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.Chris gave him two months and if it hadn't happenedby then, he'd put the seed into Justin's ear.Justinfollowed, one earphone in, mind somewhere else.Probably still in the pool.He showed Justin where the laundry was and settledwith one hip against the dryer."So what do you think?Are you going to enjoy working with me?""Sure.I mean, it's a little sad, to be the towel guy, butat least I'm in the pool.""You're more than the towel boy, and you know it.Towels are just one of the assistant coach's duties.""I know." Justin chuckled and started the washer."You know me, if I could just swim, I'd just swim.""It's a shame you retired." He watched Justin closelyas he said the words."I had to.I was getting older.I was tired.I didn'twant to do it anymore and I." Justin wouldn't meet hiseyes."I thought you and me could hook up.I wantedyou so bad."138 Regret lurched through him again at having pushedJustin out of the nest as fully and as hard as he had."You never said anything.""I was going to, but then.there wasn't a reason.Imean, you didn't want me, then.""I was just fucking good at hiding it, J." He went overand put his hands on Justin's cheeks, made his boy lookat him."I've wanted you to be mine for a long time.""I thought I was.I had this stupid idea that." Justinrolled his eyes, shook his head."No.Tell me.I want to hear what you have to say.""Well, I don't want to say it.Just let it go, man.""Justin." He growled a little."What?" Oh, pushing."Tell me.Or else." Chris could push, too."Or else what?""I'll have to spank you.""I don't.This.We're at work!""We're the only ones here.And the rules still apply."Justin tugged away from him, "Look, what's in myhead doesn't belong to you.You only get to know what Iwant you to.You don't get to see my heart until I'mready!""My heart is already yours, Justin.I don't want towaste anymore time worrying over what happened in thepast.And I want all of you -- the things you tell me andthe things you don't want to tell me.""Too bad.I'm keeping my stupidity to myself.Dealwith it."He growled at his boy."You are not fucking stupid,boy and neither are your thoughts or emotions." Thatwas one rule broken.Justin glared."It's none of your business.I had astupid dream that you'd turn around in the hotel after Iannounced my retirement and tell me you'd just been139 waiting for me to do it, you'd just wanted to make sureeverything was clear before you could kiss me." Hislover snorted."Instead you told me to make sure Istarted job hunting, that you needed my room.I was allused up, and it was time for you to find someone else towork with."He'd never -- not once -- suggested Justin wasworthless or used up.Not one time."I did not say that.Yes, I wanted you to stand on your own.I wanted you tofind your own way because I was not going to forcemyself on you.I was all you knew, how could I justifymaking a move on you? But I never, ever, not once saidthat you were either worthless or used up." He knew hewas practically snarling the words, but he was pissedoff, damn it!"You didn't even care what the hell happened to me.All those years together and you never once even calledme!""I didn't think I could! Not without begging you tocome home to me.And that was clearly a mistake, onethat I regret, but you can't keep punishing us both for it.""Sure I can." Justin looked at him, looking ten yearsolder, all of the sudden."I shouldn't, because it's juststupid and won't help, but don't fool yourself.I totallycan."He wasn't going to let Justin do that.Growling, hegrabbed Justin up and pressed a hard kiss on Justin'slips.Justin moaned and pushed into his arms, pouring allthat energy into him, trusting him with it.Chris took thekiss deeper, letting Justin know that he was beingclaimed.Justin was his boy.Period, full stop.And if Justin started swimming again, well, fuckeveryone who had a problem with them.Lots of spousescoached their loved ones.He felt it when Justin relaxed,140 when his boy gave in and let him inside.He hummed hisapproval, hand finding Justin's ass and holding on.He loved the hint of chlorine on Justin's lips.It felt soright, so how Justin should taste.Groaning, he pressedthem closer together, fucking Justin's lips wildly.Justin'scock was hard, his boy humping, rubbing off againsthim.Chris glanced at the door; good, they'd closed it andhe'd locked it after coming in.He encouraged Justin's movements.He shoved hishand in Justin's pants, into the still-wet suit.He foundJustin's hard prick and wrapped his hand around it, theheat of it burning against his palm.Justin humped hard,driving, pushing him with needy little sounds.Herubbed his thumb across the tip; they never did go intowhat the sounds were, not properly but he wanted tofuck Justin's slit.Justin cried out into his lips and came, heat sprayingover his fingers."That's my boy.""Oh, god.Chris." Justin moaned, kiss going sloppy.He couldn't help but smile, which didn't help the kisstake shape any better, but he didn't care [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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