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.I simply do notunderstand."Eddas nodded, and began to speak, her tone of voice as though she wasreciting an explanation she had recited many, many times before."I am EddasAyar, my friend, and I am what I am.Beneath this garment of flesh, I am a manof Hyperborea - a human civilization gone to dust some eighteen centuries ago,now.I was born almost two thousand years ago in Wilanda city on the fifth dayof summer, in the first year of the reign of King Darrak II, when the moon waseclipsed.In my youth I displayed a strong talent, and was accepted as anapprentice by the Dyclonic Circle when I was twelve, entering the Black Towerto begin my training.As a master, I cast the Spell of Hidden Life, and uponmy death, my soul entered my animuary.While I slept, war came to my people,and my civilization was destroyed, lost to the dust of the ages.Sixteencenturies later, a half-elf female entered my tomb, and I possessed her body.This body was nearly dead when I took it, however, a blow to the head havingcaused its owner's spirit to have fled just at the moment I took it.By thestrength of my will alone, I forced this body to live where its previousowner's will could not.Unfortunately, I fainted thereafter from the wound,and the part of the sorcery which would have allowed me to reshape the bodyinto my own transpired without effect, lacking my will to guide it.As itturned out, however, this was all in accordance with a plan of Yorindar, a godof the humans of the Southlands.To that end, this body received its finalforging in the heart of a mana-storm, and is permanently as you see it today.Thus, I am Eddas Ayar, a Hyperborean battle-mage - and, in this body, theRaven of Yorindar," Eddas explained, then patted the little girl on the head,making her giggle."Kyrie is my granddaughter, through sorcery.I raised the women of my racefrom the dust of my civilization, but due to a conflict of the gods, the menof my race were lost.Yet, the women survived, because I had the power toinstill within each new life, sparking a pregnancy through sorcery.I taughtthem all that I know, including this secret, and today the Witch-Women ofHyperborea are known and respected for a thousand leagues around by all goodpeoples - the giants, elves, the dwarves, and the humans of the Southlands.Kyrie's grandmother received my touch, and her daughter had a daughterherself, years later - Kyrie.Thus, Kyrie calls me 'grampa' because I am hergrandfather, through sorcery," Eddas explained, then nodded to Joy."As for Joy, she is a giantess - though a very small one.The height yousee her now is her natural, full growth.I have given her enchantments whichallow her to assume the full-size of a giant, as well as a few other thingswhich are not important right now."Joy nodded."And I call him 'Old Man' because I have been his friend andcompanion for over a century and a half and that's what he is.He's nearly twothousand years old, and he hardly hesitates to remind us of that at any givenmoment by trotting off to chat with dragons or ghosts or any number of equallyfrightening things," Joy said, then grinned wryly at Eddas as Kyrie giggled.Eddas chuckled, then pointed to the one in gray."As for Goodman Bones,Page 262 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlI'm afraid there's not much I can tell you about him.He was created by aconvicted Malani necromancer, Brionnach, and he loves her.His love has drivenhim to find her - and this tower, known as the Temple of the Sun, was herdestination.She was tried and convicted by her race for the crime ofnecromancy, and sentenced to be dipped in the Lobh'dath.Her hair is now whiteand her skin indigo from the effect of the Lobh'dath, instead of having paleskin and black hair like mine.Our friend has been slowly awakening to histrue nature as we journeyed, but he's chosen to keep his discoveries tohimself.Which, really, is probably for the best, as his nature is somewhatfrightening and I'd rather not have anyone distressed by it.Suffice it to saythat beneath those robes is a good-hearted being, driven by a love no mortalwill ever truly comprehend," Eddas said, then sighed."Unfortunately for allof us, the reason Brionnach came here was she wished to free the demon in thetower, and enslave it so it might cure the curse of the Lobh'dath.And, evenmore unfortunately, she's beaten us here by a good hour, and jammed the doorin the process of entering.The little magic key Kyrie has won't open it.""Sasha! Help me, I don't want to be enslaved, I want to be free and livewith you!" Marilith wailed.I leapt to my feet, snatching up my lance."We have to stop her! We can'tlet her enslave my sister!"The gray-robed man shook his head and spoke, his voice again a dry hiss."How can you be the sister of a demon?""For that matter," Joy added, "how can you be a mermaid? Or ahuman-mermaid, or whatever it is Kyrie said you were?"I shook my head, looking up to the spire."None of that matters, now! Wehave to hurry!"Eddas smiled."I beg to differ.We have plenty of time.The tower is keyedto four forces - the moon and the tides, the sun, the stars and planets, andthe shifting of the continents.The chamber where your sister is in cannotpossibly be entered until those forces are in alignment.That much is obviousjust from a brief examination of the aura of this place - that's theconditions that had to exist to seal the center when it was created, that'sthe only conditions that will allow it to be entered again."Joy chuckled."Obvious to you, Old Man.""Well, yes.Nevertheless, there's nothing she can do to enter the heart ofthis tower until then - and that won't happen until midnight, and it's noteven noon yet.That's what we were talking about when you first came chargingout of the trees at us.That kind of alignment only happens every fewcenturies or so, so even if Brionnach had beaten us here by a month or even ayear, it still wouldn't matter - she can't get into the heart of this placeuntil it opens on it's own.We've been traveling to get here since lastsummer, and I've known the precise day and hour we had to be here since aboutthe middle of last winter, before we met Goodman Bones.If I thought there wasany chance that Brionnach might free the demon of the tower before then, IPage 263 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwould hardly allow Joy and Kyrie to be here [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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