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."Oh William, this is stupid.I can't let you kiss me.It can't be." But she still did not move away."Shush," he said, again.He lifted her chin with his hand and kissed her hardon the lips.This time she responded.Act 18John Dee's Cottage at MortlakeThe boatswain conned the barge carefully against the stone steps.Seamenjumped ashore with ropes and made the boat fast."So this is Mortlake," saidWilliam, taking in the surroundings.The place was a pleasant enough hamletdespite its grim-sounding name.Supposedly, the currents and eddies of theupperThames delivered the bodies of drowned men and animals to this bend inthe river.The barge had sailed up fromLondon that very morning.William had thecarpenter put in some additional seating for his illustrious passengers.Onecould hardly expect a member of the Privy Council to squat on the deck.Walsingham had spent the journey going through affairs of state with Simon.William would have liked to take the opportunity to talk to Lucy but had beeninhibited by the presence of her uncle.Lucy had been rather cold and distantsince the intimacy that they had shared inEssex.Indeed, the girl appeared toavoid being on her own with him.He feared that he had been overbold.Walsingham signalled for him, so William hastened over to the spymaster."That is where Doctor Dee lives." Walsingham pointed to a small cottageperched right on the bank of theThames.It was in a poor state of repair andlooked as if one good push could send the whole building tumbling into thewater."It is actually his mother's.Doctor Dee is indifferent to the normalluxuries of life and spends all his money on books and artefacts.I wonderPage 217 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwhat old Mother Dee thinks of having her son and his household dumped on herin her dotage.""The Doctor is married?" asked William."He did not look the type." Williamhastened to add, "I meant no disrespect, Sir Francis,it's just that Doctor Deeappeared to be rather too aesthetic for matrimony.""You would be surprised," said Walsingham, dryly."When he was at CambridgeDee used his body as actively as his mind.""Where's Lucy?" asked Walsingham."There, Sir Francis," said William, pointing to where Lucy had curled upagainst the stern bulkhead.Her eyes were closed and she appeared to be fastasleep.But they couldn't see inside Lucy's head.Lilith crossed over the stepping-stones.One wobbled and she almost fell inthe stream but she windmilled her arms in time to regain her balance."Youmight have warned me that stone was loose," Lilith said, in a reproving tone."Lilith, you created this place for us.You pulled it out of my memories.Howcan you not know everything about it?" asked Lucy, hands on hips."Oh, I have a subroutine that formats the meadow." Lilith waved a handairily."You can't expect me to waste core processing power on such simplistictricks.After all, I have ""An exceptionally large mind.I know, Lilith.You have often found itnecessary to remind me.""You seem subdued today.It is true that I am hardly an expert on humansocial interaction but your brain wave patterns are not indicative ofhappiness.""I fear that I have made a grave error, Lilith.I made a solemn promise tomyself that I would not lead him on and then I let him kiss me.How stupid ofme, Lilith, how very foolish.""I have wanted to ask you about that kiss, Lucy, but have been afraid toraise the subject.""You know, Lilith, it says everything about my situation that my first properkiss from a man should be observed by Gwilym watching me from the outside andyou from the inside.Mayhap I should have arranged for it to have taken placein a theatre and sold tickets.""Would people have really paid to watch such a short event," Lilith asked,puzzled."I was being sarcastic, demon," said Lucy."You can be astonishinglyliteral-minded."Lucy paused, "What do you mean by short? It was quite a long kiss, actually.""About this kiss," said Lilith, refusing to be deflected."What?" askedLucy."I just wanted to say that I didn't understand.Before I mean."Page 218 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"You are not making any sense, Lilith.""I thought I had learnt so much about human beings, when I studied yourliterature in the other human Shadow World.I read about love and hormones andpassion but Lucy, I understood nothing.I just did not realise what it feltlike.""I trust you found the experience enlightening," said Lucy."For that one moment, my mind collapsed.I would have done anything for him,literally anything to keep that feeling.Now I know." Lilith paused."Know what, Lilith?""Why your people have such complex rules and customs to regulate behaviour.Why things are done or not done.Your passions are so strong, so overwhelming,that rigid conventions are essential to prevent anarchy.Can it really be evenstronger for men?""How would I know, Lilith?""What are you going to do about your sea captain, Lucy?""I shall marry someone suitable and try to forget him.What else can I do?""I don't know but I doubt you that will ever put him from your mind." Lilithpaused."Incidentally, your uncle is shaking your body." The meadow faded awayas Lilith switched off the simulation."Wake up, Lucy.Time to go ashore," said Walsingham."I was just resting my eyes, Uncle." She stretched and jumped to her feet."Careful, milady.The steps are muddy." William stood to hand Lucy safely outof the boat and onto the steps."Thank you, Captain." Lucy was polite but distant.Simon followed her."Why does she blow so hot and cold?" William said to Simon."I take threesteps forward in her favour but then she moves two steps further away.""You navigate treacherous waters, my friend," said Simon."Make sure youdon't leave your bones on a hidden reef."The party made their way up onto the embankment besideDee 's cottage.Infront of them, set safely back from the water, loomed the solid shapeofMortlakeChurch , dedicated to St Mary Magdalene."The church is new," said Lucy in surprise.Most English churches had beenbuilt during the years following the Norman Conquest [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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