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."I do own a mirror, andit doesn't do me any favors."Exhaling a sharp breath, Kenzo maintained hiscommanding stance on the landing."Listen to me -- this isnot bullshit: when I first started working here, back whenSunil was on staff."Evan smiled at the thought."See, now he was cute." Cuteand unattainable.Cherry on Top - 82 "If you think so, maybe he was, but that's not the point.When I started here, I'd met you once and I couldn'tremember your name.I asked Tanisha, 'Who's that cuteguy?' and she said, 'Sunil,' and I said, 'No, not him, the cuteguy.' And she gave me this weird look and she was like,'What, you mean Evan?' Do you see what I'm saying?"With a hollow chuckle, Evan replied, "Yeah, Tanishadoesn't think I'm cute.""You're missing the point." Kenzo shook his head.Therewas an irritated ring to his voice Evan had never heardbefore."The point is that I thought you were cute.I stilldo."When he looked up to meet Kenzo's tense gaze, Evan'sheart stopped in its tracks.After a moment of wondering ifhe'd died and gone to heaven, it started up again, inflatingwith every beat.He felt warm all the way down to his toes.The beads of sweat collecting under his arms had nothingto do with their workout.He felt at once nervous andecstatic.Courage streaked through Evan's muscles, driving him upthe stairs.Pressing Kenzo against the wall, Evan kissed himfull on the mouth.He met with no resistance.Those thinpink lips gave up their guard.Teeth opened up like pearlygates to let his tongue pass.Kenzo's mouth tasted hot andfresh, yet Evan abandoned it to kiss his neck."Do you know how long I've waited for this?" Kenzo'svoice was tattered silk, frayed at the edges but alwayssmooth.Cherry on Top - 83 Evan couldn't keep himself from poking fun -- the scourgeof the unworthy."Another on-the-job conquest, am I?"Shaking his head, Kenzo pressed Evan's shoulders awaywith his weights."No," he said."No, Evan! Can't you takeanything seriously?"One chance, and Evan's stupid reaction was ruining it! Hebacked up a step, placing his weights on the floor like ahostage negotiator setting down his gun to convince thecriminal he was safe."I'm sorry," Evan said.Standing verystill, he gazed up into Kenzo's glistening hazel eyes."Idon't generate a lot of interest on the meat market.It's hardto believe a guy like you would be interested in me.""A guy like me?" Kenzo opened his mouth like he wasgoing to say more, but then laughed instead.He set hisweights on the floor next to Evan's."Seriously," he wenton, leaning against the back wall."You can't tell me you'venever fooled around in the workplace before."With an eager smile, Evan closed in on Kenzo."Are youkidding? I've never fooled around outside my bedroom!"He suppressed the fleeting images of afternoons with John.Married men played it safe -- no sense in getting caught.Evan had a comfy mattress in secure surroundings.Evandrew excitement from their shared sense of deceit andwrongdoing.They looked no further."I don't believe it," Kenzo said.With a flirtatious smirk, hetossed shining black bangs away from his eyes.They fellright back, and he tossed them again."You've seriouslynever gotten laid outside your bedroom?"Cherry on Top - 84 "Well, okay," Evan amended."In the shower, too, a coupletimes."Kenzo giggled like a schoolgirl."But never outside yourapartment?""I know -- ha ha, laugh at the virgin," he said, rolling hiseyes.But Kenzo wasn't laughing.His eyes blazed.His gaze grewso intense Evan hardly knew what to expect."Want to trysomething new?"Without warning, Kenzo grabbed him by the shoulders andturned his whole body around until Evan's back waspressed to the wall.In what seemed like one inexplicablemotion, Kenzo drew down Evan's green joggers and pulledoff his T-shirt."What are you doing?" Evan seemed both to whisper andcackle at once."What if someone comes by?"When Kenzo's gaze drizzled down Evan's sweating skin, heturned instantly silent.He stood staring at Evan s nakedbody.Tossing his hair from his eyes, he said, "Aren't wenaughty? No underwear.I like it.""Well, I forgot to bring an extra pair, and I didn't want towear sweaty Jockeys all afternoon." Evan said absently asKenzo used his damp T-shirt to tie his hands behind hisback."What are you doing? What if they catch us?""They who?" Kenzo asked, dropping to his knees in frontof Evan.At least Evan could comfort himself with thethought that most of his pimples were on his back side.Cherry on Top - 85 "How many people have you seen the entire time we'vebeen climbing these stairs? None."Evan's cock surged visibly when Kenzo ran his fingernailsup Evan s thighs.And what could he do to stop it?Nothing.Well, he could easily wriggle out of the T-shirtsecuring his wrists.But did he want to stop it? Hell, no.Pressing his shoulders back against the wall, he leaned hisass against his hands.His ensnarement only added to hisfeeling of rapture as Kenzo traced firm fingers up to Evan'sstomach, and then down his shaft.He trembled, sensing thetides rising in the blood of his body.As Kenzo stroked him,his cock grew in those pleasure-giving hands.His skinjumped when Kenzo leaned in to kiss his belly.Bite.Nibble on flesh.Evan tossed his head back and looked upat a neutral ceiling.It was like nobody had ever been inexactly this place before.They'd be the first to leave theirimprint on the memory of this space.But panic shot through the bliss as Kenzo's mouthapproached his cock."Wait," Evan pleaded in a voice thatseemed to come from outside himself."I'm all sweaty andgross."Kenzo shot him a teasing glance."You say that like it's abad thing."Without another word, Kenzo sucked his cockhead into awarm waiting mouth and closed soft lips around it.Evan'sspine grew straight as train tracks as Kenzo inhaled hisshaft, all the way down to the base.He felt taller than he'dever been.He could feel Kenzo's nose brush the amber hairabove his cock.The tenderness of the moment wasn't lost,Cherry on Top - 86 even as Kenzo went at him like the world was coming to anend.Everything felt uniquely intense -- unique because everymove was Kenzo's orchestration, and intense becauseKenzo never seemed to do anything half-heartedly.WhenKenzo sucked his cock, it went hard and fast.When hewrapped his long fingers around the base of Evan's shaft,he gripped it hard.He held it steady as he flicked Evan's tipwith an eager tongue, lapping the pre-come like honeystraight from the comb.The sounds emanating from Kenzo's throat lifted Evan toyet a higher level of arousal.Every high-pitched squeakand low-pitched moan made his cock feel bigger and hisarms feel stronger.Evan writhed against the wall until hisT-shirt became loose around his wrists.He caught it as itstarted to fall and pulled on the ends to tighten up the knot.Stroking Evan's cock base to tip, Kenzo sent his tongue onan exploratory mission.When those pink lips sucked theflesh of Evan's sensitive ball sac between them, Evancringed with shame."God," Evan whispered, "You don'thave to do that.I must taste like ball-sweat!""Oh, yeah, you do," Kenzo growled, licking up the centerseam with a wide and wet tongue."You taste like sweat,and I love it!"Evan's muscles surged as Kenzo sucked his balls into thehot mouth one by one, and then both together.Evangasped.His body threw itself back against the wall in fits ofpleasure.The joy was violent.He felt like a giant hadpicked him up off his feet and slammed his shoulders into aCherry on Top - 87 rock.Kenzo sucked on his balls until Evan's knees wentweak."God, I can't stand it.I can't stand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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