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.Life goes by so quickly that we must remindourselves to cherish each and every moment.Avoiding ArroganceAs you will remember from the first chapter, arrogance and confidence are two entirelyseparate things.To stay grounded while still having unstoppable confidence, there are afew guidelines to follow.When you follow these, you will assure yourself that you won tbe arrogant, but stay humble and grounded even as you grow more confident.Have an attitude of gratitude for what you have and all your gifts in life.Begin each daythanking the universe or God for what you have and all your gifts.This will help centeryou and start your day off positively when you consider how much you have going foryou.Being arrogant is less effective since arrogant people rarely care what others think to thepoint they disregard valuable feedback that would help them out in life.If an arrogantperson does not take another person s feelings into account when talking with them, theconnection between the two people will be much more shallow and thus less effective.Let yourself find the right balance of being aware of other s needs, desires and ideas.With your completely resourceful self, have the frame of mind to always come from aposition of power and choice.Come from a position of abundance and deservedness.Inevery situation, as you develop this habit, ask yourself,  Am I coming from a place ofchoice, power, abundance, and deservedness? If so, congratulate yourself.If not, adjustyour mindset accordingly.You ll get better results when you have this abundancementality.Unstoppable Confidence.�2001 Kent Sayre.All Rights Reserved 136/142Prepare For Your Unstoppable FutureAs your confidence in yourself grows, others will notice the change within you andperhaps behave differently than before.That s normal.They are used to you acting in aparticular way and when you behave differently, they might not have a pattern forinteracting with you anymore.They will adapt to your newfound confidence and developan affinity to it.When I first began breaking out of my shy shell, I was concerned abouthow others would treat me.Much to my delight, they more thoroughly enjoyed beingaround me as a direct result of my increased confidence.Regarding friends and family, enlist their support to help you on your confidencejourney.When you are behaving in a confident manner, they can compliment you andreinforce the behavior.Take the responsibility to tell them that you would appreciatetheir support as you do these confidence exercises to become more and more confident.Similarly, if they catch you falling into old, unresourceful, shy habits, they can politelypoint that out to you, which means you can immediately correct that behavior.Some people may have negative reactions to your enhanced confidence and zest for life.They are not your genuine friends.Your genuine friends want the best for you andanything less means they are not your true friends.A great friend means wanting the bestfor your friends at all times.If someone tries in vain to criticize your increasedconfidence, view this as an opportunity to be confident about your confidence and let thatcriticism bounce right off you without making any impact.With your unstoppable confidence, you re going to want to tackle the world at once.Youcan tackle the world yet do it in progressive stages.You will have so many dreams andpassions awakened that it may seem overwhelming when you consider all that you wantto and CAN achieve in your lifetime.Considering everything at once is a great way tofeel overwhelmed.Sometimes when people feel overwhelmed by everything, they donothing because they don t know where to begin.Avoid this.Consider your mostimportant, immediate goals and pursue those first.Remember to take action each andevery day no matter how big or small that brings you closer to fulfilling your goals.Ajourney of a thousand miles begins with a single step.Focus on taking the next stepevery day.If you consider everything from a big picture point of view and don t take any action, youmay be overwhelmed and stuck.In the same way, if you focus only on the next actionyou are taking as part of little steps leading to the larger goal, you may lose sight of whyyou re going after the goal in the first place.The ideal here is to have a balance ofkeeping the big picture in mind (remembering what s important to you about the goal andwhy you re doing it) as you focus on the small steps that actually get you there (takingaction each and every day).Being unstoppably confident means being proactive.Decide what you want and go afterit to get it.Sometimes, we hear people say,  Someday it will happen for me. Or,  I mjust waiting until my ship comes in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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