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.At this point it wouldn t be wise to do anything differently.In fact, we suggest that you shouldn ttry to change anything yet.Just try to become more mindful of what it is you ve been doing, and moremindful of how this has really been working.EXERCISE: What Are You Feeling and Thinking Now?We ve found that when people start looking more carefully at their own experiences, without runningaway or covering up, that, occasionally, experiences that were below their threshold of awareness perco-late up to their conscious mind.So, to end this chapter, in the space provided below, list any thoughts andfeelings you re having right now about the difficulties that motivated you to pick up this book.If you beginto see some issues that have been buried below the surface, take this opportunity to describe them; putthem out on the table where they can be seen in the light of day.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 42 Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your LifeIn the chapters that follow, we will begin to explore how to take different approaches of relating tothe pain with which you ve been struggling.Don t expect yourself to master these new skills overnight.Itwill take time.The measure of success is one thing and one thing only: Your own experience.We aren tasking you to  buy a pig in a poke. We aren t asking you to believe in our alternative approach.We askonly that you be willing to try the new suggestions that we will put on the table, and that you allow yourown direct experience to be the judge. CHAPTER 4Letting GoBefore you start reading this chapter, get a watch and sit somewhere where you won t be disturbed for aminute.When you are seated, take a deep breath and hold it as long as you can.When you re finished,write down how long you held your breath:I held my breath for _________ seconds.We will tell you why we ve asked you to do this later in the chapter.In the first two chapters we looked at your current suffering and your efforts to cope with it.Wedescribed an innate trap, a pitfall, inherent to human thought because of the way that language works,especially when thought and language are applied to private experiences.We called that trap experien-tial avoidance.We tried to see whether experiential avoidance is a part of the purpose of your existingcoping strategies, and we examined the possibility that experiential avoidance is generally unhelpful.Inchapter 3, we discussed five of the reasons why this unhelpful strategy is the normal, logical responsemost people have to their psychological pain.Throughout, we ve hinted at an alternative to experiential avoidance.It has been variouslydescribed as willingness, acceptance, or letting go.In this chapter, we want to start discussing this alter-native more thoroughly.We will explain why acceptance is so important and give you a taste of what itmeans to be accepting by offering you the opportunity to experience it in some very simple ways.Wearen t presenting this information now so that you can immediately apply it to the problems that havebeen troubling you the most.Rather, you should look at this chapter as a primer.This is a brief introduction that will set the stage for the road ahead.Before you can actively applyacceptance in your daily life successfully, you will need to acquire a greater understanding of the wayyour mind works, how your mind is affecting your behaviors, and how you can interrupt that chain ofevents.There will be many opportunities for you to explore these things in the chapters that follow. 44 Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your LifeAcceptance (which we will also refer to as willingness) is a skill you may have heard about orexperimented with in the past.It is certainly something that you can learn to do [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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