. For your troubles, he says,holding out an envelope to Victor. Thereis four grand here.Victor takes the envelope into hishand and tucks it into his suit jacket pockethidden on the inside.Willem Stephens then produces another, more square-shaped envelopefrom his own pocket and presents it toVictor next. Mr.Hamburg would like toextend his apologies by inviting you to hismansion tomorrow evening, he says.Victor hesitantly takes theenvelope, looking at it skeptically anduninterested at first. It is a private affair, WillemStephens goes on. I can assure you that ifyou choose to attend, Mr.Hamburg willmake it financially worth your while. Do I appear to need financialassistance in any way whatsoever?Victor asks, pretending to be offended bythe notion.Willem Stephens shakes his headsolidly. Not at all, sir, he says. But onecan never have too much.Wouldn t you agree?Victor contemplates it a momentand then reaches out for my hand.I take itand we step out of the booth. I will consider it, Victor saysand we leave the restaurant.~~~ How did you know that would work? Iask excitedly the second we get into theRoadster and shut the doors.I can tcontain it anymore.I just hope it s OK tobe out of character now. I didn t, he says. But how.He glances over at me, one handresting casually on the top of the steering wheel. All of the tables in the restaurantare bugged, he says and looks back out atthe road. Hamburg sits up in that privateroom of his watching guests come and go,picking couples from the crowd firstbased on how they look.When he sees acouple that piques his interest the nextphase is to listen in on theirconversation.I m totally understanding it allnow. But why didn t you tell me thisbefore we went? I probably could vepulled off the acting better if I knew theguy was listening. Well, technically I didn t knowif he was listening.And I didn t tell yousome things because I wanted to see howwell you could improvise under pressure and having limited information aboutwhat s going on. That explains your conversationwith Fredrik, I say and his name on mytongue as Sarai opens up an entirelydifferent topic. If that s even his realname. I pause and say with warmingcheeks,  He s not really going to be at ourhotel is he?Victor s slow glance is lacedwith amusement. No, Sarai, he s not going to be atthe hotel waiting for us [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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