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.I’ll personally see that she gets to your office later.”His brother’s scowl deepened.“Take your piss.I’ll wait in your conference room.”Five minutes later, relieved, teeth brushed, and ready to get his ass chewed out—not that he didn’t plan to chew back—Dallas walked into the conference room.He set two cups of coffee on the big mahogany table and pushed one across the top to his brother.Tony, on the phone, nodded his thanks and pulled the cup toward his lips.“Tell them I just need five minutes.Damn it, get the doctor to okay it.”Did Tony mean Ellen Wise? Dallas sipped his coffee, grabbed a Sports Illustrated magazine from the table, flipped through the pages and feigned disinterest in the conversation.He wondered if his eyebrows went up when he did that, too.“Did you get a confirmation from Brian and Sterns?” Tony asked the person on the line.Dallas’s interest was piqued even higher when he heard the name of the firm where Nikki’s husband had worked.Tony’s frowned deepened.“I don’t give a damn.You tell them I’ll be there at two o’clock and somebody better be there to talk to me or the next court appearance they’ll be making will be their own.” He hung up and eyed Dallas with the same mood he’d offered the caller.“What do you know?” Tony asked.“What do you know?” Dallas countered.“Don’t fuck with me.”“Don’t worry, you’re not my type.”“I could go wake her up right now,” Tony threatened.Dallas almost got pissed, but then stopped himself.Knowing when to toss in the towel wasn’t a sign of weakness, but intelligence.So he tossed it and hoped he got something for his trouble.“She didn’t notice anything that was taken from her place.”“You believe her?”“One hundred percent,” Dallas said, meaning it.Tony looked as if he knew something Dallas didn’t, so he just waited for Tony to continue.Taking another sip of his coffee, Tony finally spoke, “It looked like a computer had been hooked up to the desk top, but it isn’t there now.Did she bring it with her?”Dallas shook his head.“I asked about the computer.She sold it a couple of weeks ago.”Tony leaned in.“That doesn’t sound fishy to you?”“Not when she’d already confessed to having money issues.”“So maybe she was doing something on the side to make a little cash.Drugs?”“Christ, Tony.Does she look like a drug dealer?”“Have you forgotten that the first thing they taught you at the academy was not to go on stereotypes?”“It’s not just how she looks.It’s… my instincts.”“And like I said earlier, your instincts are being overrun by your dick.You’re so hot for her you can’t see how bad this looks.Hell, Rick Clark told me you bet on her guilt.”Dallas flinched.“So there’s your proof.I see how bad this looks.But when I looked closer, I realized the truth.Why the hell do you think I’m representing her? For Christ’s sake, she’s not the type of woman I want to get involved with, but I can’t stop myself.” He gut knotted when he admitted that truth.“Look, I know she’s not guilty.”“We’re cops.We’re supposed to look at the evidence.”Dallas leaned in.“I was a cop.Look where the evidence got me.Or did you even look at the evidence in my case? My guess is that you didn’t.You knew I was innocent.”“You’re my brother.”“And I was innocent.But the evidence didn’t prove that.”Tony shook his head.“Damn, you’re right.You can’t be a cop again.You’ll never be able to let the evidence speak for itself.”“Good thing I don’t want the job then,” Dallas said.“And I still look at the evidence—I just know the evidence can lie.”Tony slumped back in his chair.“You, Austin, and Tyler were framed.Most people who look guilty are guilty.”“Yeah, we were framed.But Nikki’s not being framed and she’s a suspect.My other client, Eddie Nance, isn’t being framed unless you blame Detective Shane for setting him up, and look what he’s up against.”“No one is setting anyone up,” Tony said.The silence was heavy.Dallas wanted to ask about what happened between Tony and Shane, but he figured that would send Tony over the edge.Before he sent his brother there, he wanted more information about Nikki’s case [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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