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. What do we do? If Oberon sent the Hob,then they re more than likely on to us.Oh? Robin smiled at the vendor and poin-ted to a particularly stunning necklace madeof dripping stars.He d see Michaela wearingit before the night was through. Howmuch?The vendor named a price, but Robinwasn t paying any particular attention.Hedug into his purse for the required amount,his attention on the two men arguing not tenfeet away. We stick to the plan.Those were Her or-ders, and I for one am going to obey. But what if  148/556 No.Let the Raven Lord deal with theHob, Wyght.We do our part, nothing less.Understood?The Sidhe lord grunted his displeasure. Why I have to take orders from you I willnever understand.Robin paid for the necklace in cash, wait-ing patiently for the receipt.He was in nohurry to move.This was getting better andbetter. What about the redcap? Do you thinkhe ll speak? Wyght was nervous.PerhapsRobin would visit the redcap in the hospital.If he had information on Titannia s plans,Robin would get them from him. One survived? Shit.Does the Fear Dearcknow? I have no idea.Lord Raven doesn t ex-actly come to my tea parties.Robin picked up his bag and moved closerto the speakers.If they were aware of thesurviving redcap, they might be aware of 149/556Michaela as well, and that would not do.McNeil would destroy her and leave nothingbut bones behind. We need to tell him.Deal with it,McNeil. What was that, Wyght? Which one of usis in charge again?The silky threat in the water horse s voicewas clear to Robin, but Wyght didn t appearto notice. I ll be bringing that little fact upwith Her soon.You ll be sent packing.Whyyou were even allowed out of that loch youwere haunting, I ll never understand. Maybe because I m more useful thansome pansy fairy with his head in theclouds. McNeil laughed, the sound surpris-ingly sweet. That doesn t work on a fae ofthe water, Wyght.Robin tilted his head in surprise, but kepthis gaze glued to the knitwear on the tablehe d moved to.McNeil was resistant to aSidhe s glamour? Intriguing.He d been 150/556aware water fae had a slight resistance tomental manipulation, but to find one wholaughed in a Sidhe s face? He was eitherolder than Robin had assumed, and there-fore careless with his kills, or he had somespecial resistance Robin was unaware of.He d have to ask Duncan when next he sawthe Sidhe Lord.Duncan, at just over fivehundred years old, was a powerful Sidhe, onewho could influence any but the strongest ofminds. Be aware, any one of these seemingly in-nocent humans could be the Hob.From nowon, we stay silent unless we re in the privacyof our rooms.No more panicking, Wyght.Imean it.You wouldn t want your Clan to bewithout a leader, would you? There was asweet-sounding chuckle, and the sound offootsteps.The scent of each uisge faded,leaving the sour stench of fear behind. One day, I m going to cut him up andturn him into glue. 151/556Robin grinned and heartily concurred. Chapter Eight Michaela?She turned, dazzled once more by Ringo sgood looks and winsome smile, butsomething about his appearance botheredher.The diamond studs in his ears were hot,but&  Are you wearing lip gloss?Ringo put his hand to his mouth, wiped it,and showed her his palm.It was clean, theshine she d imagined no longer present. Why on earth would I wear lip gloss?She relaxed.She d probably just imaginedit.Ringo wouldn t make a date with her andthen be with someone else.Would he?  At afairy convention? You have to ask?Moira, who d stuck with her most of theday, giggled.She d made a hell of a compan-ion, snarky and sweet at just the right 153/556moments.She d turned some surprisinglydull workshops into something Michaelawould remember for a long time to come. Believe me, my sweet.My interest issolely in the fairer sex.She tilted her head, and forever aftershe d say the devil made her do it. You couldbe a transvestite, like Eddie Izzard.Ringo blinked, his expression shocked.Maybe she shouldn t tease him.Jaden, on the other hand, had the mostimpish grin on his face. You know, there area lot of movie titles that would be a lot morefun if the word transvestite were part of it.Day of the Transvestite Triffids, forinstance.Moira grinned. The Transvestite Son ofthe Mask. Freddie the Transvestite Got Fingered.Michaela stumbled as Ringo came to a deadhalt. What? 154/556Ringo s dark brows quirked upward. Ithought that movie was made.A tall, cool blond put his arms aroundJaden and Moira, tugging them close. Thereare a lot of movies that would have been bet-ter with a transvestite in them.LikeShowgirls [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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