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.(SHORE - BASED PERSONNEL)Name:___________________________________________ Job title:_________________________________Review period:____________________________________________Appraiser's name and job title:_______________________________________________________________Grading code: A - very good, B - good, C - satisfactory, D - below average, E - unsatisfactoryAssesmentGradeRemarksProfessional competenceJob knowledgeProductivity and organisation of workUnderstanding the high standards of performance and behaviourConversance with EnglishKnowledge and compliance with Company's QSMS proceduresCommitment to quality and awareness of safety at seaKnowledge of ship's operationsCost and budgeting awarenessDisposition and temper including performance under stressInitiative, driveQuality of workConduct, sobriety, appearanceCompany loyalty and integrityAdaptability to new requests or work conditionEfforts to continue to learn and extend the range and depth of his/her knowledgeProfessional developmentSelf education and additional training taken on his/her own initiativeTeam work and communication skillsRelationships with superiorsRelationships with peersRelationships with subordinatesRelationships with clients and subcontractorsPotential and suitability for promotionGeneral knowledge and eruditionSpecial skills, pursuance of any hobbies, other interestsOverall evaluationTraining given in assessed period or new experience gained:Training recommended:Disciplinary action taken (if any):Comments of Employee on the above:Signature:__________________________ Date:________________Signatures:Appraiser:Date:Managing Director:Date:Personnel Manager:Date:Note: To be completed yearly and filed in personal file at Personal Department.To retain till termination of employment.Issue date: 03.11.2003/Rev.00 PBO-PD02-F02 Page: 1/2STAFF APPRAISAL RECORDQSMS PBO-PD02-F02 Rev.No.00 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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