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.She was faced with four men, most likely armed and very eager to exterminate any witnesses that might have overheard information about their crime.She closed her eyes tightly for a moment in an attempt to calm herself.She knew that despite her training in martial arts, she was not going to be able to take four armed men down.Of course, she would have to try, but she hoped that it wouldn't have to come to that.“I assure you, you'll be on your flight tonight,” the second man said as soothingly as he could.“There was no way I could predict that she would walk into the store before I had a chance to take care of things.I did what I could with the opportunity it presented me, and now here we are.She's the prime suspect, not any of us, doesn't that tell you that you can trust me? Huh?”“Sure, I'll trust you,” the first man chuckled and Bekki heard a loud clapping sound as if the man had smacked the second man on the back.“When I have my money, I'll trust you.”Bekki shrunk back more against the wall.She knew as soon as that door was let go it would swing closed, and she would be revealed.In an attempt to buy herself some time she wiggled the toe of her shoe in the space between the bottom of the door and the cement floor.She hoped this would allow her to keep the door open even after it was let go.But would anyone notice the toe of her shoe sticking out? Bekki tucked her phone into her pocket, but kept it recording.She didn't want to miss any confessions.“Well? What are you waiting for?” the first man demanded.“Yes sir, I'm going to get it now,” the familiar voice replied respectfully.Bekki felt the door ease somewhat as the man released it.Then she heard him and two of the men step back inside the office.She knew that one of the men was still standing just in front of the door.She winced as she knew that if she didn't let go of the door he would look down and see the toe of her shoe.She braced herself, ready to attack, and reluctantly pulled her foot back out from under the door.As soon as the door swung closed Bekki was fully exposed.The man walking away from her could look back at any time and see her standing there.Or the men that had ducked back into the office might open the door again and catch her if she tried to move away from the door.Each of the man's footsteps seemed extremely loud in the almost completely empty warehouse.Bekki inched her way along the wall.There wasn't even a wide pillar to hide behind.She thought about laying flat on the floor, hoping that the man wouldn't notice her, but if he did, he would surely alert the others.So she thought of the next best thing.If she was going to have to be caught, then she would rather be caught by only one man, instead of four.She spotted a piece of wood that must have served as a doorstop for the office door at one time.She crouched down and picked it up quickly.The way it was slanted was perfect.She slid it under the office door so that it would be very difficult for anyone to get it open.As Bekki stood back up she heard something very disheartening.It was the click of a safety catch being released on a gun.As she braced herself for the bullet she expected would come whizzing towards her, she bravely looked up at the person standing before her.At first she felt a brief sense of relief, until she began to put the pieces together.The man with the familiar voice that was now standing before her was Officer McKay, and he didn't look pleased to see her.Chapter Nine“Officer McKay, what are you doing here?” Bekki asked in an attempt to play innocent.“Were you following up the same lead I was?” she suggested.Bekki could only presume from the conversation she had overheard that he was involved in Patty's death, and might have even killed his friend himself.“What lead?” he growled and took a step closer to her.“Looks to me that you put your nose in the wrong place.All you had to do was take the fall, your detective fiancé would have got you off with a light sentence.Instead, you had to get in too deep, now there's no way you'll be walking down that aisle.”Bekki's heart skipped a beat at his words.Her first thought was for Nick, and how devastated he would be when her body was discovered.She knew she had to think quickly to save herself, but this time, she didn't see much of a way out.“To think I actually felt sorry for you,” she scoffed a little as she narrowed her eyes.“I thought you were such good friends with Patty, that explained why you were so bent on pinning his death on me.But really, you just weren't fast enough to get rid of the body, were you?”“That's a very dangerous accusation, Bekki,” Officer McKay replied gruffly as he took a slight step closer to her.“As I said before, all you had to do was stay out of it, you would have been just fine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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