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.At the beginning of my senior year, I metEric.He was cute, nice, and he liked mea lot.He kept asking me out, and I keptsaying no.I was finally within strikingdistance of graduation and the ability to bewith Spencer, and I couldn't have cared less about dating anyone else.All that changed one night when I went toa bar in the valley that I normally wouldn'thave gone to with a few of my sororitysisters and some of their friends.One ofmy sorority sisters had a friend namedCarrie that was tagging along with us.Shewas really pretty, but ridiculously shallowand annoying.She was going on and onabout some hot guy that hung out at the barwe were going to, telling us all what agreat lay he was."Fucking huge," shecrowed."He and the guy he always haswith him are like celebrities in the bar.I ve heard that they used to be around a lotmore, but they only stop in every so oftennow.Everyone wants a ride on one ofthem.They're pretty selective.I had my guy once almost a year ago, and I'm notstopping  til I've fucked him again.Hefucked me almost unconscious, and I needmore of that.You guys should see thisdude s prick.It's mammoth."I found her crude and disgusting, but Ididn't really care about her since I had myreal friends there for fun.Most of usstayed in the front of the bar drinking,while Carrie dragged a few of the"looser" girls into the back where the pooltables were."I'm in search of Mr.BigCock," she shrieked.Most of us hung ourheads in embarrassment at that.About an hour into the night, one of mysorority sisters went to the bathroom,which happened to be located near the pool table.When she came back, shecame right over to me."I don't know whoMr.Big Cock is, but the other guy he'swith is your brother, the one that used tobring the Krispy Kremes for the entiresorority on Fridays."I felt the bottom drop out of my world, justlike that.She was talking about Damien,and I knew exactly who 'Mr.Big Cock'was.I was sick to my stomach.It wasone thing to know he was fucking otherpeople.It's another thing to know that hewas fucking trash like Carrie.I knew that I needed to go look, but I alsoknew that I needed to get the fuck out ofhere.Pulling my cell from my purse, Iwalked outside and called Brooke and asked her to come get me.After givingher the address, I went back into the bar.Swallowing the lump in my throat, I mademy way through the bar and back into thepool table area.I wasn't sure what Iwould find, but when I got a good look atwhat was going on, I almost lost it.Carriewas all but on top of my brother whileSpencer had some little slut sitting on hislap with her arms around his neck.I notedthat neither my brother or Spencer lookedparticularly engaged, but it crushed mejust the same to see someone else touchingSpencer.Luckily for me, neither one of themnoticed that I had been standing there.Ihauled ass out of the bar and stood waiting for Brooke to arrive.When I got home, Iscrubbed myself raw in the shower whileI cried.Here I'd been, foolish enough towait for him, all while ignoring what hewas doing.Having it in my face made mefeel like a foolish little baby.If he caredabout me, I don t think he would befucking people like Carrie.The following weekend, Eric was outwith me and my friends again.I was sodamn tired of waiting, of being a goodgirl.Spencer wasn t out there being good,and now that I damn well knew it for sure,I felt like I needed to experience othermen myself.Eric and I had the samegroup of friends, and I liked him.Not inthe way that I liked Spencer, not evenclose, but I was attracted to him.I missed kissing, I missed being held.Now that Iknew first hand that Spencer was fuckinganything that walked, I was fed up with it.Why was I the one that was expected towait, while he was out there nailinganyone he felt like? How was that fair? Istarted to think that maybe I should getsome of my own back.If he was outhaving sex, why wasn t I?I was ripe for the picking, and when Ericasked me out the next time, I said yes.Wewent to the movies, out with our friends,to dinner, and to the beach.I enjoyedspending time with him.One night after amovie, I went with him back to his house.Things got hot and heavy, and I wound upgiving him a blowjob.It wasn't a stellarexperience, but it wasn't horrible.I felt stupid that afterwards I felt guilty aboutSpence.God knows he wasn t feelingguilty about me.After a few more weeksof dating, I opened my mind up to thepossibility of having sex with Eric.The very night that I d made the decision,Spencer showed up at my apartment to askabout Eric, after Dante had told him he'dseen us out together.When Spencer askedme if I d had sex with Eric I couldn't lieso I said no& not yet.I felt his pain to thetips of my toes, and I couldn t help butcry.He told me that it was okay, said thathe understood.I knew damn well that hedidn t, and that it wasn t okay.It waswritten all over his face.That was themoment that I realized that any feelings Ihad for Eric were barely lukewarm. I love Spencer, and the only future I veever dreamed of involves him.Spencer sreaction to my relationship with Eric letme know that he still cared about me, thathe still wanted me.I d started to reallybelieve that he didn t, that what happenedbetween us was an anomaly to him.We ve spent the last two years notdiscussing it at all, and after that night inthe bar with Carrie, I thought he d gottenover it, over me.I'd decided that I neededto focus on something else, and now I'dhurt Spencer.I broke up with Eric the next day.It didn tescape my attention that it didn t affect meat all.I tried to talk to Spencer about it,but he was busy avoiding me like theplague.I refused to tell him over the phone, through text or via email, and sincehe refused to talk to me, I couldn t doanything.Anytime we did talk, hemanaged to make sure that there wereother people present so that we couldn treally talk.There were things that neededto be said, though.I'm still furious at himthat he fucked skanks like Carrie, that helet himself get into a situation where he'sbeing talked about like a piece of meat.I ve tried, but I haven t been able to workit out so that Spencer and I can be alonetogether at any time.It s just shitty timingI think.There s so much shit going on withmy family at this point; I ve gotDominique acting weird and hidingsomething, Brooke pining for Damien,Damien pining for Brooke, and on top of that, I m about to start working at Hart.Now just isn t the time to force the issuewith Spencer.At some point, he will have to listen tome.Until then, I have to wait.No matterhow angry I am, I love him, and I'm goingto fight for him.What are a few moreweeks in the grand scheme of things?***Spencer got it into his head that it wouldbe a good idea for Damien to pretend tohave a girlfriend [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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