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.”“How’d she take it?”“Not too well, actually.We had a class project where you had to secure your network, and the other students tried to hack in.Most of the networks were easy to crack, but I have to admit that Jill didn’t make it easy.She’d constructed a pretty elaborate defense system.It took me a while to get in.”“I sent her a pop-up message during class that asked her out for coffee.Looking back, it was a pretty cocky way to let her know I’d circumvented her security.” Alex smiled as he sipped his coffee.“Did she accept?”“Hell no.She shot me an icy look over her shoulder and sent a message in response, a text graphic of an extended middle finger.It took a while, but I eventually wore her down.”“Ah, persistence pays off.”“She was dating a jock at the time, and he helped matters along.”“Really? How thoughtful of him.”“Not exactly.” Alex chuckled.“They were out drinking one night.The guy she was with got a little physical.She came to class with a shiner, so I paid the asshole a little visit.Jill had already dumped him, but the follow-up visit made an impression and helped soften her shell.I wasn’t exactly her type, but she came around.Eventually.”“Assholes like that deserve to have their bells rung.” Luka took a bite of his croissant.Powdered sugar clung to his lips, and he wiped it off with the back of his hand.“He deserved a little more than he got, but after that he stayed away from Jill.” Alex paused, sitting back in his seat, and glanced out the window.“You been divorced long?”“Five years.Cops don’t always make the best husbands.”“Jill is just as absorbed by her career as I am by mine.Ever think of trying again?”Luka flashed Alex a quick, enigmatic smile.“I don’t think I’m the marrying kind.Ask Sasha.She makes good pastry, though.” Luka’s gaze settled on the kitchen door for a moment.Alex laughed as Luka slurped his coffee.“So your guy, Honeywell, he’s been hanging out with the Bay Area chapter of the Gunns.They’re a nasty offshoot of a Southern California motorcycle gang.Apparently his cousin is the Gunns’ chief badass.The cousin’s been questioned in several homicides, but nothing’s stuck so far.”“Is Honeywell there now?”“I’ve got some buddies in vice who suggested we talk to the ATF.They have the clubhouse under constant surveillance.Drugs.Guns.I figured we’d take a drive down there to see if your boy’s still around.”“I appreciate your help.”“Any friend of Jackson’s is a friend of mine.” He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture.“We worked together back in the day.Good guy.How is he?”“He’s a foul-mouthed hardass.”Luka’s smile broadened.“So, the same? Good to know that some things don’t change.”They finished the pastries and coffee and left the bakery.Alex brushed the powdered sugar off his jacket and climbed into the car.“Ever do surveillance on a motorcycle gang?” Luka asked.“Never had the pleasure.”“You’re in for a treat.”CHAPTER TWENTY SEVENLuka flashed his badge as they walked through the door to a nondescript three-story office building at the edge of the San Jose business district, just off of San Carlos Street.The noise from the cars passing by on the Guadalupe Parkway was muted by the closing of the thick glass doors.“Good morning,” Luka said, smiling at the receptionist.“Luka Petrovich, SFPD.We’re here to see Agent Russell Stone.”“I’ll tell him you’re here,” the receptionist said.It was hard to tell if Luka’s good looks garnered any favor with her as she pointed to a row of chairs lining the back wall.She didn’t smile.Alex took a seat in the narrow chairs.The place had all of the charm of a DOL office.Luka sat next to him and spoke quietly so that only Alex could hear.“Stone’s the head of the San Jose investigation.You wouldn’t want to sneeze on a Gunns gang member without letting him know first.”“Sounds big.” Alex glanced at the receptionist, who murmured into her headset as she eyed them through her heavy horn-rimmed glasses.“It is.The investigation spans three states.The main focus is down in So Cal, outside of LA, but there’s a fair bit going on in the Bay Area, too.”“Detective Petrovich?”Russell Stone was a thin man in his late forties.His face had a delicate, birdlike quality, with sharp eyes and pinched features.Behind a set of rimless glasses, his gaze shifted from Alex to Luka, then back again.After a brusque greeting, he led them down a hall to a small corner office.Stone motioned for them to take a seat as he settled into the plush leather chair behind a glass and chrome desk.The ultramodern office furniture seemed at violent odds with the early 1970s industrial décor.Dressed in an immaculate navy-blue pinstriped suit, the ATF agent carried the bureaucratic air of a ladder climber, someone who played by the book and was eager to get his share of the spotlight.The photographs on his desk featured the smiling faces of a plump wife flanked by two teenage girls posing in front of the stone structure of a church.Agent Stone was a God-fearing family man [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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