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.His dissatisfaction against Hajime had always been piling up, now this had swelled into hatred.When he saw Kaori get mesmerized by the Grantz Crystal, he was probably driven by these feelings.Hiyama remembered all that.Looking at Hajime who was suppressing the Behemoth by himself, Kaori staring worried for Hajime and even praying for him.a dark smile bloomed on Daisuke's face.Hajime felt his mana running out, and he had ran out of any potions.He quickly surveyed his surrounding and noticed that everyone had retreated.Ranks were being formed and magic was being prepared for the last part of the plan.Behemoth was still struggling, at this rate there were still a few seconds of intermission even if he stopped transmuting.In the meantime he had to get some distance.A drop of sweat entered his eye.Hajime had never been in such a situation that caused his heart to thump so loudly that he could hear it.Timing was going to be important here.Dozens of cracks formed in the restraints that held the Behemoth, and they were failing to hold it back.At the same moment, Hajime started to sprint.5 seconds after Hajime started to run away, the Behemoth fully freed itself and roared.The rage present in its eyes could never be misunderstood.Quickly it's vision searched for its sworn enemy and found Hajime.Behemoth roared in anger again , and collected power into its legs to chase after Hajime.However, a barrage of magic attacks stopped it.Like shooting stars painting the night sky, magic of countless colors bombarded the Behemoth.There was no damage, but the force prevented it from advancing.Hajime lowered his head and dashed while taking care not to fall.With all those lethal spells passing over his head, Hajime was not afraid for his life.There was no way those cheats would be able to miss.The distance between the Behemoth and him was also 30 m.Hajime relaxed at that.However, something happened that cause him to freeze.One of the "Fireball" in the endless stream of spells, bent slightly and started to head his way.This was clearly aimed at him.(Why!?)Doubt and bewilderment, all of this ran through his brain and it appalled him.Hajime slid and braced himself as the "Fireball" struck the ground right in front of his eyes.He was blown back the way he came from by the shockwave.No real damage was taken because he was able to avoid a direct hit, but his sense of balance was thrown out of whack.Seems like semicircular canal was damaged.Standing up was a little hard because he was dizzy.The Behemoth like usual was not going to go down alone.When Hajime got up, the beast roared again.Hajime looked at the Behemoth and was stunned by the piercing eyes it had.For the third time it's horns started to and he lunged towards Hajime.The unsteady head, hazy vision, looming Behemoth, impatience screams and roars from his classmates in the distance.Hajime tried desperately to muster the strength to jump away.A furious shock ripped through the entire bridge, it shocked from the strength of the Behemoth's attack.Cracks spread out from the epicenter.The bridge screamed.Finally, after all that punishment, the bridge collapsed.The bridge had finally reached the threshold and gave out."Guaaa!"Behemoth clawed desperately to find a place to hold on to.However even the ground that connected the bridge collapsed and fell into the abyss.Death throes could be heard from the Behemoth.Hajime crawled to escape somehow, however every place he held onto collapsed."Ah, it's no good."While he thought that, he turned his gaze towards his classmates.He saw Shizuku and Kaori holding Kaori back, like she wanted to jump after him.His other classmates were pale and had their hands over their eyes or mouths.Meld and the Knights had a mortifying expression on their faces.The scaffolding that held Hajime finally crumbled.He fell backwards into the dark abyss, while he tried to grasp the dimming light.Chapter 7: Wretched MaliceThe death throes that the Behemoth echoed soon ceased.The stone bridge made a huge rattling noise as it crumbled.Hajime disappeared into the abyss along with the rubble.That sight, played for Kaori in slow motion and it filled her with despair.In her head, last night's event repeatedly played in her mind.In the room illuminated by the moonlight, she sat here chatting with Hajime while they drank the fake black tea.That was the first time they had talked so in depth with each other.Being driven by her nightmares, she paid a sudden visit to Hajime.Even if he was surprised, he had talked to her truthfully.After a bit, she noticed that talking to him had erased her uneasiness.She returned to her room in a jubilant mood.When she arrived back at her room, she noticed how boldly she was dress and she writhe in shame [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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