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.It was a kind of intimacy which could only take him in one direction.Here and now.What Mary became terrified her.Not only because of the need but because it meant she no longer had her God and she was now everything her family ever despised.Orin knew she’d flirted with killing herself, but the idea of her parents finding her body apparently terrified her.Even in death she didn’t want to be disowned.And while Mary didn’t want them to know, Orin knew them finding out was inevitable.It might take a while, but they would grow old and she wouldn’t.Orin told himself the urge to keep Mary was a normal biological reaction.And for once he wasn’t lying.But Mary was Lesser-Bred, and the likelihood a bond would even be successful was slim to none.The metaphysical ties of a Human Link were completely different than those forming a bonded pair.It seemed only appropriate this situation should mirror the rest of his screwed up life.Centuries hadn’t changed a thing since Serena; and while Orin’s Service to Medan gave him the freedom he craved, it also created a terrible void.Mary stirred, her body arching and stretching next to his.The reaction to her was instant.His teeth punched down, and the heat between his legs blitzed across the rest of his body.But true to his gift of control, Orin bottled it down and willed himself to remain calm.He’d only allow himself release if it was what Mary wanted.Being with her was something to cherish, something beautiful.He refused to make it ugly.It was why he never fed from her.Orin did not want her to ever see him as the dragon he was.“What time is it?” Mary blinked.Honestly, he didn’t care what time it was.To hell with the world.Orin wanted to stay right here, right now.Instead, he did a quick glance at the bedside table.“It’s a little after four.”She made a sad sound.“I have to be at work by seven.” She didn’t make a move to get up, and Orin wasn’t about to lose the chance to stare at her a little longer.Mary tilted her head up at him.“What?”“Hmm?”“You’re looking at me funny.” She put a hand on his neck, and he felt his hearts stop and start.“What is it?”He wanted to ask her to stay with him, be with him, be his.But as much as he wanted it to happen, Orin already knew the answer.What humanness Mary still had she clung to like a lifeline.Maybe she hoped the God of Man would forgive her for what she had become.Thing was, a big part of Orin didn’t care what she hoped for.Beast.“Orin?” Mary’s beautiful eyes watched him.Orin smiled and pressed his lips to her brow.“Nothing.It’s nothing.” And everything in the whole damn world.Mary heaved a sigh and pulled herself from the covers and headed into the bathroom.Orin lay there a little while longer before getting dressed.Just like always they didn’t say good bye.He would take a cab home.Or walk.He had a class at nine, and there were always a few things he needed to do before his students arrived.By five he was back on his doorstep jiggling the key in the lock.Mr.Jingles yowled from the other side, having missed his midnight snack of fresh shrimp.After Orin got dressed and before he left, he called the phone number for the Stall.The same voice answered with a generic hello.Orin said, “I’ll need my usual tonight around eight.”Chapter 10Farley stood frozen on the staircase, and whatever Deshi was saying completely faded out.They were supposed to be headed somewhere.Lunch? Or maybe it was to buy groceries? Didn’t matter, because a storm was coming.And it wasn’t the kind of disturbance spawned from cold fronts or low pressure systems.There would be no rain, sand, snow, or ice riding this wind.Nope, no way.To top it off, this motherfucker was totally off the Fujita scale on waves of heat carried by flesh and metaphysical power.Farley’s head snapped to the side just as the door below flew open with a bang and To Whom He Belonged burst into the stairwell below.Instinct commanded Farley go down on his stomach and beg to be bled as a wave of raw Female power washed over him.Her.To Whom He Belonged.Haley…Her name is Haley.At his left Deshi trembled and backed up against the wall as Haley flew up the stairs, heat rolling off her body, rippling the air.Her eyes were unfocused, her face flushed, teeth out; and she was a complete mess with matted hair and blood stained clothes.As she blew past, Farley grabbed her arm and swung her around even though his primal brain screamed she should not be touched.Even if he wasn’t Food, putting hands on a Female without permission was grounds for a dirt nap.But this was Haley.His Haley.“Christ, what the hell happened to you?” Farley didn’t wait for an answer and wrapped himself around her.Haley smelled of blood, hers, Human and something else…something familiar.Deshi filled in the blank.“She smells like Medan.” He took a step closer.“Haley? What happened?”Farley pushed her matted hair out of her eyes.“Talk to us.”“Donald…”Deshi said, “Who the hell is Donald?”Farley rolled his eyes up.“The asshole cop who beat a Submissive to death in the Tank yesterday.”Deshi nodded even though it was obvious he didn’t have a clue what they were talking about.“But why does she smell like Medan?” The Prince touched Haley’s hair and picked out a sliver of wood [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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