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.Itwas easy to reach down, wrap one hand around Kyle's thigh, and draw him closer.Their tonguesand hips danced in tandem, the shower suddenly steamier.He wasn't going to last long, but it didn't really matter, because it didn't feel like Kyle was goingto last, either.Kyle's fingers opened and closed on his shoulders, a sure sign his lover was almostthere, and then Kyle suddenly cried out, heat spilling over his belly and cock.That was almost enough, and he jerked and grunted, bucking up against his lover as he came.Kyle clung to him, resting against him."Oh, I think I needed that, babe.Missed it the night youcame home.""Fuck, yeah." He chuckled, kissed the corner of Kyle's mouth."Man, it's good to be home.""It's good to have you home.It's even better now that you're not so sick."He nodded and grabbed the soap, started washing them off, scrubbing them down.Kyle pushedinto his soaping like it was still sex, like his touches were setting his lover on fire.He worked thesoap over Kyle's back, belly, scratching gently."Mmm.I usually do this for you." It was true; Kyle was the homemaker -- always taking care ofhim."Yeah.Humor me." He liked touching Kyle."I think I can manage that." His lover was so sensual, pushing into each and every touch.Games People Play: Straight as an Arrow - 56 Hunter chuckled, cupped Kyle's balls, weighed them in his palm, rolled them a little bit.Kylegroaned and licked his lips, legs spreading for Hunter."Horny little bastard." He tugged, just a bit.Kyle laughed, cheeks going red."It's because of you.""I hope so!" He snorted and took a quick kiss."I'm right here."Kyle popped him in the arm."You know what I mean."That tickled him, and he laughed into Kyle's lips.Kyle's smile tasted amazing, and his lover'shands were warm and good as they grabbed hold of his ass and held on.He washed Kyle's hair,his own, humming softly.Kyle touched him, fingers stroking across his nipples and rubbing hisbelly."You could make a wish, like I was Buddha."That had Kyle laughing and rubbing his belly harder."What's your wish, my son." He ohm-ed.Kyle's laughter got louder, his lover pressing closer."You want to cook steaks out tonight, or do you want to go out?""I want to stay in." Kyle met his eyes."I want to stay in with you.""Oh." His smile grew across his face."I can handle that.""You can, can you?" Kyle's smile grew wicked."Can you handle it even if we try playing alittle?"He looked at Kyle, a little confused."No matter what we do, it's still us.Still good." Right?"Yeah.You gotta tell me, though, if you decide you don't like the game playing, 'kay? In fact,you should have a safeword.""A safeword? For us?""Yeah.I mean, you can't just shut your laptop and have everything stop if we're doing it inperson, can you?"His cheeks went red hot and he ducked his head."No.Geez.So embarrassing."Games People Play: Straight as an Arrow - 57 "Why are you so embarrassed?""Because you saw me being the super dork.I just was so.what am I supposed to do? Andtyping and jacking off at the same time is hard."Kyle chuckled, but when he pushed close, Hunter could feel Kyle's cock firming up again."Youwere hot.It turned me on.""I kept thinking about you." And that was no lie."We'll have to see if the real thing works just as well.Turn off the shower and get us dried off.""Have you ever? For real?""No, only online in the chat rooms.I've read a lot, though.And I know the safeword thing'spretty important, so I want you to pick something we normally wouldn't say during sex.""Oh.Okay." And also, good.Kyle picked up a towel and put it in his hand."Start drying and tell me what your safeword is.""How about budget?" He wrapped one towel around his waist so he wouldn't drip, then focusedon getting Kyle dry."That works." Kyle smiled at him but didn't make any attempt to help with the drying."Although, we need to watch the kink budget might come up.""Maybe while we're talking about it, but I doubt it'll come up while we're doing scenes." Kylesuddenly giggled again."Kink budget.I'm talking about kink budgets with you.""You have the cutest laugh."Giving him another chuckle, Kyle slid a finger across his stomach."Thanks.You wouldn't bechanging the subject, would you?""Me? I would never do that.""Right." Kyle kissed him softly."Okay.I want you to call me sir while we're doing a scene [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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