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.“Nothing would surprise me now,” he muttered as he stomped to the nearest truck, climbed in making it rock, then tore off.The one good thing about being outside, he didn't have to worry about being in on the raptor mess cleanup or be anywhere near Dunn.The colonel scared him these days; the way he scowled at him every time they saw each other.He went out of his way to avoid the man.He just didn't feel safe anymore and hoped he'd be gone soon.He wanted to put the whole nightmare behind him.When he got there he noted the smell.He swore again and then started to get to work on fixing the problem before someone noticed and bitched.------*------With Brian and most of the able-bodied people out and about reworking the perimeter defenses, there weren't a lot of people back in base minding the store.Mitch was still on convalescence.Sandra had banned him from participating in the meetings to keep his stress level down.He'd resented the restriction publicly.but secretly had been relieved.That didn't mean he was just going to laze about, watch videos and sleep all day.No, he was going to watch videos and access the net, but for the live feed.He monitored Phyllis and Brian's efforts in a split screen while he kept his usual eye on the health of the base.After a while though, he got bored with it and set the tablet aside to feed Tucker.“Low stress right.Your mother has a funny way of thinking about stress.Babysitting a bunch of people or you?” Mitch asked.Tucker giggled at him.He snorted.“Yeah, right,” he muttered, pouring the cereal into a bowl.Something was wrong he thought; but he wasn't sure what.He kept glancing at the door and then his tablet to see but nothing occurred.Tucker picked up on his misgivings.He put on a brave face before he escorted his son back to Ester in daycare.When he got back to his office he sat down and tried to think, to focus on the feeling.Nothing came to him though, just flashes of pain.The computer alerted Mitch there was a problem with the chemical works.“Here we go,” he muttered.Mitch pulled out a tablet to check.He saw the potential for a leak and saw something else.Pressure was building where it shouldn't be.That was odd, and a disaster waiting to happen.Immediately he tried to call Bob, but Bob refused to take the call.He put in a call to Brian, but Brian and the others were all outside the perimeter working on a section of the wall.Mitch went to call Vance and then kicked himself mentally.He scrambled out of his chair, hissed at the pain in his abdomen, and then grabbed a jacket as he rushed out.------*------Janet and Anne saw Mitch tear through the great hall at as close to a run as his battered body would allow and then jump into a nearby hummer.“Wonder what that was about?” Janet asked, feeding her daughter.“I don't know, but someone should go find out,” Anne said, feeding the twins.“I.hell,” Janet sighed.“Go.I've got this,” Anne said, indicating the kids.Janet nodded and moved out.She saw the dust trail and set out to trail behind.------*------Colonel Dunn lurked by the hydrogen plant, about two hundred meters out near a berm wall.One couldn't be too careful he thought, then swore as a truck came flying past up the road to the plant.He watched for a moment as Chambers climbed out of the hummer and then swore again.He moved in, ready to finish the job if he had to.Either he was about to kill two birds with one stone or it was all about to fall apart.If it was he had to get in there to try to salvage what he could fast.He was pretty sure he wouldn't have a choice about how to do it but he was out of options.Besides, a frontal attack was more his style anyway he thought.------*------Mitch saw a familiar figure lurking by the berm out of the corner of his eye as he drove past but didn't stop or consider it; he was on borrowed time.“Computer! Alert! Go to code red! Tell everyone here and get the fire brigade on standby! Divert all hydrogen from the chemical works! Shut down production upstream! Suck that puppy dry!” Mitch snarled as his truck tore up the track.Bob looked up to see a vehicle approaching and felt both relief and alarm.Klaxons went off around the area.------*------“What the hell?” Brian demanded, looking up as he heard the distant klaxons.“Someone screw up? Did we set them off?” he demanded.He looked down in frustration then went over to the tablet he'd left out on the truck's hood to see it flashing red.“Fire? What the hell?”“Hydrogen!?” Phyllis said.She tapped at the controls then frowned, there was no camera feed.“If this is real, we're in serious trouble.We could lose it all; I've seen a hydrogen explosion in Texas.It goes off like a bomb.Big enough to cause an earthquake,” she warned.“If this isn't a freakin’ false alarm,” Brian said.“Who called it in? The computer?”“No,” Phyllis said getting into the truck.“Mitch did.”“Frack,” Brian said, tucking his tablet under his arm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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