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.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlgoing back to Earth where things were happening that they couldn't understandat all."If the Combine planned this to keep us from finish-ing," he told Nora, "theydid a good job of it."But it wasn't all propaganda.Ten days later, the Combine announced that theirnew rocket had taken off for an orbit around Earth.The report cut into aprogram of light music, a translation of the official report."We interrupt this program to bring you an im-portant announcement," theannouncer began in rou-tine words, but with a shocked voice."At eleven p.m.,New York time, a one-stage atomic rocket lifted from the airfield outside theCombine capital, carrying three men.It is reported to have a total weight offour hundred tons, of which less than two tons are fuel.The ship took off inan easterly direction, after rising to a height of nearly thirty miles.Someobservers report that it reached an acceleration of twice that of any otherrocket, though this seems unlikely, since acceleration is limited by theability of the human body to take such strain.Neutral observers who werepresent by invitation of the Combine report that there can be no question butthat it was an atomic-powered ship, however."Thorndyke stepped into the room and stopped, staring at the radio.From themilitary section, Colonel168Step to the StarsHalpern came running toward them.He stared at the blasting radio, and nodded.He was stunned."So you heard it," he said."It's true.We had con-firmation from one of ourown rockets that was coming in on a landing! One stage! They must have had itwhen they first announced it!"Men were streaming into the recreation room as the word was spread throughoutthe station.A group of men from the outside hadn't even removed their helmets.Halpern turned back to his own quarters."If your place is too small, send anywho want to come over to us.There's no secrecy up here any more, anyhow."A few of the men filed after him, and more left as the last of the workersforced their way into the crowded room.Jim still couldn't believe it.Neither of the two known atomic reactions wassuitable.The bomb let loose a terrific force, but so quickly that it couldshatter its container before giving thrust; the atomic pile gave out a steadystream of energy which could be controlled, but, for its weight, any of thechemical explosives was capable of more thrust.Even the ideal of all fuel combinations, the theo-retically perfect mixture offluorine and beryllium, however, couldn't deliver the thrust that the shipbeing described had developed.It had to be a true atomic rocket."Naval radar stations have detected the flight of the Combine rocket over theWesternCoastal watersBlowup in Space169of the United States," the radio announced."From a hasty plotting of itspath, it seems that it intends to take up an orbit 180 degrees behind our ownsta-tion in the same orbit, but on the other side of the Earth."A few of the listeners looked disappointed.Most of them seemed relieved.Obviously there was much more fear of the Combine rocket than there wascuriosity about it.Thorndyke spotted the fear and shook his head."There's no danger from thisrocket," he told them."It's a demonstration, not a military attack on us.You're all perfectly safe.And if there ever is any danger, you'll be shippedPage 74 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlto Earth at the first sign.""If I'm going to die, I'd rather die right here," one of the men shouted.There was a sudden murmur of agreement and countermutter of disagreement.A few more reports came in to indicate that the path of the rocket was beingfollowed.Once its gen-eral path was known, and radar stations were alerted, afew of the bigger installations could locate it.The first estimate of its path seemed to be completely correct.It was risingon an ascent that would put it at the same height as the station."We've had an eyewitness account through neutral channels," the radio pipedup."One added feature emerges.The Combine rocket had small steering vanes,but no gliding wings.It must depend on the full use of its rocket power todescend, without using a gliding approach."170Step to the StarsIt was like saying that they had so much power they enjoyed wasting it.Tocome down on rocket power took the same amount of power as going up.Then abruptly there was a sharp, shocked sound from the radio, followed by asecond of silence.When the voice sounded again, it was incredulous, loud, andas slow-spoken as a man coming out of a deep sleep."Attention! Attention! Word has just been received that the Combine rocketexploded forty seconds after achieving a stable orbit.Repeat, the Combinerocket has exploded.TheCombine radio has gone off the air, but the explosion was clearly seen by atelescope observer, whose position fix agrees with all predictions of the pathof the rocket.TheCombine rocket has exploded."Chapter 16Castaways from EarthThere was stunned silence in the station [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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