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."The legends are true indeed, Captain.Far more truethan even you may think.""Then why go at all?!""It is my destiny, Captain - and hers," the old man replied, nodding tohis female companion.He then looked back to Torgrim, and smiled."Worry not,Captain.We shall be quite safe.Yorindar watches over us."Torgrim shook his head."I don't even know how you'll get there from here.This is Greenhaven, friend, and it's many weeks walk to the Great Wall."Father Patience nodded."I know where we are, Captain.I know this cityvery well.I've lived here for a long, long time," he said, his expressionmysterious, but then he suddenly smiled."And as for the distance, again,please don't worry.I've traveled farther in my life.Much farther, in fact."Torgrim shook his head again."Well, I doubt I can talk you out of it,friend.All I can do is pray the Goddess watches over you."Father Patience smiled wryly."Yorindar guides me, Captain, just as theOcean guides you from time to time.And now, we must go.Farewell, Captain,"Father patience said, and the slave-girl at his side curtsied politely.Torgrim watched the two walk down the gangplank, and away across thedocks, headed towards the city.For a long moment, he wondered what the truestory of the priest and his slave-girl companion might be.Somehow, inwatching them walk away, he could feel that there was so much more happening,just beyond his perception.As though he had been but a small piece in alarger game he was only barely aware of.Torgrim shook his head.There would be enough time for idle daydreaminglater.For now, they had cargo to unload, and berthing fees to pay.Torgrimturned to his crew, and bellowed his commands.The day was young, and therewas much to do.Unnoticed by Torgrim, the old man and the woman at his side slipped awayinto the bustling crowds on the busy docks, and vanished from view.Page 91 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThe Ocean - Ten.I ran through a dark and forbidding forest, the sounds of hounds bayingbehind me.Who was chasing me? I didn't know - I only knew they weredangerous, and I had to escape.Escape.Tree limbs like clawing skeletalhands reached for me as I ran, gnarled roots reached for my feet, tripping me,slowing me.Escape.Suddenly, Marilith was at my side, trotting casually along.The embers ofher glowing eyes reflected mirth."You have some interesting dreams, Sister.What's chasing you?""I.I don't know!" I panted, still running."I think.I think it'sthat army.That army Eddas talked about! The war.The Great War ofDevastation! Do you remember? It's coming! It happened.It's coming!"Marilith chuckled."My, my.Well, let's stop, and let them catch us.""What?! Why?!""Doesn't standing and fighting sound better than running and runningforever in a dream?""A.A dream?""Yes, Sister.This is a dream.There is no one chasing you but yournameless fears," she said, catching my hand and slowing me to a stop."Standwith me awhile.Let's wait for them to catch up.""Catch up?! But they're right behind us!""This is the Plane of Dreams, Sister.Distances are entirely relative andsubject to flux," she said, gazing off behind us."Ummm." I replied, staring into the dark forest.I could still hear thehounds, but they did not appear from the trees."Hmmm.Looks like your fears are pretty distant.You don't reallyPage 92 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlunderstand what you're afraid of at all.""Well, no, I don't!""Well, we've little time to resolve this.Let's have a bit of light,"Marilith said, and gestured.Suddenly, at her fingertips, a glowing orb oflight appeared.The light from the orb played across the trees of the forest,revealing them as sickly, dead things - weak, brittle, and harmless."And nowlet's see what's actually chasing you," she said, and gestured again.A packof hounds appeared from the shadows of the trees, themselves made of shadows.They flickered weakly, their growls faint and fading in the light."Feh.Id-dogs.They're nothing, Sister, just nervousness, personified in your mind,"she said, then the orb of light in her hand became a piercing beam of energy,lancing through the shadowy hounds."Shoo! We've no time for you, now!"As one, the shadow-dogs were transformed to gossamer sheets of dark paper,which puffed away in a gentle breeze."How did you." I asked, amazed.Marilith smiled."I am an equibranche, Sister - a nightmare, a DreamWarrior of my people.This is my realm, the Plane of Dreams.It interacts abit with the Astral Plane, and exists everywhere dreams exist.""I.We.This is a dream?" I asked, my mind muddled."Yes, Sister.I know it's a bit difficult for you at the moment, your mindis asleep," she said, and squeezed my hand."We are body, mind and spirit, notjust mind or body or spirit, Sister.What you perceive as consciousness isyour body, mind and spirit functioning together.When you rest, the body isrecuperating from the day's exertions, your brain asleep.Your spirit roamsthe Plane of Dreams within your brain, driven by your mind, and the emotionsand experiences of the day.Do you understand?""Ummm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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