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.C.Harrison, 7 Nov.1877,Burton Norvell Harrison Family Papers, LC.25.VHD to W.T.Walthall, 16 Dec.1877, W.T.Walthall Papers, MS; VHDto JD, 3 Mar.1878, JD to Maggie Hayes, 25 Feb.1878, JD to WD, 30 Mar.1878,JD Papers, AL; VHD to JD, 18 Apr.1878, Louisiana Historical Society, New Or-leans.26.JD to Dudley Mann, 25 Apr.1878, William P.Palmer Coll., Western Re-serve Historical Society; JD to Crafts Wright, 4 Sept.1878, JD Papers, AL; Memoir,2:826; JD to Addison Hayes, 22 Mar.1878, JD Papers, AL; JD to W.T.Walthall, inDorsey s hand, 24 Mar.1878, W.T.Walthall Papers, MS; Sarah Dorsey to JD, 1 Nov.1877, JD Family Coll., MC; Ledger, Estate, S.A.Dorsey account with Payne Ken-nedy & Co, 26 Dec.1878 to 12 Apr.1880, JD Family Coll., MC; JD to WD, 27Nov.1878, JD Papers, AL; JD to Addison Hayes, 29 June 1877, JD and Family Pa-pers, MS.27.Wyatt-Brown, House of Percy, 165 166, 168 169, 160.28.Will of Sarah Dorsey, written 4 Jan.1878, probated 15 July 1879, LouisianaState Museum; JD to Eliza O.Cochran, 24 June 1879, JD Family Coll., MC; ExhibitA, filed 12 Dec.1879, Stephen Percy Ellis et al.v.Jefferson Davis, Equity Case No.8934, RG21, U.S.District Courts, General Case Files, Eastern District of New Or-leans, National Archives, Fort Worth; Sarah Dorsey to Dudley Mann, 25 Apr.1878,JD Family Coll., MC.29.Wyatt-Brown, House of Percy, 164; JD to VHD, 15 Mar.1879, JD and FamilyPapers, MS; Memoir, 2:826; VHD to W.T.Walthall, 8 Sept.1878, W.T.Walthall Pa-pers, MS.30.JD to VHD, 26 Feb.1877, JD Papers, AL; Jeff Davis Jr.to VHD, 1 May 1877,JD and Family Papers, MS;  Jeff Davis Once More, New York Times, 30 May 1875,p.9;  Jefferson Davis Speaks Again, New York Times, 12 Sept.1875, p.1; JD to WD,13 Nov.1874, W.T.Walthall to VHD, 15 Oct.1878, JD Family Coll., MC; JD toStephen D.Lee, 17 July 1878, Stephen Dill Lee Papers, UNC.31.Francis H.Smith to JD, 23 Feb.1875, Superintendent s Correspondence, Jef-ferson Davis Jr., Dropped 11 May 1875, Superintendent s Order Books, VirginiaMilitary Institute Archives; JD to Jeff Davis Jr., 21 July 1874, TL; J.M.Greer toWD, 31 Aug.1876, JD Family Coll., MC; Interview, Mary Hill and Olive Hill Gros-venor, 1919, p.6, Hill and Grosvenor Papers, UNC; VHD to JD, 14 16 Apr.1866,JD to WD, 17 Oct.1877, JD Papers, AL; Jeff Davis Jr.to JD, 5 Sept.1878, JD Fam-ily Coll., MC; Jeff Davis Jr.to JD, 19 Sept.1878, JD Family Coll., MC; JD to VHD,26 Feb.1877, JD Papers, AL; Arthur Marvin Shaw, William Preston Johnston: A Tran-sitional Figure of the Confederacy (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press,1943), 116.32.Margaret Humphreys, Yellow Fever and the South (Baltimore: Johns HopkinsUniversity Press, 1999), 5, 28, 60 61; Thomas H.Baker,  Yellowjack: The YellowFever Epidemic of 1878 in Memphis, Tennessee, Bulletin of the History of Medicine 42(1968): 243 250, 261; Terrell, Colored Woman in a White World, 36 37; Jeff DavisJr.to JD, 5 Sept.1878, JD Family Coll., MC; VHD to W.T.Walthall, recd.12 Oct.366 notes to pages 225 2291878, W.T.Walthall Papers, MS; Memoir, 2:827 828; Addison Hayes to JD, 14Oct.1878, S.C.Harvey to JD and VHD, 17 Oct.1878, W.T.Walthall to VHD, 17Oct.1878, JD Family Coll., MC;  Jefferson Davis Son, New York Times, 21 Oct.1878, p.2; Interments, Elmwood Cemetery, Jeff Davis Jr., Special Colls., MemphisPublic Library.33.JD to Addison Hayes, 18 Oct.1878, JD Papers, AL; VHD to Col.Ellyson, 5Mar.1895, JD Family Coll., MC; VHD to Hartley Graham, 22 Jan.1887, JD Papers,AL; VHD to Catherine Thompson, 26 Mar.1885, MC; VHD to C.C.Harrison, 5Apr.1880, Harrison Family Papers, UVA; VHD to W.T.Walthall, recd.21 Oct.1878, in JD s hand, W.T.Walthall Papers, MS;  Jefferson Davis Son, New York Times,21 Oct.1878, p.2; Sally A.Menken to VHD, 1 Nov.1878, Frederick and EllenMcGuiness to JD and VHD, 22 Oct.1878, JD Family Coll., MC; JD to WD, 27 Nov.1878, JD Papers, AL.34.JD to VHD, 12 Jan.1879, JD Papers, TU; JD to VHD, 7 Apr.1879, JD Pa-pers, AL; JD to W.T.Walthall, 26 Feb.1879, W.T.Walthall Papers, MS; VHD toMrs.Hayes, 12 Mar.1879, JD Assoc., RU; VHD to JD, n.d.[27 Mar.] 1879, JD Pa-pers, AL; JD to Dudley Mann, 3 Sept.1879, JD Assoc., RU; Payne Kennedy & Co.to Sarah Dorsey, 4 Feb.1879, JD Family Coll., MC; Indenture between SarahDorsey and JD, 19 Feb.1879, May Wilson McBee Papers, Greenwood-Leflore Pub-lic Library, Greenwood, Mississippi; JD to Eliza O [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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