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.First, the female tends to be the desirated object of the slaver s seizure.She brings higher prices than male work slaves.Secondly, in battles, oftenmale defenders have been slaughtered or driven off.Their, females thus remainas spoils for the chains of the victors.Too, male captives are often killed.Female captives, on the other hand,particularly if comely, are usually spared for the collars of theirconquerors.They learn to yield well to their masters.The most valuable general category of slaves, however, much to the chagrin ofsome male silk slaves, is that of the particularly desirable female.These areusually extraordinarily beautifulGorean girls, once of high caste.Sometimes they are dancers.Commonly theyare highly trained.Sometimes they are even passion slaves, girls literallybred for the pleasure of men.The prizes purchased by Ubars and rich men for their pleasure gardens usuallybelong to the types of girls included in this general category.Girls ofpolitical interest, too, it might be mentioned, are usually included in thiscategory.For example, a captured, enslaved Ubarawould commonly bring a very handsome price.These general remarks, of course,if they were to be made more accurate, would require numerous qualifications.For example, the prices ofEarth girls have tended to improve in the past few years on Gor.Gorean mentend to enjoy teaching them their slavery.Too, once they have learned themeaning of their collar, they are extraordinarily delicious slave girls.Someauthorities believe that Earth girls should be a special category of slave.Page 95 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlOthers dispute this.I agree with those who dispute it, regardingEarth girls as only being women like other women.To be sure, there is aspecial spice and flavor in owning them.I have not mentioned exotics,incidentally, slaves bred or.trained for unusual purposes.I have notmentioned, either, slaves with professional competences, such as medicine orlaw, or fighting slaves, in effect gladiators, men purchased for use asbodyguards or combatants in arranged games.The intricacy of the institutionof slavery on Gor is prodigious.These general remarks, dealing only withmajor and obvious categories, should be understood as no more than a crudeorientation to the subject matter as a whole.The utility of generality mustnot be permitted to blind us to the specificity of reality.There are alwaysmarket variables, and buyer and slave variables.A girl who seems to most menonly a lowgrade kettle-and-mat girl may be to a given man very precious.Shemay be as valuable to him as a collared Ubara, one who must now, strictly, betaught her duties as a slave. I have now a bid of one sixteen, said the Lady Tendite. Surely, noblebuyers, you will bid more realistically for such a splendid property? I will have at least four for you, said the Lady Tima to me. Why is the bidding not higher? I asked. They are afraid of you, she said. I see, I said. But I will teach them they have nothing to fear, she said.I looked at her, with apprehension. Bring on another slave! called a woman. Bring on another slave! called yet another.The Lady Tendite, distraught, turned to the Lady Tima. I shall close thebids, she said.She knew she had not done well.She was disappointed with herperformance. May I continue? asked the Lady Tima. Certainly, said the Lady Tendite, gratefully. Bring on a new slave! called a woman.The Lady Tima, suddenly, cracked her whip, the blades, loud, snapping in astaccato burst of leather, almost at my ear, the crowd instantly still, itsattention arrested, stunned, alert. Stand! ordered the Lady Tima. Strip! Kneel! Knees wide!Startled, terrified, scarcely knowing what I was doing, I found myselfkneeling before the buyers. Crawl to the Lady Tendite, ordered the Lady Tima. Beg to be collared.I found myself terrified, crawling to the Lady Tendite.The whip snappedagain, behind me. Please collar me, Mistress, I begged. Louder! said the Lady Tima. Please collar me, Mistress! I begged the Lady Tendite. Stay on your hands and knees, head down! ordered the Lady Tima.A collar was brought, one which had been lying at hand, with otheraccouterments, at the rear of the platform.It was identical to that which Ihad worn in the room of preparation.I felt it clasped about my neck and locked shut.I shuddered.I saw the Lady Tima throw what garments I had just torn from my body into theshallow bowl of burning wood.I was aware of applause, Gorean applause, from the tiers.The Lady Tima, with her whip, indicated my shoes and stockings lying on theplatform. Take them, one by one, in your mouth, she said,  and discard themin the fire.The whip cracked again.I began to comply with her request, shattered, terrified, a slave.I heard bids now from the crowd. Two tarsks! I heard. Three tarsks! Iheard.Page 96 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Three five! I heard. Three six!  Three ten!  Three twenty!The bidding was at four eighteen when I had jerked back my head from theflaming cubes, my right shoe thrown from my teeth into the fire.My kneeshurt.I could feel the smooth wood of the platform beneath the palms of myhands.I was stark naked on Gor, save that I wore a steel collar.I saw thelast of my clothing burst into flame.I saw fire licking about the shoes,which I had placed in the dish.The whip snapped again. Here, Jason! ordered the Lady Tima, pointing withthe whip to a place at her feet.I crawled to her feet. Five tarsks! I heard. Stand, Jason! ordered the Lady Tima.I stood. Here is the slave, said the Lady Tima. You have seen him kneel naked to awoman and beg to be collared.Has not your lovely auctioneer, the LadyTendite, well prepared him for his sale? Six tarsks! I heard.There was applause for the Lady Tendite.I was bitter.I realized now only toowell that the room of preparation had been for me just that.It had been wherethe Lady Tendite had prepared me for my sale, even to having me, unwittingly,dress myself as a man of Earth.It was there that she had laid the snares andset the traps, earning my trust, building up my hopes, which had made me soadditionally vulnerable to the humiliations and miseries of my sale.She haddone her work well.What a fool she had made of me.What a splendid joke forthe Gorean women.I had thought to escape.I was now naked, being sold. Seven tarsks! I heard. Seven five! I heard.What a fool I had been not to realize that she was not a true slave girl.Atrue slave girl, I gathered, would not even have dared to think of behaving asshe had.They knew the penalties.Besides the concern of a slave girl is notwith male slaves; their concern is with free men, their masters. Seven seven! I heard. Seven eight! Show yourself to them as you were in the room of preparation, said the LadyTima to the Lady Tendite,  when you pretended to be a miserable littleEarth-girl slave Lady Tima? inquired the Lady Tendite. I know what I am doing, said the Lady Tima to her, smiling. But I would be ashamed to be seen before free women so clad, she said. There are only women here, and this slave, and our men, said the Lady Tima. Do so.The Lady Tendite looked at her, uncertainly. Do you wish to remain in my employ? inquired the Lady Tima.The Lady Tendite smiled.She threw back the white gown she wore, stillfastened about her neck with its silver clasp.It then hung back, over hershoulders, like a cape.She stood there, then, in the Ta-Teera.She was exquisitely beautiful.The Gorean women in the tiers seemed for a moment taken aback [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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