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.She just needed a littlecourage. I do want to go, she said. But yeah, I m afraid.Hades doesn t have a reputation for being allwarm and fuzzy. Trust me. The confidence and conviction in his voice wrapped around her like a warm, thickblanket.She studied the firm set of his jaw and his steady blue eyes, dark now like an ocean storm.Something sparked inside her.Maybe hope.Maybe desire.Maybe both.At this point, she had more togain than to lose by trusting him.He couldn t hurt her any worse than he already had. I don t trust you. Her voice shook despite her best efforts to keep it steady. But I do thinkyou ll keep me safe and that s enough for me to deal with& get through the door.You are a cop, afterall.Protecting people is your job. Let s get you changed then. His gruff voice betrayed strong emotion, but whatever he wasfeeling he kept hidden.With a resigned sigh, Lana made her way to the bedroom.James followed behind her and settledhimself on the bed.She lifted an eyebrow. You planning to have a nap?James winked and lay back on her pillows. Thought I d watch.Playful again.How could he so blithely bounce on her bed after she d just rejected his kiss andtold him she didn t trust him? What happened to Mr.Sullen and Serious? How could he turn it on andoff so quickly? You re suddenly in a cheery mood, she grumbled. You re going to be taking off your clothes.Nothing cheers a man up more than a naked woman.He crossed his arms behind his head and his T-shirt rose to expose the ripples of his six-packcovered in the faintest shadow of soft, dusky hair.She followed the trail to his belt and then tore hereyes away.Don t go there.An image crept into her mind.James, naked, stretched out just like that on her bed, watching herstrip to Danzig s  She Rides , his eyes burning into her until she thought she might combust.When shehad finished her routine, she crawled over his body intending to settle herself exactly where shewanted to be.But before she reached her destination, he flipped her over and pinned her hands to thebed.It was the first time he had restrained her.It was the hottest sex she d ever had.And it had just gotten better and better.But this was life, not sex.Although her body craved him with a soul-deep ache, she had work todo and a heart to protect.Her cheeks flushed and she looked away. Babe, he said softly,  what are you thinking? You keep looking at me like that and I ll get ideasthat ll make us late.Liquid lust shot through her veins but she reined it in. I m thinking about how I m going to changein the bathroom, so there s nothing for you to see except me pulling clothes out of the closet. There s a hell of a lot for me to see. His voice dropped to a rough growl.Lana closed her eyes and tried to calm the dancing butterflies in her stomach. James Hunter, areyou looking at my ass? You ve still got the finest ass I ve ever seen.She snatched a dress off a hanger and spun around, her lips quivering with a repressed smile. You re still cocky as hell. She stomped into the bathroom and closed the door. And you re still sexy as fuck, he yelled. Don t use that biker mouth on me. Damn.Did she just say that? Maybe he wouldn t catch theunintended innuendo.His mouth had taken her to places she d never realized existed.She splashed cold water on her face and took a few deep breaths.If she didn t get a grip, shewould never be able to spend an entire afternoon with him without trying to rip off his clothes. Babe, I know your dark side.You like it when I swear.Fire spread through her limbs.He didn t just know her dark side; he had teased it out of her andfed it with his own corresponding needs. I m older now.More mature. She tugged on a high-collar, no-skin-revealing, stretch, leopard-print minidress.A muss of the hair.A heavy hand with the makeup.Fug boots.All ready for a bikerbarbeque.She hoped they were into thrash.James ripped open the bathroom door and Lana threw herself back against the wall, heart racingand eyes wide. You re only twenty-six, he announced. And age has nothing to do with what turns you on.Lana straightened herself and sidled past him. You always were good at math.Not so good withdoors. She made it halfway across the bedroom before he grasped her arm and spun her around.His eyes roved over her body and stopped at the floor. Lose the boots. The boots stay.They re part of the outfit. You re my old lady.You need to look the part.Lana s heart slammed against her ribs.She hadn t expected a confrontation over something astrivial as her attire.Putting their lives in danger& that she could understand.But boots? She lovedher Zombie Stompers.Comfy.Flat soles.Easy to run.Although a tad warm for summer, they made herfeel safe.And, right now, she needed safe.She gave an exasperated sigh. I ve done very short.I ve done very tight.Rex said nothing aboutfootwear and I need to know I can run if I have to.The only way these boots are coming off is if youpull them off.Try to remember.We re pretending.I m not really your girlfriend. You were. You didn t want me, she said, her voice small and tight.And that in a nutshell was the source ofher heartache.No one had ever wanted her.Not her father, after her mother died.Not the relatives hebegged to take her in.Not the kids in high school who had teased her mercilessly about her hair.Not Levi who had put on a show good enough to lure her to Seattle.Not even James.James closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. Babe, I never stopped wanting you.A knot formed in her stomach.The man who d broken her heart had no business being tender andsweet.Caught in a whirlwind of emotion, torn between fear and fire, she suddenly, desperately andinexplicably wanted him to rip the boots off her feet.As if he could read her thoughts, he murmured,  I pull off your boots.You flip out.We kill whatlittle there is left between us.Lana let out a soft sigh of disappointment. Hard to kill something that s already dead [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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