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. His gaze fastened on Anari. Come closer,woman, so I can see my prize.Duncan inwardly cringed.With her kiss-swollen lips and red-gold hair swirling aroundher hips, Anari was a prize any man would covet, and this one s eyes fairly gleamed withinterest.Anari crossed the room and snuggled herself onto Duncan s lap. What is your name,sir? I am Captain Gidrun Balkhimar, the man answered. And your name, woman? I am Anari Andret, wife of Ean Andret, captain of The Vigilant.Duncan pressed his mouth against her ear, as though kissing her, and whispered,  Nice.Go with it.See if you can sweet-talk him. Might I inquire as to why you ve fired on a merchant ship which has done you nowrong, Captain Balkhimar?The captain of The Atir glared at them both. Do you always let your woman do yourtalking, Andret?Duncan smiled and held her more closely against his body. My Anari is a free spirit andI like her that way.It is not my habit to dominate her. He held back a wince when Anari tookhis earlobe between her teeth and bit down hard, letting him know exactly what she thought ofthat statement. That is most unfortunate for your woman, Andret, for she will not like doing my bidding when I take her from you.Anari launched herself off Duncan s lap, scowling at the impudent fellow. Do you sleep, Captain Balkhimar? Because you will never know a peaceful night s sleepagain if you take me from my husband.You won t know when and you won t know how, butwhen you least expect it, I will end your life in the most painful manner possible.Gidrun laughed. I see what you mean, Andret.She is a fanciful wench.I like it.Duncan cocked his head. I wouldn t underestimate her, Captain.She comes from a raceof ranchers, she knows how to cut the head off a snake. The opposing captain s face turned adeep shade of red. But I will save her the trouble of killing you and take care of the mattermyself.Balkhimar smiled. A challenge, then.The Atir will escort you to Rei-san where yourbeautiful wife will watch you die before I make her mine.Lower your shields and follow us tothe city.If you try to run for it, I will grind you to dust. Chapter EightThe Vigilant set down just outside the Center House and was immediately surrounded byseveral dozen armed men.Anari felt as though she d once again jumped from the frying pan intothe fire as she followed Duncan to his quarters. Put these on, he directed, handing her a pair of beautiful silver bracelets with smooth,curved links.Her eyebrows shot up in confusion. What are they, fashionable accessories for drabflight suits?Duncan uttered a grim laugh and held up a larger one he clasped to his own wrist. Thisis a Thiris, my pet, and you must be careful how you use it.Allow me to demonstrate. Heflicked his wrist at the bed and a claw-tipped whip shot forward, attaching to the mattress.Thebeautiful curved links turned into deadly talons.With another flick of the wrist, the silver whipretracted back into the bracelet and the talons reverted to their previous state. Wicked, Anari said, stroking one of the bracelets on her wrist.Duncan arched an eyebrow. You have a sadistic streak, love.Remind me to have a carewhen it comes to pissing you off. He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her, kissingher soundly before setting her back on her feet. Now the bracelets have been programmedspecifically for you.If anyone other than you touches them before you ve disengaged itsdefenses, it will kill that person. He showed her the sequencing, then explained how todeactivate the defenses. What happens if someone else touches it? The talons extend and inject a lethal poison.Apart from that, if you don t deactivate theprimary defenses, anyone who touches it could lose their fingers.Duncan took her hand in his and brushed a light kiss over her knuckles. Anari, ifanything should happen to me  No. She shook her head vehemently. Nothing will happen to you. She took his facein her hands. Do you hear me? You will not leave me.You are mine and I am yours.Anythingelse is unacceptable and I will not have it, is that understood?Duncan chuckled. Aye, love.Understood. He picked her up again and she wrapped herarms around his neck. Now give me a kiss for luck. You won t need luck but I ll kiss you anyway, because it s such an enjoyable activity [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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