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.Skyler nodded. I think everyone fears if Zev wakes he ll think we buried him alive.He s Lycanmore than Carpathian, at least in his mind.I know what it feels like to think you re buried beneath theearth and can t get out. She shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself. Maybe your father and I did you a disservice by allowing you to remain human.Skyler sent her mother a smile. No, I think you raised me exactly right.Dimitri s teaching meeverything I need to know, and Ivory s been helping me as well.She and Razvan have offered us wolfpups.We re both very excited to be able to have them and become a pack with them.Francesca s eyes widened. How amazing.Ivory and Razvan are very.elusive.I m glad he sreaching out to you and sharing your life a little more. It was me more than him that kept a distance, Skyler admitted. The idea of having mage bloodwas repugnant to me, until I needed it.Suddenly I was more than grateful to have it.I realized theblood and lineage had nothing to do with whether or not I chose to use my gifts for good or evil.Thatis my choice and my responsibility.Francesca smiled at her. I m so very proud of you.The things you ve accomplished already arefar beyond your years.Dimitri is lucky to have you. I m lucky to have him.He s so good to me and patient.He never once pushed me for anything.He just was this constant in my life.A rock.Always there, expecting nothing from me.How could Inot fall in love with him?Francesca took her hand. I think the flower ceremony would be good for you, Skyler.Are youable to be with him intimately without panicking?Skyler nodded.She had become used to the open way of Carpathian communication and even withher mother, or maybe because she d always talked things over with Francesca, talking about makinglove to Dimitri didn t embarrass her. So far, so good.He s very gentle with me and patient.I lovehim all the more for that.Francesca nodded. I m grateful he s your lifemate.He is a good man and a fierce warrior.He llprotect you always.It s nice to know he s so capable.Gabriel was telling me that just last rising. She suddenly lifted her head. Oh, dear.I do believe your friends have tracked you down, Skyler.I lovethem dearly, but tonight their exuberance will be just a little too much for me.Skyler gripped her hand, suddenly comprehending.Francesca was very pale, and she hadn t cometo help save Zev, although she was a tremendous healer. You re pregnant, aren t you? You didn twant to tell me because of this silly worry of mine.Francesca leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. Yes, I m pregnant.With all this going on, thefighting, the scare with you, I ve been a little exhausted.Gabriel wants us to go home so I can rest, buthe s needed here and I don t want to leave until I know you re safe. Mom, you should have told me right away, instead of letting me go on and on about whether ornot I could have a baby.You have to know I m so excited and happy for you and Gabriel for us all.Ilove babies.Tamara is the cutest, best sister in the world.Have you told her yet?Francesca shook her head. We thought it best to see if I carry.You know it s always so scaryduring the pregnancy.Skyler frowned. Have you had trouble? Just a little bit, while I was traveling.I ve been spending most of my time with Sara.She s onbed rest so we ve kept things as quiet as possible with everything going on.She s very near term whileI m just starting out.Skyler let her breath out.She could hear Josef and Paul running across the field toward them, Paulwhooping enthusiastically and Josef playing leapfrog over him. Francesca, let Gabriel take you home.Have him call in Darius and Julian. Darius was Gabriel syounger brother. They ll come.You know they will.They can take his place.I ll be fine.I ve gottons of protection.I can t turn around without stumbling over Carpathian men, watching that noassassin creeps out of the woodwork to do me in.Francesca sighed, her fingers once more stroking lovingly through Skyler s hair. If we go, youknow Lucian and Jaxon will go with us.Lucian still watches over Gabriel like a hawk.Gabriel thinksit s funny. Go, Mom, Skyler encouraged. Mikhail would tell them all to take you home. She leaned overand kissed her mother. You re on some kind of a hit list. Go.Really.I d be on that list whether you were here or not.I d rather know that you and the babyare out of harm s way and that you have a good chance to carry this little life to term.If it comes tome never being able to have a baby, I ll have my sisters and brothers. She hugged Francesca hard. Go home for me, Mom.Pounding footsteps announced the arrival of Paul and Josef.Francesca smiled at Skyler. That s my cue.I ll talk to Gabriel.I know Ivory and Razvan arestaying close to watch over you. Aww, Mrs.D.! Josef skidded to a halt and bowed low, sweeping a jaunty black fedora from hishead. Have no worries about young Skyler Rose.I m here to save the day. Thank you, Josef.Now that I know she s safe, I ll go find my lifemate.Hi, Paul.It s so good tosee you again.The two of you take good care of my girl.Paul threw his arm around Skyler s neck and pretended to strangle her. She s safe with us, hegrowled in a threatening manner, winking at Francesca.Skyler ducked her shoulder and threw him in a smooth, rolling move.Paul somersaulted andlanded on his feet. I see that you boys have this under control, Francesca said.She blew a kiss to her daughter and was gone, shifting into vapor and streaming away. Nice move, hotshot, Paul said admiringly. I let you show off for your mother.Skyler laughed. You re the one who taught me that move so don t pout. She flung her armsaround him and kissed his cheek. How are you feeling? You re the only one of us who couldn t gointo the ground to heal properly.Josef snorted. Don t go giving him any sympathy.He s been basking in it ever since he arrivedhere.He s got that sister of his and four aunts to fuss over him as well as his uncles, who don t daregive him the lecture he so richly deserves because they ll face the wrath of their lifemates.He smilking it.Paul s grin turned a little sheepish. There could be some truth in that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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