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.But if that didn’t work … Well, rescuing Jordan’s family was already a suicide mission, so why not cram two into one morning?We found Kara waiting for us in the surveillance room.She stared straight at me, a weird, searching look on her face.‘Here to make sure we don’t break anything?’ said Jordan.Kara didn’t take her eyes off me.‘I’m just very curious to see how this morning turns out.’‘What’s that meant to mean?’‘I don’t suppose you’d believe me if I told you I was concerned for Luke’s safety?’ Kara asked.‘No,’ said Jordan, almost cracking a smile.‘I don’t suppose I would.’All the laptops on the table were back in action now.Soren had set each one automatically cycling through the cameras in a different section of town.I leant over an image of Peter’s street.It was dark.No signs of life.The camera angle shifted, closer to the Weirs’ house.Nothing.Were they even –?The surveillance picture flickered.Off, then on again.And then it was gone completely, replaced by a blur of static.What?I stood back.It was the same on every computer.‘What did you do?’ Jordan snapped.But Kara was looking just as confused as we were.She ran for the door.‘Soren!’‘Have they found us?’ I asked, checking the camera over the entrance.‘If Calvin’s figured out they’ve hijacked his security cameras …’But there was no-one at the entrance.Kara came tearing back into the room, dragging a barely-awake Soren behind her.He took one look at the computers and swore groggily.‘Why have we lost the signal?’ Kara demanded, pushing him forward.Soren stumbled over to the desk, brushing the sleep from his eyes.‘We haven’t …’‘Wake up!’ barked Kara.‘I don’t have time for –’‘I am awake!’ said Soren.‘Do you see an error message? We have not lost the signal.That static is the signal.We are seeing everything they’re seeing.The whole network’s gone offline.’A few minutes later, Jordan, Dad and I were jogging through the bush.This couldn’t be just a coincidence.The network hadn’t just happened to go offline, fifteen minutes before we were meant to be meeting Peter’s parents.So how in the world had they done it?As usual, Jordan was a couple of paces in front of us.She stopped walking and turned around.‘I’m not coming,’ she whispered.‘You two see what Peter’s parents want.I have to go get my family.’She folded her arms, clearly expecting an argument.But I already knew there’d be no talking her out of this.‘Yeah,’ I said.‘Go.We’ll meet you back down there.’She moved to leave, hesitated, then turned back, pulling me in for a hug.I squeezed her back, and whatever Dad might say about me being calm, I wasn’t.I was terrified.Jordan loosened her grip, drawing back to look at me, and for a second, I thought maybe she was going to –But no.Not this time.She released me and disappeared into the shadows.I waited until she was out of sight.‘Come on,’ I told Dad, ‘let’s get this over with.’We walked the last few metres to the edge of the bush.The bits of splintered wood had been cleared away from Peter’s front lawn by now, but there was still a gaping hole in the verandah.It wasn’t like the Co-operative to leave something like that unrepaired.They usually jumped right on top of anything that poked a hole in their picture-perfect facade.‘All right,’ I said, checking the street one last time.‘Ready?’‘Okay,’ said Dad, giving me a nervous pat on the back.‘Right behind you.’I sprinted out across the dirt and over the bike path, straight through the sights of at least one of the security cameras.Peter’s front door was open before we were halfway up the lawn.‘Oh, thank goodness,’ said Mrs Weir, standing aside as we bolted through.‘We didn’t know whether you even – Where’s Peter?’‘He’s safe,’ I said.‘Don’t worry.’Mrs Weir nodded, closing the door behind us.But she stayed at the window, eyes flashing across the yard like she was still waiting for someone.‘Who’s this?’ Peter’s dad asked warily, coming in from the dining room.‘My dad,’ I said.‘Jack.He’s just arrived.’‘Just arrived?’ said Mrs Weir, and I cringed at the surge of hope in her voice.‘Yeah, but he isn’t – It’s not –’Mr Weir rolled his wheelchair out past the window, into the faint glow of the streetlight, and I gasped.He was all red and purple, lips cracked, right eye swollen almost completely shut.‘Nice to meet you, Jack,’ he said, holding out a hand.Then, to me: ‘As you can see, Mr Shackleton is pretty keen to know where you guys are hiding out.’I shivered.‘Mr Weir –’‘Looks worse than it is,’ he said dismissively, spinning his chair back toward the dining room.But he pulled up short as someone else stepped into the doorway.At first, I didn’t even believe it was her.My brain chased itself around in a circle, trying to make sense of it.‘Mum?’She pushed past Mr Weir, straight up to Dad.‘Emily …’ Dad breathed.‘What are you doing here?’ she demanded, like he’d come just to be difficult.‘What’s he doing here?’ I said, reeling.‘What are you –?’‘He’s coming!’ said Mrs Weir, staring across the lawn.She moved back to the door, letting surprise guest number two into the house: Dr Montag.He skidded to a stop, breathing like he’d run halfway across town to get here.He caught sight of Dad, and I saw the comprehension creep across his face.‘You.’Montag spun around to Mum for an explanation, but she just threw up her hands.What are you looking at me for?‘Is this him?’ Dad asked me.I could hear the cold anger waiting just beneath the surface.My jaw clenched.‘Yeah.’Mum was still fuming at Dad, like this whole morning was perfectly fine and normal except for him showing up.‘What is this?’ I asked Mr Weir.‘What are we doing here? Wait.’ I turned back to Montag, figuring it out.‘You organised this?’‘Doctor Montag came to me at school,’ said Mrs Weir.‘He told me your mother was in danger.He’s trying to help her.’‘We’ve only got about five minutes,’ said Montag.‘I need you to listen to me.’‘I’m not listening to anything you –’‘Shackleton has your blood samples,’ Montag pressed on, shutting me up instantly.‘Within a couple of hours, he’ll discover the truth about you and your mother.’‘What truth?’ asked Mum.Clearly, Montag hadn’t bothered to fill her in on any of this ahead of time.‘That we’re not supposed to be here,’ I said.‘That he’s free to kill us the next time he –’‘Luke can explain when you’re safe,’ said Montag.His gaze flitted across the street, then back to me.‘Take her to wherever you’re staying.Keep her hidden.’‘It’s a trap,’ said Dad.He looked to me for confirmation.‘Right? What’s to keep him from following us back?’‘Luke, this is our only chance at keeping your mother alive,’ said Montag.‘I’ve shut down the security cameras, but they’ll be back online any time now.As soon as that happens –’ Montag broke off.His pocket was buzzing.He reached down and pulled out his mobile phone.‘Rob!’ said Mum, and I realised it was the first time she’d seen a working phone in two months.‘How –?’‘Not now,’ I hissed.Montag looked down at the display, and his expression turned suddenly anxious.He motioned us all to keep quiet, then slid the phone open.‘Yes?’A pause.The doc’s eyes widened.‘Now? Don’t be – We have a schedule.Her next appointment is –’Another pause.The voice on the other end definitely wasn’t happy.‘Yes, but that’s still five days from now!’ said Montag, eyes flashing to the window again.The caller shot back even louder this time, and I realised who it was.Realised what they were talking about.Montag mouthed an obscenity.‘All right.Yes, fine, but I’m meeting you there [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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