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.It requires a peculiar kind of intellectual myopia to ship supplies and technology tothe Soviets when they are instrumental in killing fellow citizens.What about the argument that trade will lead to peace? Well, we've had U.S.-Soviettrade for 52 years.The 1st and 2nd Five Year Plans were built by Americancompanies.To continue a policy that is a total failure is to gamble with the lives ofseveral million Americans and countless allies.You can't stoke up the Soviet military machine at one end and then complain that theother end came back and bit you.Unfortunately, the human price for our immoralpolicies is not paid by the policy maker in Washington.The human price is paid bythe farmers, the students and working and middle classes of America. The citizen who pays the piper is not calling the tune  he doesn't even know thename of the tune.Let me summarize my conclusions:One: trade with the USSR was started over 50 years ago under President WoodrowWilson with the declared intention of mellowing the Bolsheviks.The policy has beena total and costly failure.It has proven to be impractical  this is what I would expectfrom an immoral policy.Two: we have built ourselves an enemy.We keep that self-declared enemy inbusiness.This information has been blacked out by successive Administrations.Misleading and untruthful statements have been made by the Executive Branch toCongress and the American people.Three: our policy of subsidizing self-declared enemies is neither rational nor moral.Ihave drawn attention to the intellectual myopia of the group that influences and drawsup foreign policy.I suggest these policies have no authority.Four: the annual attacks in Vietnam and the war in the Middle East were madepossible only by Russian armaments and our past assistance to the Soviets.Five: this worldwide Soviet activity is consistent with Communist theory.MikhailSuslov, the party theoretician, recently stated that the current detente with the UnitedStates is temporary.The purpose of the detente, according to Suslov, is to give theSoviets sufficient strength for a renewed assault on the West.In other words, whenyou've finished building the Kama plant and the trucks come rolling off  watch outfor another Vietnam.Six: internal Soviet repression continues  against Baptists, against Jews, againstnational groups and against dissident academics.Seven: Soviet technical dependence is a powerful instrument for world peace if wewant to use it.So far it's been used as an aid-to-dependent-Soviets welfare program.With about asmuch success as the domestic welfare program.Why should they stop supplying Hanoi? The more they stoke up the war the morethey get from the United States.One final thought.Why has the war in Vietnam continued for four long years under this Administration?With 15,000 killed under the Nixon Administration?We can stop the Soviets and their friends in Hanoi anytime we want to. Without using a single gun or anything more dangerous than a piece of paper or atelephone call.We have Soviet technical dependence as an instrument of world peace.The mosthumane weapon that can be conceived.We have always had that option.We have never used it.Footnotes:* He, in original. Appendix C:Letter from William C.Norris, Chairman ofControl Data Corporation to CongressmanRichard T.Hanna, 1973.Control Data Corp.Minneapolis, Minn., December 19, 1973.Hon.Richard T.Hanna,Rayburn House Office Building,Washington, D.C.My Dear Congressman Hanna: On Wednesday, December 5, 1973, testimony wasgiven before the Subcommittee on International Cooperation in Science and Space ofthe House Science & Astronautics Committee by Mr.Benjamin Schemmer, Editor,Armed Forces Journal International.This testimony included the statement thatControl Data Corporation had advanced the status of Soviet Computer technology byfifteen years with the sale of a Control Data 6200 computer.Such a statement regarding transfer of technology to the USSR is simply not factualand we are prepared to correct that misstatement as well as other incorrect andmisleading references to Control Data's activities with the USSR at the pleasure ofyour Committee.Meanwhile we respectfully request the consideration of thefollowing.We have offered to the Socialist countries only standard commercial computers, andthese offerings have been in full compliance with the export control andadministrative directives of the Department of Commerce.The statement regarding a proposed sale of the CYBER computer is thoroughlyconfused.CYBER is a generic name denoting a line of computers.The least powerfulmodel is the Control Data 6200 which is installed at the Dubna Nuclear Researchfacility near Moscow.Another is the CYBER 76 which is the most powerful andappears to be the model Mr.Schemmer is referencing.At the appropriate time we willseek advisory opinions and submit to the government export license requests forapproval for applications in such areas as weather forecasting, simulation in theWorldwide Weather Watch Program, in econometric modeling and in education.Competition from West Europe and Japan will be expected to address theseapplications with the same kind of technologies that we offer [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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