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. He almostsounds angry. It s not true, Mark, she confesses abruptly. I wasn t using you.I didn t knowRichard was alive.143 Maria Isabel Pita Fucking bastard, Ian curses beneath his breath. Why the hell were you coveringfor him, Lucia? Because she was in shock, Mark explains. What the hell happens now? Ian demands. That s up to her.She can either go back to Richard or she can come with me.Lucia struggles to recapture her desire to live in the vacuum created by the thoughtof truly losing Richard, forever this time. I can t just leave all my things behind, sheprotests. Why not? Mark says. They re just things. Don t push her. There is nothing casual about Ian s assertiveness. She ll do whatshe wants to. The hell she will.She ll do what I tell her to.She lost her willpower a long timeago.It s dead and buried and there s no bringing it back.Believe me, I tried. What the fuck are you saying? I m saying that I intend to replace Richard s will with mine.She ll answer to menow because I m the one who really loves her. You re as bad as he is. Not really, but I can pretend to be, for her sake. You mean you ll cut her dose of abuse down to less dangerous levels but still keepher addicted? Until she doesn t need it anymore. I ll meet you in Luxor, Mark, she desperately grabs for the reins,  I need timeto& end things. That settles it, Ian s tone brooks no argument. I m taking her back to the boatnow.Mark doesn t let go of her. No way, I m not leaving her again.He might really hurther this time. She ll be all right I ll see to that.Richard will never forgive her for what she just did.Her betrayal is so completehowever that it transcends any possible jealousy on his part.He will simply cease tolove her.And if he no longer loves her he might not feel compelled to kill her.Yet theloss of his love will only want to make her kill herself. I shouldn t have walked out on you that night, Lucia. Mark strokes her hair as ifgently waking a dreaming child. I m sorry.But I needed time to think and to deal withthe fact that your husband is still alive.But I m sure now.You re mine.* * * * *144 Crook & FlailLucia and Ian make it out to the bus just in time to casually follow everyone backonboard.Her knees ache a little from kneeling on the temple s stone floor and heremotions are in such an upheaval she trips on one of the steps.Ian is right behind her. Steady there. His hands fall lightly on her hips for amoment that Ellen, sitting in the front seat, does not fail to notice.Lucia takes refuge in a windowseat at the very back of the bus.Ian sits down beside her, on the aisle, and respects her silence as the bus startsmoving slowly away from the temple.She stares out at the smooth flesh of the desert and relives those impossibly hot andelusively transcendent moments when her lips seemed to take on the power of theworld s horizons by completely capturing two men s souls between them.After about five minutes Ian leans gently into her. Are you okay?She turns her head to look at him and the exciting proximity of his mouth shocksher like a live wire. I don t know, she answers truthfully, but a subtle fire radiates upfrom her womb as he holds her eyes for a delicious moment that makes her forget thefear chilling her to the core. I ve never done anything like that before, Lucia, he says, glancing up the aisle,but no one is paying any attention to them and he adds in a whisper,  I want to kissyou.His yieldingly firm lips press against hers then his breath teases her desire likewind in a sail as he sits back in his seat again. Have you ever been to Atlanta, Lucia? He reaches into his shirt pocket. No. She watches him light a cigarette, entranced by the shine of the flamereflecting back from his hair. I think you d like it. He tosses the match awaycarelessly. I ve got a condo in Ansley Park, rolling hills and hundred-year-old trees inthe middle of the city.Used to be Indian territory [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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