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.It built fast.Rearing up inside his balls with only a few seconds of warning.He had to bitedown on Zeb s shoulder to keep the shout from echoing back up to the Inner Harbor as heshuddered, pumping hard and hot and long onto Zeb s balls.Silver peeled his mouth and teeth off Zeb s shoulder with a wince of regret. Sorry.Watching Silver in the mirror, Zeb brought the tangle of their hands from his belly to his ballsand dragged their fingers through slippery come. That was hotter than I remember. Me too. Because it was.Zeb didn t seem to be in any hurry to get Silver s contaminated jizzoff him.Even better, Zeb didn t have that righteous pinch around his mouth that would have meanthe was proving a point.Movement rocked him against Zeb, sending them almost nose first into the mirror.Now thatSilver could think again, he realized his legs weren t only shaking from a good hard come. We re moving?Zeb s wry smile flashed in the mirror. Maybe I m just that good.Silver tugged his slippery hand loose. When did that start? Right before you came. Did anybody uh knock?  Nope. Zeb tossed him a guest towel from the rack. Ha.I bet Jamie s pissed.Zeb s brow got all bumpy again. You think he will be? I fucking hope so. Chapter EighteenThe sun left a blinding path on the water to the portside as they bounced through the wakes ofother boats heading back up the bay toward the Inner Harbor.With no buildings blocking theway, the heat and light scalded the side of Silver s face even as a cool spray misted over them.The only thing more conspicuous than the sunset was the complete lack of reaction fromJamie.He hadn t glanced their way or so much as mumbled anything since Silver and Zeb cameout from below deck.Maybe Gavin had threatened to never blow him again.Eli rolled his eyes. You could have at least brought up what you said you went down to get.Gavin followed Eli through the hatch.With Jamie nothing but a solid back in the captain schair, Quinn nodded at Silver and said,  Well, if they re not back up in two minutes, I m goingafter them.Gavin toted two bottles of KZ and a Pellegrino when he came up.Eli carried more cheese and bread. I m hungry. Maybe if you hadn t fed the rest of the bread to the fish and brought over every seagull on theEastern Shore, you wouldn t be, Quinn complained, but wrapped an arm around Eli anyway.They were at the table where Zeb and Silver had sat on the way out.Silver wanted to seewhat it felt like to ride at speed on the bow cushion, but wasn t interested in setting Jamie off bybeing in his view.And it was nice here, alone in the stern, Zeb warm on one side and the sun onthe other.As they neared the marina dock, Jamie came aft. Gimme a hand tying up, Silver.Zeb put his hand on Silver s thigh, a question, an offer, but Silver shook his head.Whatevershit Jamie had to say, Silver could handle it.When Jamie handed off the line, Silver stepped down onto the dock, looped the bowlinearound and made a cleat knot.He looked up to see Jamie staring down. Nice job, kid.That couldn t be all.Not from Jamie.Jamie leaned farther over the rail. Hope he got the deluxe treatment.Silver put on his best get-the-trick pout. Yeah.He did.Jamie barked a laugh and stepped back from the stern.It was twilight as they headed back to the parking lot.A shiver caught Silver by surprise. Did you get sunburned? Zeb asked.Silver pressed on his cheeks and nose. I don t think so.I had on sunblock. It wasn t a burn.It was leaving behind the warmth, the security of an afternoon on Gavin s boat.The farther awaythey went, the more Silver remembered that his life was anything but settled in a sipping-champagne-on-a-yacht kind of way. Do you want to come back to my apartment with me? Zeb nodded at where his Pontiac wasa row away from Quinn s Buick. I can t guarantee I m good for much but sleep. Even as Silver said it, a yawn split his jaw. Duly noted. Zeb cupped the back of Silver s neck [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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