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.Ever since then, McIntyre went over the tabloids with as much zeal as he did the New York Times.This morning, it was not the headline on the fifth page of The Inner Eye that attracted McIntyre as much as it was the smaller of two photographs that accompanied the article.The first was of a desolate piece of earth surrounded by pine trees.A blackened chimney was all that remained upright of a burned building whose ashes darkened the ground.The second was of a man and a woman getting into a car.The woman's back was toward the camera, but the man's face was visible.He wore sunglasses and a baseball cap with no insignia, but McIntyre still thought he recognized him.It was a square, craggy face, but still somehow gaunt, with high cheekbones and a pouting mouth.The neck was thick and the shoulders wide, and if the car was the model that McIntyre thought it was, the man would be about Tony Luciano's height as well.McIntyre finally read the headline: "Secret Gov't Psi-Team Investigates Immolated Immortals!" He chuckled and read the rest of the story, by one Taylor Griswold, "Special to The Inner Eye." It stated that a top secret government team of psychics had been sent to Plattsburgh, New York, to try and establish psychic contact with the spirits of eleven charred corpses found in a burned-down lodge near the town.The Inner Eye's on-staff psychic and seer, Imelda Santana, gave reporter Griswold the tip."These men are immortal and cannot die," she was quoted as saying."Their souls remain in their ruined bodies, and the government has sent psychics to contact these miserable souls in the hopes of finding the secrets of immortality so that the President, his family, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other important officials can survive in the event of nuclear or ecological destruction."McIntyre snorted and hoped the chain of immortal command would extend down to his level.He pushed a button on his desk and was answered by Phillips's voice.Good, he was there early.It seemed McIntyre's influence was rubbing off."Al," he said into the speaker, "got something for you here."In a matter of seconds, Alan Phillips was standing on the other side of McIntyre's broad desk."Sit down, Al.See that fella in the picture there? I think that's a guy named Anthony Luciano, a CIA operative.Got to know about him when he performed a number of low-level political sanctions a few years back.We had some interest in one or two.Read that and you'll know as much as I do about it.See if you can find out anything."Phillips had been reading the article while listening to McIntyre."New York State," he said."That's a little out of CIA territory, isn't it?"McIntyre smiled.They both knew damn well that certain subdivisions merrily broke the CIA charter right and left.Sometimes McIntyre thought that as many clandestine operations were going on within the country as there were outside it.It was a rare month when his agents didn't trip over a spook or two operating within the U.S.They could go crying to a congressional subcommittee about it, but after all, they were all on the same side.Most of the time."Just see what you can learn," McIntyre told Phillips."Try and find out if it's Luciano, if it's CIA, what it's all about, and who in the Company is responsible for it." He thought for a moment, then added, "You might see if Richard Skye has his long fingers in it."Phillips nodded and left the room with The Inner Eye.Yes, this was something Richard Skye could be involved with, all right.The CIA charter had never bothered Skye in the past, and Skye was unlikely to have changed his outlook on such things in the six years since McIntyre had last crossed swords with him.Skye had stepped on the agency's toes back then, and McIntyre had figuratively kicked Skye in the shins, an act from which Skye was probably still smarting.The psychic tie-in was what had made him think of Skye.Several years before their semi-official run-in, Skye had been involved in a project that had entailed kidnapping Russian psychics working with the KGB and smuggling them into the States.It was when they arrived stateside that McIntyre had entered the picture [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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