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.It is also called UnguentumArmarcum.OPRIMETHIOLIM --- A Mineral Spirit which assists in the formation of Metals and Minerals.OREPIS --- A Fiery Vapour of Tartar.ORIZONTIS --- Tincture of Gold.ORNUS --- The Wild Ash.OSATIS --- Wood, Dyer's Wood, Pastel.OSCIEUM --- The Plant Api or Smallage.OSEMUTUM --- Iron Wire.OSMUNDA --- A Species of Fern-the Fern Royal. OSYRIS --- A Plant known by the name of Purging Flax.OTAP --- Sal Ammoniac Tinged Red by Water of Colestar.OUBELCOR --- A Cucurbit.OXELEUM --- Vinegar Beaten up with Oil.OXOS --- Vinegar.OXYACANTHA --- Barberry.OXYCROCEUM --- A Medicament composed of Vinegar, Saffron, and some other drugs.OXYDERCICA --- Remedies adapted for Strengthening the Sight.Eye-salve.OXYGALA --- Sour Milk.OXYLAPATHUM --- A sort of Sorrel or Dock.OXYTRIPYLLUM --- The Sour or Acid Trefoil; so called, firstly, on account of its flavour, and,secondly, because it has three leaflets like common trefoil.P P PP.AE, PAR, PART AEQ --- Abbreviations for Equal Parts.PACHUNTICA --- Ingredients used for Thickening, or for giving Consistence to a Medicament.Some Philosophers have applied this name to the Sulphur of the Sages, because it coagulates andfixes their Mercury.PAJON --- Bezoar, Animal Concretion, Medicinal Stone, Antidote.PANACEA --- The Universal Panacea is one of the results of the Hermetic Work, and the only onewhich the philosophers of ancient times proposed as their end in view.[Note that this view is incontradiction with what has been previously cited from another source.] It is probable that thetransmutation of metals was in no sense their main object, and that it was only by a consideration ofthe virtue and the qualities of their Medicine that they were led to apply it to the achievement of thisend, which succeeded according to their hopes.PANCHYMAGOGUM --- Sweet Sublimate.PANDATIEA --- Solid Electuary.PARADISE (Grain of) --- Cardamon.PARDALIANCHES --- Aconite. PAREGORIC --- A Medicament with the assuaging properties of Anodyne, Soothing andTranquilzing Pain.PARONYCHIA --- A small Plant, which is good for Sores in the neighbourhood of the Nails.PART WITH PART --- Amalgam of Gold and Silver.PASSIVE --- The Inactive Condition of Substance; that which is acted on by an agent.It isinterchangeable with the term Patient.PATIENT --- A Substance acted on by another Substance to accomplish the generation of acomposite.Mercury is the Patient in the Work of the Stone, while Sulphur combined with Fire, arethe Agents.PAULADADA --- A species of Sigillated Earth, found in Italy.PEARL OF THE CHEMISTS --- The Dew of the Spring Season.It is so called, because itcondenses into drops which resemble these precious Stones.Some chemists have regarded it as theveritable Matter of the Hermetic Work, and as the Philosophers affirm that there are twoindispensable Matters --- the one Male and the other Female --- they have given the name of theMale to the Dew of the Autumn period, or that of the month of September, and the name of Femaleto the Dew of the month of May.This is because they say that springtime dew partakes more of thewinter cold which has preceded, and the other of the heat and geniality of the summer.PELLICULE --- The Matter of the Work during the period in which it is in Putrefaction; sonamed, because it has the form of a Pellicule upon its surface; it is also polished, and like BlackPitch.PENTAMYRON --- An Unguent, composed of five ingredients --- to wit, Styrax, Calamite,Mastic, Opobalsamum, Wax, and Nardic Ointment.PEPANSIS --- A process of Cooking or Dressing, which is adapted to giving perfection to a thing.PEPANTINQUE --- The First Heat that is requisite in the digestion of the Matter of the Work, andfor disposing it towards that putrefaction which is preliminary to a fresh generation.PIERCE --- To Pierce with the Lance, or with an Arrow, or a Javelin; the coction of the Matter ofthe Work by means of the Philosophical Fire, which is called the Lance or javelin.PERYCLYMENUM --- Honeysuckle or Woodbine.PERIMINEL --- An operation by which a Substance is reduced to Cinders.Reduction to ashes orfine dust is sometimes called Adulphurs.The two processes in conjunction are termed Agasoph.PERIPLOCA --- A species of Convolvulus.PHACE --- The Vegetable called Lentil.PHELLODRIS --- Cork.PHILADELPHUS --- A Species of Gluten. PHILOSOPHER --- The Lover of Wisdom who is instructed in the secret operations of Nature,and who takes pattern by her procedure for the production of more perfect things than she hasherself evolved.The name of Philosopher has been given from time immemorial to all those whoare duly initiated into the operations of the Great Work, which they term also Hermetic Science orPhilosophy, because Hermes Trismegistus is regarded as the first who became illustrious therein.Itis further claimed that the proficients in this achievement do alone really deserve the title ofPhilosophers, because it is they only who know Nature in her inmost depths, and because by meansof this knowledge they have arrived at the knowledge of the Creator, unto whom they pay worshipand adoration in all love, fidelity, and respect.They affirm further that it is precisely this love ofGod that is the first step which educes towards wisdom, and they never weary of impressing ontheir disciples, whom they call the children of Science, the necessity of this love.PHILTRATION or FILTRATION --- That Action whereby a Liquor is Clarified and Purified.The subtle part is separated from the gross, thick, and terrestrial part.It is generally performed bypassing the liquid through a linen cloth, or by some similar means.PHILTRE --- In Vulgar Chemistry this is a piece of some kind of stuff, cut to a convenient size,and shaped like an inverted cone.Liquids are passed through it with a view to clarify them.It is alsoperformed by means of a funnel of prepared paper, and in other ways.But in the terminology of theHermetic Science the Philtre signifies the Azoth of the Sages, because it is by means of Azoth thatthe pure is separated from the impure [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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