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.Next, he coveredhis body with his own saliva.Lying stretched out on his side, he held hisbody rigidly and stiffened his legs out straight.Heturned up his eyes, and let his tongue hang out ofthe side of his mouth.He filled his lungs with airand puffed out his belly.Finally, with his headleaning on one side, he breathed through the nos-tril next to the ground, not through the upper one.Lying motionless, he looked so much like astiff corpse that flies flew around him, attracted bythe awful smells.Crows stood nearby waiting toeat his flesh.Before long it was early morning and thehunter came to inspect his traps.Finding the fawnwho was playing dead, he slapped the puffed upbelly and found it stiff.Seeing the flies and themess he thought,  Ah, it has already started tostiffen.He must have been trapped much earlierthis morning.No doubt the tender meat is alreadystarting to spoil.I will skin and butcher the car-cass right here, and carry the meat home. Sincehe completely believed the deer was dead, he re-moved and cleaned the trap, and began spreadingleaves to make a place to do the butchering.Real- 78izing he was free, the fawn suddenly sprang to hisfeet.He ran like a little cloud blown by a swiftwind, back to the comfort and safety of hismother.The whole herd celebrated his survival,thanks to learning so well from the wise teacher.The moral is: Well-learned lessons bring greatrewards. 7917The Wind And The Moon[Friendship]Once upon a time, there were two verygood friends who lived together in the shade of arock.Strange as it may seem, one was a lion andone was a tiger.They had met when they were tooyoung to know the difference between lions andtigers.So they did not think their friendship wasat all unusual.Besides, it was a peaceful part ofthe mountains, possibly due to the influence of agentle forest monk who lived nearby.He was ahermit, one who lives far away from other people.For some unknown reason, one day the twofriends got into a silly argument.The tiger said, Everyone knows the cold comes when the moonwanes from full to new! The lion said,  Wheredid you hear such nonsense? Everyone knows thecold comes when the moon waxes from new tofull!The argument got stronger and stronger.Neither could convince the other.They could notreach any conclusion to resolve the growing dis-pute.They even started calling each other names!Fearing for their friendship, they decided to go 80ask the learned forest monk, who would surelyknow about such things.Visiting the peaceful hermit, the lion andtiger bowed respectfully and put their question tohim.The friendly monk thought for a while andthen gave his answer. It can be cold in any phaseof the moon, from new to full and back to newagain.It is the wind that brings the cold, whetherfrom west or north or east.Therefore, in a way,you are both right! And neither of you is defeatedby the other.The most important thing is to livewithout conflict, to remain united.Unity is best byall means.The lion and tiger thanked the wise hermit.They were happy to still be friends.The moral is: Weather comes and weathergoes, but friendship remains. 8118The Goat Who SavedThe Priest[Ignorance]Once upon a time, there was a very famouspriest in a very old religion.He decided it was theright day to perform the ritual sacrificing of agoat.In his ignorance, he thought this was an of-fering demanded by his god.He obtained an appropriate goat for thesacrifice.He ordered his servants to take the goatto the holy river and wash him and decorate himwith flower garlands.Then they were to washthemselves, as part of the purification practice.Down at the river bank, the goat suddenlyunderstood that today he would definitely bekilled.He also became aware of his past birthsand deaths and rebirths.He realized that the re-sults of his past unwholesome deeds were about tofinally be completed.So he laughed an uproariousgoat-laugh, like the clanging of cymbals.In the midst of his laughter, he realized an-other truth  that the priest, by sacrificing him,would suffer the same terrible results, due to his 82ignorance.So he began to cry as loudly as he hadjust been laughing!The servants, who were bathing in the holyriver, heard first the laughing and then the crying.They were amazed.So they asked the goat,  Whydid you loudly laugh and then just as loudly cry?What is the reason for this? He replied, I will tellyou the reason.But it must be in the presence ofyour master, the priest.Since they were very curious, they immedi-ately took the sacrificial goat to the priest.Theyexplained all that had happened.The priest too,became very curious [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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