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.He spoke swiftly and decisively, sometimes indicating a portion of the terrain by jabbingat it with the rock.Sometimes he pointed to the largest of the three moons above; in a few daysit would be full.I stood there, naked, recently ravished, sweat and dirt on my body, and in myfile:///F|/rah/John%20Norman/Slave%20Girl%20Of%20Gor.txt (40 of 227) [1/20/03 3:34:30 AM] file:///F|/rah/John%20Norman/Slave%20Girl%20Of%20Gor.txthair, holding the large flask of wine on my left hip, watching.I wondered at what might be thenature of the camp in which I found myself.It did not seem to be a hunting camp, though huntingwas done from it.Too, I did not think it was a camp of bandits, for the men in the camp did notseem of the bandit sort; not only did the cut and differing insignia on their tunics suggest auniform of sorts, but the clear-cut subordination, the obvious organization and discipline whichcharacterized them and their relationships did not suggest outlawry; too, the men seemed handsome,strong, clean-cut, responsible, reliable, disciplined, trained, and efficient; there was none ofthe laxness and disorder of either men or environment I would have expected in a camp of bandits.I inferred then that I found myself slave in a camp of soldiers of some city or country.The camp,however, situated as it was, did not seen an outpost or guard camp; it did not command terrain; itwas not fortified; it was too small for a training camp or a wintering camp; too, because of itssize, so small, it did not seem a likely war camp; sixteen men quartered here, with two girls asslaves; here there were no armies, no divisions or regiments.There was nothing here with which toconsummate war, to repel or launch invasions, or meet in wide-spread combat on great fields.Whatthen, I asked myself, was the nature of this camp?One of the men lifted his cup and I hurried to him.I took the cup and I filled it.His tunic,too, I noted, was stained with the dust of the camp.I looked at him, angrily over the brim of thecup.Then I pressed my lips to his cup as I must, as a slave girl, and handed it to him.He tookit, scarcely noticing me, and returned his attention to the map in the dirt, which was ofimportance.I wondered if he had had me first, or second, or third or fourth.I wondered which hadbeen he.Each had been different; yet in the arms of each I had been only and fully a slave.Ilooked at him.He did not know I looked at him.I wondered how many hundreds of slave girls he hadhad.I looked carefully, as carefully as I could in the light, at the large, blond, shaggy-hairedfellow, whom I found, after my master, the most attractive male in the camp.It had been he whohad first taken Eta, when, the night before I was branded, I had watched her perform, bound,belied and hooded, in the same cruel sport in which I this evening had been so humiliatinglyvictimized, treated as though I might be only a slave.I looked at him.There was not a stain ofdust on his tunic.I was just as pleased.Had he run, and I known it, I might have endeavored tothrow myself into his arms.I looked at him.Who knows, I thought, I might even have responded tohim.This thought scandalized me, an Earth girl, but then I smiled to myself, and tossed my head.It did not matter.I was an Earth girl, true, but now I was only a slave girl.A slave girl is notonly permitted to be responsive to men, but it is obligatory for her.It is a duty which, further,should she shirk, will be enforced upon her.It is not uncommon for a girl who is even triviallydispleasing to be whipped.I looked at the large, handsome fellow.I had no honor to protect, nopride to uphold, for I was slave.He was indeed attractive.Too, I certainly would not wish to bewhipped.I laughed to myself.For the first time in my life, I, a slave, felt free to be a woman.I then loved my sex.A man lifted his cup, and I hastened to him, to serve him.I then returned to the shadows.I notedthat Eta served wine to the tall, handsome, blond-haired fellow.I did not mind.I liked Eta,though she was first girl, and over me.I had worked well under her and she had not switched me.Iwatched my master.With the rock he jabbed down at the map.Men asked questions.He replied.Theyhung upon his words.I looked about the circle of the fire.What fantastic males these were, sostrong, so handsome, so mighty.I felt small and slight, and helpless, before them.And how proudI felt of my master, first among them, he the mightiest and finest of all.Eta remained in thevicinity of the blond, shaggy-haired warrior.I moved more closely to my master.I wished to pourhim wine and kiss his cup, should he give his girl the opportunity to do so.I did not understandtheir conversation, or the nature of the project which they were apparently planning.It was, Igathered, military in nature.Moreover, waiting was involved in it.More than once had a man gazedat the largest moon in the sky.In some days it would be full.My master flung the rock down at a certain place in the map.It lay there, solid, half buried inthe dirt.It was there that something, I gathered, would take place.The men grunted in agreement.There was a stream there, or a confluence of two streams, and, apparently, a woods.The mennodded.My master looked about himself.None asked a further question.They seemed satisfied.Their eyes shone as they looked upon him.How proud I was of my master.How thrilled I was,secretly, in my heart, to be owned by him.The men rose from the side of the fire and, some talking among themselves, went to their furs andtenting.My master looked at me.He lifted his cup.I hastened to him, took the cup, and filled it.Ipressed my lips long to its side, then humbly proffered it to the magnificent beast whose girl Iwas.I knelt before him, and in my eyes, doubtless, he could read my need.But he turned away.file:///F|/rah/John%20Norman/Slave%20Girl%20Of%20Gor.txt (41 of 227) [1/20/03 3:34:30 AM] file:///F|/rah/John%20Norman/Slave%20Girl%20Of%20Gor.txtBefore he had turned away, again I had read in his eyes, as I had before, earlier in the evening,that I was only a meaningless slave to him.Was I such poor slave stuff, naked, in need, at his feet, that I was to be despised, and rejected?Then, kneeling in the dirt, all the fury, the humiliation and frustration, of a scorned Earthgirl, scorned by a barbarian, welled up within me.I began to choke with rage.I rose to my feet.I thrust-the flask of wine I carried into the hands of Eta, who came to comfort me."Go away!" Icried.Eta took the flask.I would not permit her to kiss me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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