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.We do not speak much of peace, as Earth does, but we atleast practice it.When Earth called for a conference, we accepted at once,for the sake of peace, even though there is no shadow of any sort on our titleto the Saturnian system."But what of Earth? How does it back its views? They are very fluent in theirtalks on peace, but their actions match their words very poorly.They calledfor peace and practiced war.They demanded a conference and at the sametime outfitted a war expedition.In short, while Sirius risked its interestsfor the sake of peace, Earth, in return, made unprovoked war upon us.I canprove this from the mouth of a member of Earth's own Council of Science."He raised his hand as he spoke the last sentence, his first gesture of anysort, and pointed dramatically to a doorway upon which a spot of light hadbeen160allowed to fall.Lucky Starr was standing there, tall and defiantly straight.A robot flanked him on either side.Lucky, on being brought down to Vesta, finally saw Bigman again.The littlePage 65 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlMartian ran to him, whileYonge looked on with dour amusement from a distance."Lucky," pleaded Bigman."Sands of Mars, Lucky, don't go through with it.Theycan't make you say a word if you don't want to, and it doesn't really matterwhat happens to me."Slowly Lucky shook his head."Wait, Bigman.Wait one more day."Yonge came up and took Bigman by the elbow."Sorry, Starr, but we need himtill you're through.Devoure has a great sense of hostage, and at this point I rather think he'sright.You're going to have to face your own people, and dishonor will bedifficult."Lucky nerved himself for just that when he finally stood hi the doorway andfelt the eyes upon him, the silence, the caught breaths.In the spotlighthimself, Lucky saw the delegates to the conference as nothing but a giantblack mass.It was only after the robots led him into the witness box thatfaces swam out of the crowd at him, and he could see Hector Conway in thefront row.For a moment Conway smiled at him with weary affection, but Lucky dared notsmile back.This was the crisis and he must do nothing that, even at this latemoment, might warn the Sirians.Devoure stared at the Earthman hungrily, savoring161his coming triumph.He said, "Gentlemen.I wish temporarily to convert thisconference into something approaching a court of law.I have a witness herewhom I wish all the delegates to hear.I well rest my case on what he says he,an Earthman and an important agent of the Council of Science."He then said to Lucky with sudden sharpness, "Your name, citizenship, andposition, please."Lucky said, "I am David Starr, native of Earth, and member of the Council ofScience.""Have you been subjected to drugs, to psychic probing, or to mental violenceof any sort to induce you to testify here?""No, sir.""You speak voluntarily, and will tell the truth?""I speak voluntarily and will tell the truth."Devoure turned to the delegates."It may occur to some of you that CouncilmanStarr has indeed been handled mentally without his knowledge or that he may bedenying mental harm as the very result of that mental harm.If so, he may beexamined by any member of this conference with medical qualification Iknow there are a number of such if anyone demands such examination."No one made the demand, and Devoure went on, addressing Lucky, "When did youfirst become aware of the Sirian base within the Saturnian system?"Curtly, unemotionally, eyes staring stonily forward, Lucky told of thefirst entry into the Saturnian system and the warning to leave.Conway nodded slightly at Lucky's complete omission of the capsule or of AgentX's spying activities.Agent X might have been merely a Ter-162restrial criminal.Obviously Sirius wanted no mention of its own spying atthis time and, as obviously, Lucky was satisfied to go along with them inthis."And did you leave after being warned?""I did, sir.""Permanently?""No, sir.""What did you do next?"Lucky described the ruse with Hidalgo, the approach to Saturn's south pole,the flight through the gap in the rings to Mimas.Page 66 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlDevoure interrupted, "Did we at any time offer violence to your ship?""No, sir."Devoure turned to the delegates again."There is no need to relyonly upon the word of theCouncilman.I have here telephotos of the pursuit of the Councilman's ship toMimas."While Lucky remained in the spotlight the rest of the chamber wasdarkened, and in thethree-dimensional imagery the delegates watched scenes ofThe Shooting Starr speeding toward the rings and disappearing into a gapwhich, at the angle of photography, could not be seen.It was next shown racing headlong into Mimas and disappearing in a flash ofruddy light and vapor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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