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.“Oh!” I gasped.“Brax, I’m sorry—in such a hurry here I didn’t see you!”His strange blue eyes flashed over me, and he tossed me a grin.“No problem, half-pint.You okay?”“Yes, of course,” I assured him.“Hey, Olivia.”She smiled that warm smile that always made me feel a little at ease—much more than anyone else.“Hey back,” she said.“We’re going for pizza later.Wanna come along?”“Oh,” I said, and shifted my briefcase in my hand.“Thank you, but I can’t.Huge test.”Olivia nodded.“Maybe next time?”I forced my smile.“Yes.Definitely so.”Brax pulled Olivia to his side and he gave me a wink over the top of her head.“See ya ‘round, Harper.”I smiled.The lines around Brax’s eyes and mouth gave his worry away, and I couldn’t help but wonder just how much trouble Kane was stirring up.I didn’t know much about numbers and betting and gambling, but I could tell Brax wasn’t taking it lightly.Not at all.“Bye, guys.” I watched them for a moment, walking together, and Brax leaned close, pushing Olivia’s braid off to one side and pressing his lips to her neck.Olivia shrugged and squealed, as if it tickled.Without thought, my hand lifted and grazed the side of my own neck.Wondering.“Positively dreamy, don’t you think?”I jumped at the sound of Murphy’s voice in my ear as she leaned over my shoulder and stared in the direction Brax and Olivia had taken.She puffed out a breath, and it tossed a few strands of my hair.“Damn, he’s got a fetchin’ backside.” She cut her eyes at me.“Wickedly scrummy.Don’t you think?”Murphy was one of the few who could drag out a real smile in me, and she’d just done it.I shook my head as she oogled Brax.“You’re shameless.”She gave me a light head-butt.“One of me best qualities.And you’re going to be late to Cal.”“Oh, shoot!” I gasped, and took off to class.The whole way there, though, as I darted through Winston’s occupants as they milled about the quad and hurried to various parts of the school, my mind worked.Wheels turned.Kane McCarthy was running numbers out of the Kappa House.While he didn’t exactly come across as a thug or a delinquent, despite his smoky stare and leather jacket—he actually looked more like a rough-around-the-edges Abercrombie model.Still, he was doing something illegal.Something Brax despised.Something he could get into serious trouble for, and Brax, too, more than likely.Kane McCarthy needed reforming.He needed a Bad Boy Makeover.And by the time my Calculus professor ended the class with a reminder of a large pending quiz, I’d made my mind up.I’d found my subject for the Dare.Actually, I was doing not only Brax a favor, but Kane, as well.It was a win-win, if I succeeded.And the Kappas would lose.And I’d quite possibly lost my mind.As I gathered my belongings and slid them neatly into my slim leather briefcase, ideas surged through my head.I couldn’t deny that there was something alluring about Kane.He was beautiful, in a feral sort of way.At the same time, I felt edgy.Foreign.Vulnerable.Scared.For the first time in my life I decided to do something, despite all of those feelings pounding away at me.Warning me.Besides.It was a reformation Dare.No harm could come of it except for hopefully saving not only Kane’s hide but Brax’s, too.He of all people didn’t deserve to be caught up in the middle of it.Best of all, though? Olivia and Macie and any other girl who’d suffered the Dare in the past would be privately vindicated.The Kappas would lose their numbers man.And hopefully gain some humility.And we would possibly put an end to the Kappas’ stupid dare for good.Once more, I stood before my sisters in the common room in an unofficial meeting.I lifted my chin.“So our very own Dare is now officially on its way.”The girls all gave a light applause.I looked first at Murphy.“Murphy Polk has somehow managed to secure the Kappas’ own Josh Collins.”“Good luck reforming that one, Murph,” Margie commented.“He’s so full of himself.”“Yeah, Murphy, you have your hands full.”Murphy rose from the sofa and smoothed the front of her red plaid pajama bottoms.Then she daintily turned and poked out her bottom.Across the backside the word Queen was embroidered.She pointed at it.“There’s a good stiff reason I wear these bloomers, loves,” she said with a wicked grin.She rose tall.“I’ve got Collins, no problem.” She sighed.“He definitely needs polishing, though.Starting with a manicure.”We all laughed.I scanned the room.“Leslie, how about you?”Leslie remained sitting on the floor; legs crossed yoga-style, her blonde pixie hair tucked behind one ear.“Jake Soverinson? He’s on the baseball team.Big buddies with the Kappas, but he’s not in the fraternity.”Another light round of applause.I nodded.“Good job, Leslie.”“Alright, Ms.Belle,” Murphy chided playfully.“Spill the proverbial beans.Who’s your man?” She winked at me.She knew.I drew a deep breath.“Well, you won’t know him.I’ve only encountered him a time or two, actually.”Several who’s filled the room as the sisters anxiously awaited more.I pinned a smile to my face and drew courage from somewhere deep inside of me.Was I really committing to this? To say it out loud made it official.I inhaled.“His name is Kane McCarthy.He’s…actually Brax Jenkins’ older brother.”Murmuring became a low roar as the girls all gasped and commented and then looked at me for more explanation.I folded my hands together where I stood.“He’s not a student.Actually, I’ve discovered he’s possibly the Kappas’ numbers man for the football season.”I watched Murphy’s mouth pull into a grin, and she gave me an approving nod.She’d known I was on the fence about Kane, but seemed pleased I’d made up my mind.“Isn’t that…illegal?” Annie Hall asked.Her shoulder-length black bob flipped up on the ends.I nodded.“Yes, it is.Which is why he needs reforming in a big way.It also puts Brax at risk, and as we all know he needs no provocation.Or further risks.So all of this information is for our ears only.It doesn’t leave this room.I…aim to put a stop to Kane’s numbers, for his sake and for Brax’s.” Everyone knew Brax Jenkins—especially on Olivia’s behalf—would throw a punch at the blink of an eye.He’d been in trouble before and couldn’t afford any more.Murphy grinned.“Brilliant, my friend, I knew you’d choose wisely.By the by, I think that tops even Josh Collins.”“You’re probably right,” I agreed.“Okay, girls.Remember.This is a top Delta secret.If any of this gets leaked it’ll go straight to the Kappas.Or to the campus police.” I gave them all a stern look.“We don’t want that.So let’s begin.And don’t forget about the Turkey Run this Saturday.Even if you’re not actually running, please be prompt to hand out bottled water and snacks.Also, begin your lists for the bake sale.We’ll vote for five different recipes.”Everyone agreed, and our un-official meeting adjourned.As usual, Murphy headed straight for me.She grasped my hands, felt me stiffen, and quickly released me.It was a reaction I absolutely couldn’t help.No matter what I did.I knew she never meant any harm—it was normal for friends to do that.Only I wasn’t normal.And strangely enough, the only person who I ever thought suspected that about me, was Brax Jenkins.And, Murphy.I hid it well.Nothing less was expected of me.And Murphy was extraordinary.Because she never, ever called me on it.Never judged.Like now, when I could see her eyes soften as she released my hands.Not out of pity, I didn’t think.But because she saw my reaction was real, unavoidable, and she truly wanted to be my friend.There were times—so many times—I’d wanted to just tell her everything.To let her in.To be real, true friends.But I hadn’t.I didn’t dare.“So [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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