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.When he reached for the flight suit, Peter told him he would take it himself.Then he got in the backseat.Giinther closed the door, slid behind the wheel,and started for the airfield.An hour later, Peter sat in the Feiseler Storch at the threshold of ElPalomar's Runway Three Six, now wearing the flight suit over his shirt andtrousers.The suit jacket was with the satchel, strapped to the backseat.He was about to tell El Palomar he was rolling, when he remembered the purse.Getting it out of the pocket in the air would be a bitch.After another struggle, he managed to tug it loose.He then rolled the redsequined tape into a neat tube and fastened everything to his lap with theseat belt.He picked up the microphone."El Palomar, German Embassy Onerolling," he called in Spanish.He shoved the throttle forward, and the Storchbegan to move.There was no need to worry about the flaps.He had all therunway he needed."Auf Wiedersehen, Herr Major von Wachtstein.Have a nice flight," the towerreplied in German.In good German.He picked up the microphone again."Dankeschon." Another ethnic German,Page 123 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlobviously, is working in the control tower.The German was perfect.A littlesoft, so probably a Bavarian, or maybe a Swabian.And another Argentino-German who thinks Hitler is a splendid all-around fellow.An anti-Nazi Argentina-German would not have offered the cordial farewell to aLuftwaffe officer.He felt life come into the controls, raised the tail wheel, and then let theplane take itself off.He flew to the Rio Plate, then headed south.Thirty minutes later, he was over Estancia San Pedro y San Pablo.He droppedto 500 meters, cranked in some flaps, and dropped to 250.On his first pass over the radio station, he thought he saw someone in theopen; but he wasn't sure, and he wanted to be sure.He stood the Storch on itsleft wing, turned, and made another pass.This time two men were in the open,looking up at him.He flew level for a moment, while he pushed the upper half of the left-sidewindow upward until it engaged the catches on the lower side of the wing.Theslipstream caught the roll of tape in his lap and started to suck it out thewindow, but the seat belt held the purse in place.He stood the airplane on its wing again and flew back toward the radiostation.He pulled the throttle back so he was just above stall speed, andwhen he came very close to the men on the ground, he freed the purse from theseat belt and threw it out the window.He applied throttle, dumped the flaps, and turned a final time to fly over theradio station to make sure they had the purse.One of the men on the groundwas waving at him to show that they did.He turned toward Estancia Santo Catalina."Now comes the tough part," he saidaloud.He remembered reading in a book about the American Civil War what the Southerngeneral Lee had said before going out to surrender to the United Statesgeneral, the one who later became president, Grant: "I would rather die athousand deaths." "I know just how you felt, General Lee," he said aloud.Alicia Carzino-Cormano was waiting for him out of breath, as if she had run tothe airstrip when she heard the sound of his engine.Even before he climbed out of the airplane, she knew there was bad news; andby the time he shut it down, she had decided what it was."When do they wantyou to go to Germany?" she asked."Very soon.In three or four days." "If you loved me, you would go to Brazil.""If I went to Brazil, my father would be shot." "And they're not going toshoot you?" He managed a smile and a light tone in his voice."I don't thinkanytime soon," he said."I should be back in a month or six weeks.Maybe evensooner." She looked into his eyes."You believe that?" I wish I did.He noddedhis head."If you believe that, I will believe that," she said.She threw herself intohis arms."We'll be OK, my precious," he said."Can you spend the night?" she asked against his chest.Page 124 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"I have to leave right now for Montevideo." "And when will you be back fromMontevideo?" "Tomorrow." "I'll go to Buenos Aires tonight, or in the morning,"she said."Your mother may " She shrugged her shoulders impatiently, almost violently,indicating that he should know that what her mother thought or wanted was notimportant."When you get back, call me at the house." He nodded, and strokedher hair.He very much wanted to cry.And until I met her, I didn't think there was such a thing as love.THREE Estancia San Pedro y San Pablo Near Pila, Buenos Aires Province 1220 3May 1943 Cletus Frade, deep in thought, sat at the crest of a gentle riseastride Julius Caesar, a very large, magnificently formed black stallion.Hismind jumped from one thought to another.Next week this time, I'll be a married man.J Why did I give in to Claudia andthat damned Jesuit and%, agree to have that goddamned Juan Domingo Peron at mywedding? A dirty old man who fucks little girls doesn't belong at a goddamnwedding.By now Ashton 's in Rio de Janeiro.I really hope I was right, and that he 'llbe on the next Panagra flight down clutching a diplomatic passport in hishand.I need him.Jesus, this place isn't only enormous, they haven't touched the potential.Allthey do with it is raise enough food to feed themselves and let the cattlegraze until they're ready to be slaughtered.That takes two years, maybelonger.This is farmland, not grazing land.What I should do is put in somefeed crops.I can probably produce marketable beef in fourteen months.God, I wish Uncle Jim was here.He 'd really know what to do with this place.There's an airport at Bariloche, and what's supposed to be the best resorthotel in Argentina.There's no reason I can't take Dorotea there in theLodestar.It's too far to drive.It would take two days.It's twenty hours or somethingon the train.I can fly the Lodestar out there in four hours.And if I go there in the Lodestar and something happens here, 1 can get backin a hurry.Tragedy in Argentina.On the day after his marriage, Marine Aviator with Wingsof Gold C [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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