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. I placed a palm flat on his chest, rubbing gentle circles. You didgood.We ve got weapons. I think &  He swallowed hard. I think I m going to be sick.I helped him half run, half crawl into the bathroom, and I rubbed his back whilehe threw up.When retching turned to dry heaves, I soaked a rag in warm waterand wiped his face.The pallor was back, and his entire body trembled.I sat downwith my back to the wall and pulled him into my arms, holding him against mychest like he d done so many times for me. chest like he d done so many times for me. I feel so weird, he said. You channeled a lot of power through your body.Just relax. I didn t have a lotof practice in offering comfort.Even when Jesse and Ash were injured, I d letthem tend to each other.They d tended to me on occasion, but some invisiblething kept me from returning the favor.From showing without words how much Icared.Wyatt s head rested in the crook of my shoulder.I pressed my cheek to histemple, tightened my arms around him, and tried to do just that show it withoutwords. I love you, I whispered.One of his hands found mine, and our fingers threaded together, palm to palm.He kissed my knuckles, and I felt the smile on his lips.Another hour passed before the storm showed signs of calming.The worst of ithad moved beyond us, but the air remained thick with residual energy.After Iforced some crackers and half a can of soup down Wyatt s throat, he seemedcoherent enough to join me, Kismet, and Milo at the table. His fever s up, Milo said, referencing Felix without saying so. We can t waitmuch longer. Even if we kill the hounds, Wyatt said,  how do we get off the mountain? Allour cars are smashed to shit. Someone will have to get down where there s a signal, Kismet said. Make acall and get some backup.I grunted. That could take another hour to get someone up here, and then getFelix back down. She shot me a look that asked if I had a better idea.I hated toadmit I did, mostly because it was going to hurt like hell. I can teleport him closerto the road.I ll have more control now that the storm s moving  But less power, Wyatt said. Yes, but with the condition he s in, I need control more. Is that even wise? Kismet asked. You ve been through two huge powersurges, or whatever you call them, already today.Can you manage one more, andwith a wounded person? I can try. No. Milo surprised me with his sharp delivery, and even more with the coldglare he leveled in my direction. Milo  No fucking way, Evy.You don t know these roads.You can t tell me you knowexactly where to teleport so you don t land both of you inside a damned tree.You re not going to try with Felix s life. I ve been up here before, Kismet said. It s not as fast, but I can run themountain, and I know a shortcut to the road.I ll go until I can get a signal. You can make it in the dark? Wyatt asked. Yes. No hesitation.To me, she said,  You can t do everything, Stone.Even youhave limits.And I had no business testing those limits with someone else s life.She wasright.I could get us farther down the mountain in seconds, but given the densefoliage and unfamiliar terrain, I was more likely to materialize with my legs in a foliage and unfamiliar terrain, I was more likely to materialize with my legs in aboulder. First things first, though, Milo said. Gina can t get help until we take care ofthe hounds outside. Back at Olsmill we hit them with a mix of frags and a-c s, Kismet said. Underbelly is the softest hit when they re standing.But they re strong and they refast.Wyatt nodded. We also can t just open the door and rush outside shooting,because they could get in here.With Felix, who couldn t defend himself. So we need to ambush them, Kismet said. Or at least distract them enoughso I can slip out and get help. Without being followed, Milo added. Right.As I gazed at our stock of weapons, an idea began to coalesce.My right handstill wasn t healed enough to hold a gun and aim properly.That left the men tohandle the heavy offensive.And it left me as bait.Kismet had one of the guns in her hand, her cell phone tucked into her pocket,and she bounced on her heels by the front door, ready to make a run for it.We dclosed Felix into the bedroom and blocked it with the dining table for goodmeasure.Milo and Wyatt had their guns locked and loaded, and they flankedeither side of the front door.I d tucked a hunting knife into my shoe and another into the back of my jeansfor good measure.In my hands I held one of the flash grenades, a second in myfront pocket.Rain still pattered gently outside, but the thunder was soft and faraway.The raw electricity was barely there a gentle caress across my skin thatwas easy to ignore.Next thunderstorm, I was hiding under my bed for the duration. We re sure there are just two of them? I asked. Pretty positive, Kismet replied, as though I hadn t asked the same questionfour times since we d agreed to my plan.On impulse, I took a step closer, lowering my voice. You know, I never didthank you. Thank me? For what? After everything that s happened these last few weeks, Ifigure you d rather punch me in the head than thank me.My mouth twitched. Thank you for bringing me here to fight off the infection. You re welcome. You could have killed me and gotten me out of everyone s hair.She pinched the bridge of her nose with her free hand. I don t think myfriendship with Wyatt could have survived killing you twice.Even if the first timedidn t take. Her voice held a hint of teasing, but nothing in her expression wasamused. You did it for him? Yes. Her gaze flickered over my shoulder. I ve known Wyatt for a long time,Stone, and I was trying to protect what he d helped build for ten years.Bringingyou here last week? That was for him, because he believed you could fight it.He you here last week? That was for him, because he believed you could fight it.Henever stopped believing you d win, and he believes you ll win again now.So let suse his faith and do this.I nodded and faced the door, adrenaline surging through me.My heart sped upand a metallic taste filled my mouth.I clenched my fist around the grenade.Bounced on my tiptoes. Here we go, I said.Milo and Wyatt took new positions by the sofa, prepared to shove it out of theway as soon as I disappeared.I closed my eyes and felt the spark of the Break.Itwas fainter than it should have been, and harder to grab.I struggled for myemotional tap, but loneliness wasn t coming easily.I thought back to earlier in the day a lifetime ago in some ways that momentin the bedroom when I d flinched and Wyatt had walked away.I tried to imagine ifhe d kept going, driven out of my life by guilt.My guts clenched.Tears stung myeyes, and the power of the Break flooded through me on a sea of loneliness.Iwas moving, willing myself out of the cabin, to a spot ten feet from the front door.An open area of mud, according to Wyatt, and my best destination.Rain passed through me with the oddest tickling sensation, then spattered onmy skin as I materialized.Mud squished around my shoes.I immediately pulledthe pin on the grenade and spun in a careful circle, looking.Waiting [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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