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.To calm his nerves, he ran over what he'd learned from the Grand Oracle, hoping to get one step ahead of the game.Pomfrey had been forthcoming about the details of how the Awakeners intended to transport the sphere, but Frey had been left frustrated in other areas.When he asked the Grand Oracle what the Awakeners intended to do with the power source from a Mane dreadnought, Pomfrey had only looked confused.Frey had prompted him.Were they planning to sell it? Perhaps they wanted to make a deal with the Archduke, a trade in return for freedom from further persecution? Or did they have designs on building an invincible fleet of their own?The Grand Oracle had seemed mystified.'What power source?'At that moment, several people had entered the parlour, and Crake had been forced to wrap it up quickly, commanding the Grand Oracle to remember nothing of the conversation.But Frey remembered.What power source?Grist had lied to him.It wasn't a power source at all.So what exactly was it?Whatever that son of a bitch was up to, he still wasn't being straight with Frey.And Frey was damned if he'd be mucked around like that.Once they located their targets, it would be the Storm Dog's job to deal with the Delirium Trigger.The Ketty Jay was far too small to handle her.Instead, she'd go after the Awakener barque, to capture its cargo.The Mane sphere.As soon as they had that, Frey was going to run for it.Forget Grist and his secrets.Whatever that thing was, Frey was having it, and Grist could go hang.He'd work out later what to do with it.Some things are worth riskin' every thin' for, Grist had said.But what was it he was after? What was worth that much?'Doc!' he called through the cockpit door.'Are they still with us?''Wait a sec!' Malvery called back from the gunnery cupola.There was a flash of lightning and a tearing sound overhead.1 Storm Dog's right on our tail, Cap'n!'Frey stared out into the night.The cockpit lights had been doused, except for dim night-flying bulbs on the dash to illuminate the instruments.Another flash of lightning showed him the Firecrow and Skylance, flying some distance below them, as Frey had instructed.A lightning strike wouldn't affect the Ketty Jay or the Storm Dog, but smaller craft had a tendency to explode that way.The Storm Dog's outflyers were safely stashed in a hangar in her belly, but that wasn't an option on the Ketty Jay, which was less than a tenth her size.Instead, he used his craft to shelter his pilots as best he could, hoping it would soak up the lightning.'Harkins.Pinn.Everything alright?' he asked.'Darker than a miner's arsehole down here,' came Pinn's reply through his earcuff.'Otherwise, fine.'Jez had suggested that they might give an earcuff to Grist, to better coordinate the attack, but Frey had flatly refused.The earcuffs were a secret that only the crew of the Ketty Jay shared.A little stroke of genius from Crake.It gave them an advantage that other crews didn't have.He wasn't sharing that with an untrustworthy bastard like Grist.He hunched forward in his seat, searching the darkness.'Where are you, Trinica?' he muttered.'Where'd you go?'Trinica.In among all his other problems, there was Trinica.Why did she need to get involved? Why did it have to be her who robbed him on Kurg? If it had been anybody else he might have given up, cut his losses and parted company with Grist.But he couldn't take the humiliation, not from her.He found himself thinking of this operation more and more in terms of Trinica.It was her he was beating.Maybe he couldn't take her on himself, but it was his plan, his effort that had set up the ambush.It would be him that ended up with the prize.Maybe the Storm Dog would shoot her down, or maybe she'd shoot down Grist.As long as they kept each other busy for long enough, he couldn't care less.But he'd like to see the look on her face when she realised who'd done her over.'Cap'n,' said Jez.She craned forward and narrowed her eyes.'Contact.'Frey sat up.'You see them?'Jez looked for a few more moments.'Bearing two-eighty-five, heading across us to the east.'Frey thumped the dash in excitement.'Alright, we're on!' he announced.'Harkins, Pinn, hit the deck.Stay low, and listen to Jez for course corrections.We're heading up into the clouds [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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