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.Michael looked at Nick as the medics loaded Lyra into the ambulance.“Give me a minute to talk with Detective Ritcher and I’ll ride with you.They’re roping the area off and the coroner should be here in a minute.”Nick climbed in the back of the ambulance.Lyra looked at him then looked away.He took her hand but she pulled free.When Michael climbed in, she reached for his hand, gripping so tightly her knuckles were white.Michael gave Nick an apologetic shrug and held her hand the entire way.She was taken to emergency and the nurse told Nick he would have to leave.Michael leaned over and kissed Lyra on the forehead, then gently pried her fingers loose from his hand.She looked up at him with frightened eyes and he smiled.“It’s okay.You’re safe.Nick’s going to be just outside.”Lyra cut her eyes at Nick and he smiled.“They just want to make sure everything’s okay.I’ll be right outside.”Michael stepped into the hallway with Nick.“I’ve got to go in there, you know.” Nick looked at him with a blank expression for a moment and Michael put his hand on his shoulder.“It’s procedure in all rape cases.”Nick’s head jerked up and his eyes met Michael’s.Michael could see the fury and knew the kind of cold rage Nick was capable of.He also knew he could not let Nick get out of control.“Look, we don’t know for sure, but we have to find out.Let’s not jump the gun, okay? I’ll be out as soon as the doctor’s finished and you can be there when I question her.”Nick nodded and leaned back against the wall beside the door, crossing his arms.Michael sighed and walked back into the room.The doctor was standing beside the bed and Lyra was sitting with her arms wrapped tightly around her knees, the sheet tucked in all around her.“Miss, we must examine you,” the doctor said gently.Lyra shook her head and the doctor turned to Michael.Michael walked over to her.“Lyra, you have to let the doctor examine you.It’s for your protection.Please.”She looked up at him and frowned.“Why are there so many people in here?”He cleared his throat.“It’s standard procedure in rape cases.We have to document everything.”She turned a bright red and looked down.Michael knew she was embarrassed.“Lyra, believe me, we’ll try to make this as quick as possible but it does have to be done.”She looked up at him with a hard stare that seemed to see through him.He could not stop the thought that crossed his mind.How he wished he had met her before Nick.Her skin flushed more deeply as his eyes met hers.Abruptly she lay down and closed her eyes, her arms crossed tightly over her chest.The doctor arranged her in the stirrups and performed the examination.Michael snapped the pictures of the scratches and bruises quickly then turned away.Lyra didn’t open her eyes until the exam was over and the doctor had treated her cuts and left the room.Michael followed him out into the hall.Nick was still waiting and with him were a tall, dark-haired man and a very attractive older woman with platinum-blonde hair.The older man stepped forward and addressed the doctor.“Excuse me.I am Count Leopold Desyatov and this is Ms.Alexandra Seville, the victim’s mother.The police called and said Lyra had been admitted to the hospital.How is she? What happened? Mr.Austin refuses to tell us what happened.”Michael stepped in before the doctor could answer.“I’m Detective Michael Santera, sir.I’m in charge of the case.I’ll be glad to fill you in as soon as I speak with the doctor.If you’d just be patient a few minutes longer.”Leopold nodded and walked over to where Lexi was rubbing up against Nick, holding onto his arm and dabbing at her perfectly made up and dry eyes.Michael turned and looked at the doctor.“Well?”The doctor shook his head.“There was evidence of a lubricant in the vagina, but there is no evidence of semen.I have no idea what happened, but I can tell you beyond the shadow of a doubt that she was not raped.”Michael looked over at Nick and realized not only was he listening but so were Lyra’s mother and her friend.“How’s that?”“There’s no evidence to suggest rape.No tearing or tissue damage.”.”Michael’s eyes widened in surprise but he quickly recovered.“So what about this lubricant you found?”“I took a sample for testing.But I’d bet my stethoscope it’s the same lubricant we use for exams—same smell and consistency.It’s very strange.”“Yeah, it is.” Michael thanked the doctor and turned to Nick who was staring across the hall.“Well, at least we know she wasn’t raped.”“How fortunate!” Leopold said.“Now, suppose you tell us just what did happen, Detective?”“I don’t have all the facts yet, sir.Right now I need to question Lyra.”“Then I will accompany you.I feel sure she is severely traumatized and needs the comfort of those who love her right now.”Nick stepped in front of him, barring his path.“I don’t think so.Detective Santera needs to question her and you’d be in the way.”Michael saw the look that came on Leopold’s face.“He’s right.Why don’t you and Ms.Seville get a cup of coffee and I’ll meet you in the waiting room when I finish.”“Very well.” Leopold gave Nick a hateful look.“Are you going to accompany us, Mr.Austin?”“I think I’ll hang around here.”Leopold nodded to Michael then took Lexi’s arm and led her down the hall.As soon as they were out of sight, Nick turned to Michael.“If she wasn’t raped then why was she grabbed and what were those men doing to her?”Michael pushed open the door.“Why don’t we see if we can find out.Wait here and I’ll”“I’m going in with you.”“Nick, it’s against procedure.”“Mike, this is personal [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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