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.“If he is able to perfect it, he could exchange essences with thousands.Millions even.Theoretically it is entirely possible.”I pushed at my bagel on its napkin before I rubbed my arms with my palms trying to suppress a chill.“If he can do this with a mass number of people…” I trailed off while shaking my head.“I can’t begin to imagine what that would mean to this world.”“Quick, complete, and total takeover,” Desmond said.“This world would eventually no longer be your own.And there is nothing the humans can do about it.”“It’s up to us.” I looked at Olivia’s empty desk and swallowed down an ache that developed in my throat.Not only was my friend missing, but her body was Host to a Kerran now and I was going to have to interview her.I blew out a sharp breath.“Where do we start?”Desmond got to his feet.“First we need to get to the infirmary and interrogate the Host Candace Moreno.”I was relieved he didn’t pick interviewing Olivia’s Host first.It was not going to be easy.Rather than driving, we decided to take the C train because it would take us to the 168th Street station.The paranorm infirmary was deep below Columbia University Medical Center.On our way out of the office to the subway station at 103rd Street, I called Rodán to tell him what Desmond and I had just discussed, and what we were doing now.I’d already filled Rodán in on everything that had happened yesterday and so far today, with the exception of my lunch with Adam.That, I left out.When I told Rodán about Desmond transferring me into a Host body he was concerned, but I reminded him that the Magi had said I must do whatever the Sorcerer Desmond asked of me.There really wasn’t a choice anyway.After everything that had happened since then, it was hard to believe my lunch with Adam was only yesterday.There were six secret paranorm entrances into the infirmary.The C train sped us to the 168th Street station where we clambered off in a crowd of people.From there we slipped away to the glamour-hidden elevator in the subway’s darkness.The elevator carried us down below the medical center to the paranorm infirmary.In the Earth Otherworld, I’d been in norm hospitals as well as medical and scientific facilities that I really wanted to forget, and one thing had held true in all of those cases.Sterile white prisons.After my last two cases involving a mad scientist, Werewolves, and Vampires, I’d had more than enough of anything to do with medical or scientific research.And despite being Drow, after a horrific chain of events, in this Earth Otherworld I didn’t like being deep below the ground.Yet here I was.Of course in a paranorm infirmary there were a lot of differences, including the fact that magic replaced any other form of healthcare.Our Healers used their gifts for all paranorm needs.It didn’t mean the paranorm would be instantly well, it just meant that they would heal without the use of knives, lasers, medication, or whatever else they were using in the medical center above our heads.“Let me go,” came a shout from the room we had been directed to.“I swear you’ll all be killed if you don’t let me out of here.I’ll make sure of it myself.”Desmond and I looked at each other then picked up our pace to reach the room.After I showed my PI and Tracker credentials to the guards, Desmond and I went through the door.The moment we entered the room I almost dropped my purse from the sudden heaviness of the stones within.At least one of the stones recognized the being within the Host body.I had no doubt it was the stone whose essence the real Candace was in.We approached the female who was manacled to a hospital bed and strapped down tightly from ankles to chest.A cloth strap harness held her head secured tight.She had a snarl on her face and she was yanking against her restraints.The Healer Sara stood at the foot of the bed and smiled at us as we walked in.“What the hell are you smiling about?” Candace shouted at the Healer.Then she caught sight of me and her eyes narrowed.“You.Tracker.” She made a sound like a growl.“That idiotic Una should have taken your Host.”I smiled.“But she didn’t.”Candace narrowed her eyes.“You have it.I can feel it.Give it to me.”“Give you what?” I said, even though I knew perfectly well what she wanted.The draw of the stone from my purse made me lightheaded.The feeling crept up my arm and slowly made its way throughout my body like a virus.I shuddered.The sensation wasn’t a pleasant one.Desmond stepped beside me.“What’s your Kerran name?”The female looked from me to Desmond.“You’re supposed to be dead.” Her lips parted in obvious shock.“He killed you.I saw my uncle kill you.”“Bryna.” Desmond gripped the handrail of her hospital bed and studied her, his jaws tight.“Worthless bitch.”“You’re the one who ended up without a world, Sorcerer.” Bryna laughed, a mirthless laugh.The muscles in Desmond’s arms and forearms were well-defined as he strained to gain control of himself.At least that’s what it looked like.“Perfect.” He fixed his gaze on me.“We have Amory’s niece.She’s an advisor in his Inner Circle and he’ll be happy to see her.”“You’re letting me go?” Bryna stopped straining against her manacles.“Give me my stone.”Desmond’s smile was cold, ruthless.“You will never see your uncle again as an independent being.”“What are you talking about?” Bryna jerked against her restraints.“Lord Amory will never stop searching for me.”“Let him.” Desmond shrugged then looked at me.“I obtained the information I need out of this one.We can go.”“That’s it?” I asked as Bryna started thrashing her head and arms in the hospital bed, her attempts futile.“Just knowing she’s Amory’s niece is good enough for me.” Desmond patted the bars of Bryna’s bed.“You be a good little bitch.We’ll be back for you later.”“Bastard!” Bryna shrieked.“This time I’ll make sure you’re dead.”Desmond smiled.“No, honey.This time you’ll be helping me bring down your uncle.”As Bryna screamed, I looked at the Healer and gave a single nod.“Delighted.” Sara closed her eyes as she placed her hands on Bryna’s strapped-down ankles.Bryna’s screams ended abruptly and her Host body went limp.“Sweet, blessed silence,” the Healer said, and I agreed.When Desmond and I walked out of the room I frowned at him.“All we learned is that Candace is the Host body for Amory’s niece.Why didn’t you question her more?”“No point in it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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