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.He lowers the window when we get to an iron gate and enters the code that opens it.As we drive up, my leg begins to bounce again on its own accord as I wring my hands together.Cole turns around and covers my hands with his, squeezing gently to affirm that I'm okay.I nod slowly in response.I take a deep breath and gulp down my apprehension as Connor switches the engine off.Closing my eyes, I silently repeat I can do this before getting out of the car and taking Cole's hand as we follow Connor up the steps to the house.He knocks twice before an older lady in a French maid outfit opens it.I frown and tug Cole's arm, looking up at him in question as we walk past her.His replying smirk tells me he's seen her before and thought the same thing—odd.I've always loved that Cole and I can have a conversation with just our eyes.I'm not sure if that stems from knowing each other for so long or just the way we know each other.Connor rubs his hands together and strides to the other side of the house as I look around at everything from the polished off-white marble floors that I can see practically see my reflection in, to the dual staircases on either side of the foyer.We trail behind him slowly, across a long corridor filled with family photos on either side of it.My eyes go from face to face in all of the photos until one catches my attention, making my heartbeat quicken.I let go of Cole's hand and walk toward the picture, willing my breathing to stabilize as I look at it in shock."Hey, what's wrong?" Cole whispers.I look at him with my mouth hanging open before looking back at the photo of a woman that looks like she could be my twin.Standing beside her is an older lady with brown hair and sky blue eyes—Aunt Shelley.I clasp my hands over my face to contain any emotion from seeping through while taking a deep breath.Cole wraps his arms around me and pulls me toward him, and I let him hold me."That.that's Sh-Shelley," I whisper hoarsely and watch his eyebrows raise in surprise."Your aunt?" he asks with wide eyes.I nod slowly in response, my mind still reeling over seeing my mother and my aunt, the aunt who took care of me for nine years.The one whose intentions I never had a reason to question before now.She was as alone as I was, sad even, hurt.I shake my head, slowly refusing to believe this is real.I shake it harder for good measure in hopes to wake up, until Cole holds both sides of my face and angles my head to look at him."I'm getting you the fuck out of here.Now," he growls with narrowed eyes."CONNOR!""No, Cole!" I say loudly."NO! I NEED TO KNOW, DAMMIT!""Blake, listen to me.LISTEN TO ME!" he says, shaking me by the shoulders when I try to walk past him.My eyes snap to his cold glare and I run through things I can tell him so he'll back off.Before I can say anything, he presses his lips roughly against mine, making the air rush out of my body.My chest is heaving when he backs away and before I have a chance to react, he scoops me into his arms and begins to stalk toward the exit.I cling to his shoulders and look at Connor, who is now jogging toward us with a confused look on his face.I demand Cole to put me down—still looking at Connor—when I see three men dressed nicely trailing behind him."COLE!" The one with salt and pepper hair yells before they break off into a sprint toward us.Cole turns around, fully facing them as he holds me tighter to his chest."Fuck all of you!" He shifts so that he's holding my body with one hand.I contemplate getting on my feet but decide not to until he's done with his rant.When they reach us, Cole points at them with his other hand.First at the oldest man, Brian, my grandfather.Then at the man standing on one side of him that I don't know."You lied to me! You fucking lied to me! You said you didn't know where she was all those years!"I gasp, realizing that the other man is probably Cole's father, Camden.I squint my eyes and realize that it does look like him, although he looks different when he's on television.Still, he's definitely Cole and Aimee's father, and he does have a mixture of both of his kids in him."Brian, what the fuck is he talking about?" my father, Liam, shouts."Let the kid talk, Liam," Brian demands as he gestures for Cole to continue and raises an eyebrow.His gray eyes are thunderous as he looks at us impatiently.Cole puts me down and rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt before tucking me into his side and holding me there.I look at the three men, Brian, Liam, and the one I assume is Camden, Cole's father.The only one that doesn't look like he's visibly holding his breath is Brian."Blake saw a picture of her aunt inside! Her aunt and her mom posing together.What the fuck?" Cole exclaims loudly, throwing an arm up."Let's go inside and we can talk about it," Brian says, waving his right hand toward the house.Connor looks at the three men and back at Cole and me before walking up to us and standing next to me.I feel his fingers brush my shaky hand before he places it in his, and I let him, thankful to have a cousin that takes my feelings into consideration."Explain it here.Explain it now, Grandpa.This fucking girl has been through enough! COLE has been through enough! They were kids! JUST KIDS! If somebody took Eli from me like that, I'd fucking kill them without thinking twice.I'd hunt them the fuck down.I wouldn't stop until I found my kid! EXPLAIN IT HERE BECAUSE I WANNA HEAR THIS SHIT TOO!" Connor yells loudly, his hand squeezing mine as he does.Both Brian and Camden rub their foreheads as Liam stands with his arms crossed, waiting for the men to speak, I guess.I turn my head into Cole's body and breathe him in, reminding myself of what's important and who's important.Reminding myself that at the end of the day, these people are strangers to me and they don't matter.They never did.I sniffle back tears, making both Cole and Connor shift their bodies toward me and look down to make sure I'm okay.I wipe my face on Cole's shirt and let go of Connor's hand as I wiggle myself out of Cole's hold."I'm fine," I whisper to them, looking them both in the eye for assurance, before taking a step toward the men.Both Cole and Connor move with me, and it occurs to me that the two men standing behind me can take the men before me in a fight if it came to that.I close my eyes and pray it doesn't come to that, though [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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