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. Out, the driver said. Now.116 SCARED~Chapter SevenFrost prowled his vast living room, admiring thedecor.God, he had a good eye for detail.Almosteverything was white leather sofas, coffeetables, drapes, lamps, the walls, the carpet.Anyone came in here with shoes on, he d kicktheir arse to Kingdom Come.He didn t includehimself in that, though.No, he donned a brand-new pair of pointy-toed shoes if he wore any inhere at all.He eyed the art on the walls, the onlysplash of colour.Unframed canvasses, large anddominating, bore swirls and circles, randomsplodges, or blocks of clashing colours.Someunknown kid had painted them for him after ScaredFrost caught the little shit doodling on thebasement floor with a shard of concrete he dloosened from the wall.There was a kid he d saved from a crap life.He d been homeless, living down an alley inBethnal Green, a sheet of cardboard as hismattress.Frost had him picked up and broughthere so he could be primed for the next stage inhis life.Now the kid lived as some rich man sarse, getting everything his pretty self desired.Whether the kid was happy, Frost didn t give ashit.He provided what the punters ordered,simple as that.Besides, he was doing society a favour,ridding the streets of potential criminalscumbags.Even those who weren t homeless,they had the possibility of becoming a badelement, didn t they? That he sold the youngstersto the highest bidder was by the by.In the end,everyone was happy.Apart from the parents.Andmaybe the kid if they didn t like their arse beingstretched on a nightly basis.He chuckled at the naivety of some parents.Thought they were safe because they had sons.118 Sarah MastersThought only girls went  missing.Little did theyknow, until their kid got taken, boys were more indemand.He continued pacing.Continued admiring theroom.Should have been a fucking interior designer.He laughed and picked imaginary specksfrom his black suit, then wiggled the knot of hisdark grey tie.His new white shirt had been dry-cleaned before he slipped it on after his recentshower, but it still held the stiffness in the collar.It dug into his skin.Pissed him the hell off.Glancing at his watch, he contemplated goingupstairs to put a different shirt on but decidedagainst it.It wouldn t be long before those twonosey wankers arrived and his shirt got bloodied.He looked forward to an hour or so of fun withthem.Ben Croft had done well today, executingFrost s plan, working through the hitch of havingto pick Toby up after Russell.The roadblock ideahad been a good one, and Croft had sortedeverything himself without bothering Frost withthe details.119 ScaredA fine man, Croft.Ugly as fucking sin, but afine man all the same.Funny how, at first, Croft had been destinedto be a rent boy.Frost had taken a liking to theyoung man s feisty temperament six monthsago and took him on as an employee instead.The bloke was homeless, had been for a fewyears, he said, and once he saw what life hecould lead under Frost s wing, he d given it hisall.Loyal bastard, that one.A glimmer of light outside pulled Frost fromhis thoughts and pacing.He strode to one of thetwo large bay windows and stared out across thelawn.There it was again, a twinkle of illuminationflashing between the tree trunks of the darkcountry road in the distance.Probably Croft andhis cargo.Frost waited to see if the lights moved on,whether Croft would actually come back.Thiswas the man s first solo outing.He had to earnFrost s trust since starting to work for him.Notall of his employees had taken to this life, andthose who hadn t were no longer& a problem.120 Sarah MastersTwin spots of brightness turned onto thetrack leading to his house.Definitely Croft, then.The young man had proved his loyalty.Frostadmitted he d been a little worried that Croftwouldn t come back, wouldn t do whateverneeded to be done to return Russell and Toby.Frost released a held breath.Straightened hisalready straight jacket.Smoothed his tie.Rolledhis shoulders and blew out another nerve-steadying breath.He always got an edgyexcitement at times like this.Got to go back to hisroots, didn t he, beating the fuck out of someoneuntil they spewed everything they knew.Yeah,he d started his career as a bullyboy and workedhis way up.Stuck to his patch and minded hisown business, refraining from stepping on othermain men s toes.It didn t do to piss off a Londoncrime boss, did it? Frost s intuitiveness had paidoff, and here he was now, a respected crime bosshimself, with a fucking big mansion, shitloads ofmoney, and nice piece of arse to show for it.The lights grew bigger, and one of his blackvans came into clearer view as the moon peekedfrom behind a cloud [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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