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. Hey, I ve had the Red Devils almost exclusively in my back yard for fuckintoo long, bro; I m just sharing the wealth. That kind of wealth can kill me.I nodded, thinking about what Yank and Moody had reported when they returned fromchecking out Wildman s compound.By the goings on it was clear that the Red Devils were onthe move.This was good for Wild Marauders, unless they moved somewhere close by.Wildman always managed to stay right on the border, close to another MC.With Killer out of the picture, that left a fucking opening for Wildman to step in andcombine the two clubs.If that happened Dark Menace would be in real trouble.Maybe some ofthe Predators would drop out and look for other clubs to join, something not unusual when a newpresident took over.As the rest of our crews reached us I took note of Moody and Joker, looking them over.They d been hit, but were walking on their own steam.That was good.Joker had a bloodybandage wrapped around his upper arm, but I couldn t see anything on Moody.Some of the guyswere laughing and making jokes while readying their bikes to take off. What the fuck? I frowned, meeting Moody s eyes. Don t ask, Moody grumbled, wincing as he pulled his bike forward. Lenny said you were wounded. I should have been clearer.His pride s been wounded. I glanced back and forthbetween him and Moody, my gaze coming to rest on my VP for an explanation.He shrugged andsaid with a smile,  A couple of their bitches got involved when their men started running andMoody kind of took a hit of buckshot in the ass.I glanced at Moody, who seemed to be ignoring the whole exchange.As he brought hisleg over his seat his expression revealed how much pain he was in.Once he sat down the painwas coupled with a low groan and a few  fucks. Fuck, that sucks, I said to no one in particular.I turned and mounted my own bike. Let s get the fuck out of here.I wanted to get back to Kat as fast as I could. Chapter 22KatI lay my head back against the edge of the tub and closed my eyes.My abused bodyneeded this, and the hot soak was doing its magic.Once I d arrived at Stone s clubhouse, I dbeen brought to a nice room with an adjoining bath, and brought some clean clothes.I didn thave to be told to strip down and get a bath; I couldn t wait to wash Chicken away, and thetattooed man.I wanted to forget the whole damned day, and scrubbing it away seemed a goodway to accomplish that.Someone knocked on the bathroom door.I knew it wasn t Lynch because he would havejust barged in.I gathered the bubbles around me to make sure that nothing was showing beforetelling whoever was out there to come in.It was Rachel.She d taken one look at me when I d arrived and taken control, as none ofthe other women present had stepped forward.Though she was dressed like them I got theimpression that she wasn t with them.Maybe Stone had called her.Anyway, she d been kind andsympathetic to my needs. You already look better, she said with a smile. I brought you a first aid kit and left yousomething to eat and drink in the other room. Thank you for everything that you ve done, Rachel. She was a beautiful woman, aboutmy age, I guessed.I couldn t help wondering what she was to the club.Was she Stone s oldlady? I d seen the way they looked at one another when we d first arrived. I also wanted to let you know that Ginger will be in to take a look at you when you reready.She s a nurse and a friend of the club. I don t think that s necessary, this hot soak has taken care of a lot of issues.Rachel laughed. Well, that s up to you, I m just the messenger. Are you Stone s old lady? The words slipped out before I could stop them.The smileRachel turned my way seemed lacking in sincerity.The corners of her mouth were turned up, butit didn t disguise the sadness in her eyes. I m sorry, I shouldn t have  No, it s okay.I, it s complicated.Is there anything else I can get you?I shook my head. No, thank you.After Rachel left I sighed and went back to what I d been doing, staying that way untilthe water cooled.I pulled the plug reluctantly and got up; reaching for the towel Rachel had leftearlier.It was a body towel, so I just wrapped it around me and went to stand in front of themirror.Okay, maybe I did feel better, but I didn t look any better.My face was bruised andslightly swollen on one side, and I had a black eye [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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