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. While at the same time, he went on,  he fed us a line that this was all partof a crusade, that the human race was doomed unless we got everyone in theworld into the church.And that, of course, was going to take lots of moneyand lots of dedication.The church was an embattled army fighting to savehumanity.And like any army, ours had to be obedient.Unquestioning.Page 49 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlAlso, it could be destroyed from inside, by subtle deviations in teaching andprocedures.So absolute orthodoxy was vital, and continuous vigilance anuncompromising ruthlessness with anything done differently than Ray said.With that he stopped, sat dead in the water for a minute, then took a sip oftea. Sound like anything else you ever heard of? he asked.To some degree or another, it seemed to me, most cults were like that; somemainstream religions were too. It must be a relief to be out of it, I said.His smile was rueful. It is and it isn t.Being out has left a hole.For me,dealing stocks is a way to get money.Beyond that, it s neither satisfying norimportant.I m looking for something that is.And that s not easy, when you vebeen burned like I was.We didn t say anything more for a couple of minutes.I started wishing I dordered dessert.Finally I asked,  Do you have any thoughts about what mayhave happened to Ray Christman?He shook his head.His eyes focused again, and he came out of whatever he dbeen in. No.No I don t.Every possibility I can think of seems unlikely.Hemay have simply taken off with a bunch of the loot, to live somewhere as ananonymous rich American.That s probably the best bet.That stunned me.It seemed so damned logical! And obvious! And I hadn tthought of it before. Tell you what, he said, and he sounded all businessnow. I ll give you the name of a woman, an ex-churchie like me, who may bethe best-informed person there is on the church.Outside its upper executivelevels.She has sources everywhere, sucks in contacts and information like ablack hole.The difference being, she ll let it back out when she feels likeit. Even churchies talk to her.She s probably the only outie I know who hasinformation sources inside.And she s never been expelled kicked out.It ssupposed to be automatic to expel anyone as evil who openly quits the church,but she s never been expelled.He gave me the phone number and address of a woman called Molly Cadigan, abusiness consultant who worked out of her home. She s informal, he said, and may not make a great first impression, but she s smart.I ve seen her in action.The first time I met her, she gave me some freeadvice, and it worked like a bomb.Icashed in.Since then I buy her advice, and it s always good.She s not in itto get rich, either.She doesn t go looking for business.She s content tomake a comfortable living, and lives the way she pleases, does what she likes. She s a well of information, not only about the church, but about itsenemies.And so far as I know, she doesn t sell that kind of information notto individuals.She gives it away.Although she might charge a corporationlike yours.He emptied his cup and didn t pour any more.Apparently we were about done. She was an early member, he continued,  one of the founding members.Beforethat she was a Noetie one of Leif Haller s followers.Beginning in her teens.But she was always self-determined.She quit the Noeties when Haller began todemand conformity.Later she quit the church for the same reason. Since I ve been out, Hamilton went on,  I ve met a lot of ex-churchies, someof them oldtimers like Molly.And they tell stories.One of them is that Molly was Ray Christman sgirlfriend, once upon a time.That may be why she never got expelled.I left the restaurant knowing that Molly Cadigan was someone I wanted to talkto.6  MOLLY CADIGANReading thePage 50 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlL.A.Times at my desk the next morning, I found an item that jarred me. Gerald Williams, ownerand operator of a firm called Gnostic Withdrawal Assistance, was arrestedyesterday on a charge of possessingfor sale a quantity of crack cocaine.Crack has long since been out of style, but it still has its users.Anyway that rocked me back in my chair.Williams a pusher? I didn t believeit.He was being held in lieu of $50,000 bail.I got on the phone to the LAPD and identified myself, explaining that Williamswas an information source for me in an investigation.I asked to speak to theofficer in charge of the case.A Lieutenant Emiliano Gonzaga accepted thecall.My name was familiar to him.He told me they d gotten their tipoff froma teenaged kid namedJoseph R.Minnis. I can t help but wonder, I said,  if Joseph R.Minnis isn t a Gnostie.Orwas put up to it by the Gnosties. You re not the first to wonder, he told me. We re looking into it.So faras we can determine, Minnis isn t a Gnostie, but he is a street hustler on themake. We found the package in Williams restroom cabinet, with the extra soap,scouring powder, and TP.And failed to find his prints on it, or anyoneelse s.It could have been left there by anyone.We ve also verified that helets street people use his restroom.If we don t get firmer evidence againsthim today, we plan to release him late this afternoon.Gonzaga paused and grinned. Incidentally, my office has taken half a dozencalls like yours.Williams has lots of friends.I hadn t foreseen that, but it didn t surprise me. Thanks, Lieutenant, Itold him, and we disconnected.I felt pretty burned.I was sure the church hadset Williams up, and right then I really wanted to get something on them:hopefully Ray Christman s murder.Assuming, of course, that Christman had beenmurdered.When I d finished the paper, I called Molly Cadigan s number and caught her athome.I explained who I was, and told her I was investigating Christman sdisappearance.We agreed to meet at her place at ten o clock, which gave meplenty of time.Briarcliff Drive is in the Hollywood Hills, but it s not oneof those winding little goat-trail streets that appear and disappear up there.It s easy to find and keeptrack of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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