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.”“WHAT THE FUCK?” I shout down the phone.“I thought you were watching her, Finn? How the fuck has this happened?” I shout, trying to pull on my clothes and boots as I pick up my bag and grab my keys.“I know, I know,” he says, and I can hear the anger and disappointment in his voice.“Sam was watching her.Kels went out to tie up a loose boat and that’s where he got her.Sam heard her screaming and raced out, apparently he had Jason in his sights, but couldn’t pull the trigger.Just too green, I guess,” he says and I know he’s pissed too.“I’m sorry, Beck, really.”I exhale hard.“Do you know where he’s taken her, any idea?” I ask, slamming the front door of my apartment as I run downstairs to my truck.Throwing the bag in the back seat, I jam my keys in the ignition and rev the car hard, my phone switching over to speaker.“I got there just as he was taking off,” Finn says.“Got a name on the boat and we’re looking into it now.”“A boat?” I ask, pulling out and cutting another car off in the process.Whoever it is blasts their horn at me, but I ignore it.“Yeah,” Finn says.“He had one sitting at the end of the dock, I’m guessing he’s the one who untied her boat and got her out there.Fucking Sam should’ve known better,” he says, his voice harsh.“He should’ve gone with her and then this never would have happened.Shit, Beck, I’m really fucking sorry,” my brother says.Even though shit has just gotten real and I’m fucking livid right now, I know my brother feels awful about what’s happened.And knowing everything he’s been doing, not just looking after Kels, but running the rest of the town, I know he’s also pretty fucking exhausted right now.I exhale hard, pulling onto the I95 out of Boston.“I know, Finn,” I say, meaning it.“Look, I know this isn’t your fault, okay? This guy’s clearly experienced at this sort of shit; he was a cop for fuck’s sake.Don’t beat yourself up about it, okay?”Finn sighs into the phone.“Kinda hard not to, Beck,” he says.“I feel like fucking shit right now.I was supposed to be watching her for fuck’s sake.”“I know,” I say.“But right now we have to focus on finding her.Tell me everything you know.I wanna pass on the details to Ryan too, see if he can’t track anything down from this end.”Finn exhales hard through the phone and I can tell he’s trying to calm himself down so he can fill me in.It’s not gonna do either of us any good fighting right now, and it’s sure as shit not gonna save Kelsey.And I know Finn is hurting right now, that he’ll be blaming himself for this, even though it was the kid who should have been watching her.“The boat was called Lucky Lady,” Finn says, a bitter edge to his voice now.“From what I could gather, it was about forty foot, standard motor, but it looked like he had someone else driving it.”“Jesus christ,” I say.“Okay, let me call Ryan now.I’m on my way, meet you at the station in an hour?”“Yep, I’ll see you then,” Finn says.“Call me if you find anything.”“Will do,” I say, hanging up on my brother.I nearly hit a car trying to find my phone on the passenger seat, swearing as I swerve to the shoulder to avoid it.“Fucking hell,” I grit through clenched teeth, scrolling through my contacts for Ryan’s number.“Beck,” he says, answering after the first ring.“What’s up, miss me already?”“He’s got her, Ryan, the fucking asshole’s got her,” I shout into the phone, not bothering to say hello.“What the fuck?” Ryan shouts.“Hold on, I’m coming over, I’ll drive you up.There’s no way you should be driving this pissed off.”“I’m already on the way,” I say, knowing I have no patience to wait for anyone at the moment, least of all a chauffeured service to Rockport.“And I need you to do something for me here.”“What, anything you need,” he says.“You okay to drive?”“Yeah,” I say, undertaking some idiot who’s sitting on the speed limit in the inside lane, my hand on the horn as I do.“Look into a boat called Lucky Lady for me, will you? That’s how he got her.”“I’ll head back to the station now,” Ryan says.“Keep me posted when you get back.”“Will do,” I say.“And Ryan?”“Yeah?”“Thanks.”“No problem, Beck,” he says.“Drive carefully and let me know if there’s anything else I can do.”The drive to Rockport takes over an hour and with every minute that passes, I feel like I’m going to punch someone.I have no doubt this fucking asshole knew I was back in Boston these last few days, choosing to make the most of my absence by going for Kels when I wouldn’t be there to look after her.It makes me so fucking mad, even though I know there’s really nothing I could’ve done about it.What I do know though, is this guy is fucking dead when I find him.I pull into the station parking lot and slam the truck in park, hauling ass inside [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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