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.It’s been damp and drizzly since my last entry.Incidentally, I have come to fucking HATE fog.I mentioned that I do two checks on the campus every day to check for stragglers or zombies.Fog makes that patrol amazingly difficult.Vision is almost totally hampered, and I can’t hear shit through the fog.It really scares me about snowstorms in winter later on.Anyone who’s been outside while it’s snowing knows the dead silence caused by the falling snow, and I can’t imagine it’ll make my life any fucking easier.Fuck mother nature, fuck her in her foggy, stupid ass.Luckily I haven’t encountered anything in the past few foggy days.Well to be more technically accurate, I haven’t noticed that I’ve encountered anything.For all I know I walked right by a horde of the undead bastards every time I stepped outside and just don’t know it.Whatever I guess.From the inside of Hall E here, everything is quiet, and I feel pretty safe tonight.Safe enough to eat one of my candy bars.Safe enough to write at length about my first night here on campus.I like to call that night “Night of the Living Dead Private School Students.” You’ll see why.So I arrived on campus to a disorganized mess.Amy, one of the admissions chicks, had filled me in on the day’s events on campus which were all bad.They had locked down classrooms, paranoid and or crazy parents, car accidents, one seizure, staff running away screaming, one diabetic reaction, a few assaults, etc etc.Not a safe place to be and it was where I had chosen to make my nest to ride this thing out.You could say with relative safety that I had some doubt at that moment.I mean, I could walk right then and there.Just fucking get back in my car, and go somewhere else.Kick in the door of some rural farmhouse and board that shit up.Aka Plan B, turtle it up somewhere else.But noooooo.I stick to my guns.I never walk away from a fight I think I can win.And strangely enough, I think I can win just about every fight.Cassie said my confidence bordered on arrogance.I think it turned her on.So after checking in with Amy and the eight paranoid parents trying to find their children, I decided to go find the crazy ass parent that was going to go “rescue” the kids from Mrs.Goodell’s classroom.I thanked Amy and tried to reassure the parents right before I told them to stay in the admissions house.I needed more firepower.I had grabbed the pistol and the.22, but this struck me a shotgun kind of situation.I went back to the car, switched the rifle for the gauge, and started to head south towards the main classroom building.Just as I headed that way, I heard the distinct sound of gunfire coming from inside the building.Not good right?I picked up some speed and got to the front of the building.All of our doors are either glass industrial doors, or steel fire doors.The school had the glass kind.I looked through, yanked the door open, and headed inside.The halls were lit by the emergency lights that are on at night normally.They’re on a timer and kick on automatically at 8pm.Two lights are in each major hallway, one at each end, flooding towards the center of the corridor.They aren’t the brightest bulbs in the building, but they suitably keep it lit.That’s not a joke or a pun about the students or staff or anything, I’m actually talking about the lights there.So the school building is square and three floors.Classrooms were on each side of the central hallway with some offices in the front and back.The staircase was in the middle of the hall, on the left side.I remember feeling very out of place here.Normally I’m never in the main classroom building.I work (read: worked) in the residential program at night, so there’s no reason to be in that building.It was weird just being in there, let alone being in there specifically to find a gun-toting lunatic, and to liberate eight kids being held captive by a granola crunching English teacher.Weirdness abounds.I combat-cleared the lower floor in 4 minutes.I did it silently so as not to arouse any suspicion, or to let the dude upstairs know I was here.The bottom floor was all clear.You could tell from the clutter in the classrooms that it had been a bad day.The rooms smelled… sweaty.Plus the kid’s book bags were tossed about, and there were snack food wrappers all over the place.You could tell they had been holed up in the rooms for awhile earlier.Right as I was getting to the back office for the guidance counselors, I heard some yelling coming from upstairs.It was distant, coming from the third floor.I couldn’t afford to move much faster though.My safety would be at risk.That’s a debate you have a lot in situations like that.You weigh your safety with the potential outcomes and at some point you realize that your safety is not worth any potential outcome.I was willing to go in the building to try and rescue the kids, but I wasn’t willing to die for them.Not today at least.I wanted to survive this.I remember tripping slightly going up the stairs.One of those times when your toe catches the lip of a stair.I didn’t fall, but I did put a hand down to catch myself.I made it to the 2nd floor after that with no problem.The second floor is largely wide open, save for the bookcases in the library [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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