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. You repulling my leg, he said.I shook my head. No, it s only fair.You deserve a weebonus occasionally.You ve worked hard for it. Half, you said? You ll give me half the boodle for thefruit? Certainly will. Well, Sandy smiled,  like you said, let s get those baskets,ladders and secateurs organised! And, uhm, what about the other half of the workforce?The tone of Ellie s voice was the very epitome ofcommercial no-nonsense. Come again, dear? I replied, feigning puzzlement, butknowing full well what was coming. The other half of your workforce.Me! I think I deservea bonus as well. She turned to Sandy. Agreed?Sandy gave a knowing wink and nodded his head.18Kup książkę Przeczytaj więcej o książce MISADVENTURES OF A PARTY ANIMAL And an equal one, at that, added Ellie, with a sweet smilein my direction. So, dearest, she said, giving me a pat onthe back,  I ll have the other half of the French Andyboodle& if you don t mind.The phone inside the house rang before I could answerher. I ll get that, Ellie told me,   ehm, while you re thinkingabout my offer, OK?Sandy and I got on with loading the required amount ofempty crates onto the tractor and trailer.That was Jock Burns, Ellie announced when shereturned. Phoning from Edinburgh.He s on the next flightto Palma.Tells me he s bringing a haggis.A really big one.Wants you to pick him up at the airport this afternoon. Well, that should work out just fine, I breezed. I ll beat the airport delivering the oranges to French Andy swarehouse in any case.No problem. Correction.One problem.You ll never get there in timeif only two of you are going to pick the fruit.And you can tlet Jock down  not after all he s done for you.Ellie liked playing these little games.She handled all ourfinances anyway, did all the banking, paid all the bills.Interestingly, although she hadn t bothered to learn muchspoken Spanish before we came to Mallorca, she had madea point of perfecting the art of writing cheques in heradopted language, complicated numbers and all.In fact, shewas the only person who knew exactly what our monetarysituation was from day to day, week to week, month tomonth.So, for all I knew, she may well have been about todivert half of today s windfall income to her personal pursein any case.She, like Sandy, needed and deserved her ownspending money, after all, and I had absolutely no problemwith that.Knowing Ellie, though, it was more likely that19Kup książkę Przeczytaj więcej o książce [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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