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.A gaze which encountered such a mocking expression in return that she promptly,selfconsciously, redirected it towards Brett.In the meantime, Felicity had come to an abrupt halt and was now hastily retracing her steps.`Oh, well,if I'd known you were.' she began.`No, you go ahead and have your swim.You kept saying how much you were looking forward to it,'Brett cut her off with unexpected peremptoriness.He turned to the younger girl again to prompt, `Well,what about it, Gayna?'`I-er.' She shook her head regretfully.`It's very nice of you to suggest it, but I.'`Not game, huh?'file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyn.lley%20of%20lagoons%20TXT/valley%20of%20lafoons.txt (33 of 81)05/05/2010 14:42:54 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20valley%20of%20lagoons%20TXT/valley%20of%20lafoons.txtThere was only one person who would interrupt with such a gibing remark and she spun to face himresentfully.`That has nothing to do with it!' she flared.Why he, out of all of them, should be attemptingto goad her into going she had no idea.Unless, of course, he was enjoyably anticipating her making afool of herself! `And if Felicity would rather go.' She allowed her words to trail away explicitly.`No, Felicity would rather swim.' Strangely, or perhaps not so strangely in view of her previoussupposition, it was Ford who vetoed the blonde accompanying them this time, Leaning sideways, heuntethered the palomino and proffered the reins to her.`So if it's not nerves that's stopping you.' Heproved he was also capable of leaving things significantly unsaid.He made it sound as if she was nervous of him! Gayna smouldered indignantly, and in her desire toshow him how mistaken he was almost snatched the reins from his outstretched hand.`Well, don't say I didn't warn you if I make a mess of things, will you?' she grimaced tauntingly as sheswung on to the gelding's back.`As if we would!' It was Brett who replied, unaware that she had intended the retort for the man besidehim.`Oh, you'll need a hat!' exclaimed Raeleen just as they were about to leave, and hurrying across to theLand Rover, retrieved her friend's.`Here, Felicity won't be needing hers.'`But I.' Felicity immediately started to remonstrate.`Surely you don't mind?' Raeleen slanted her a deeply surprised look.Felicity at least had the grace to blush.'Er-no, I suppose not,' she smiled weakly, grudgingly, realisingher friend had really made it impossible for her to refuse.Even so, she still just had to add, `But she'dbetter look after it, because it's almost brand new, and I don't want it ruined!'`Oh, I'm sure she will, won't you, Gayna?' Raeleenn smiled as she handed the wide-brimmed coveringup to her.Settling it securely on her coppery tresses, Gayna returned the smile wryly.`If necessary, as if my lifedepended upon it,' she averred ironically.Anything less would probably be considered purposely remissby Felicity!`How long do you expect to be gone?' Raeleen now asked her husband.`The rest of the morning, probably.'`That long?' burst out Felicity in a complaining voice.`I thought you said on the way out here that you'dbe away for hardly any time at all.'Brett hunched solid shoulders impassively.`When you're used to spending whole days in the saddle, afew hours is hardly any time at all,' he drawled.Giving him a glare of arctic intensity and stifling something which sounded remarkably like the grindingof teeth, Felicity turned on her heel and went storming back towards the house, leaving her friend tochide drily,`You, my love, can be an infuriating heel on occasion.`Mmm, I know,' he agreed without a hint of remorse, and urging his mount forward, bent to drop a lightkiss on her upturned forehead.`But then I've never been able to take more than a little of Felicity at onetime.'What Raeleen had to say to that Gayna didn't hear.She was too occupied in absorbing the realisationthat Brett wasn't overly enamoured of his wife's friend either! And no sooner had that information beenassimilated than she flashed a covert glance from beneath the cover of her long lashes to see what effectthe revelation had on Ford.But as soon as she noted the completely unperturbed set of his good-lookingfile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyn.lley%20of%20lagoons%20TXT/valley%20of%20lafoons.txt (34 of 81)05/05/2010 14:42:54 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20valley%20of%20lagoons%20TXT/valley%20of%20lafoons.txtfeatures, her lips began to curve scornfully.No, of course it wouldn't worry him what his brother-in-lawthought of Felicity, because no matter what that girl might like to persuade herself into believing, hewasn't interested in her in any amorous fashion.His only interest in her was as a bolster for his ego-justlike the girl at the airport! The self-opiniated louse!Hard on the heels of this thought, however, came another.That Brett might only have suggested sheaccompany them in an effort to make certain Felicity didn't and the idea had her swiftly reverting hergaze to Raeleen's husband.`Now that Felicity's-umm-definitely decided to go for a swim, perhaps you would rather just go withFord, after all,' she offered deprecatingly.Brett saw through her reasoning immediately.'Uhuh, don't be a goose,' he admonished amiably [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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